Author Topic: Most ignorant/dumb thing you've heard someone say/ask about technology?  (Read 23894 times)

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Offline aeTIos

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Lol, a virus that reduces USB size?
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

Offline Happybobjr

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ya, they exist.
Same kinda thing happens on ebay.  They will turn 2 gig into '200' gigs and sell them :/
School: East Central High School
Axe: 1.0.0
TI-84 +SE  ||| OS: 2.53 MP (patched) ||| Version: "M"
TI-Nspire    |||  Lent out, and never returned

Offline aeTIos

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You sound like you're talking from experience?
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

Offline Happybobjr

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I know people who have bought them.
School: East Central High School
Axe: 1.0.0
TI-84 +SE  ||| OS: 2.53 MP (patched) ||| Version: "M"
TI-Nspire    |||  Lent out, and never returned

Offline ben_g

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Girl at School(With a TI-83+): I want to make a program with my name as the title. How do I make a new program?
Me: *grabs calculator and makes program(takes less than 5 seconds)* *Hands calculator back*
Girl: Wow! That was fast! Thanks!

Not trying to make fun, but really?
It's also funny how most people I know that have a graphing calc have a program with as name their own name, with just some random stuff typed in it. They think that when it asks for a name, you have to fill in your own name instaed of the name you want to give to your program.
Even funnyer is that they often don't even know they made a program, and sometimes they don't even know the calc can run programs.
My projects
 - The Lost Survivors (Unreal Engine) ACTIVE [GameCommandoSquad main project]
 - Oxo, with single-calc multiplayer and AI (axe) RELEASED (screenshot) (topic)
 - An android version of oxo (java)  ACTIVE
 - A 3D collision detection library (axe) RELEASED! (topic)(screenshot)(more recent screenshot)(screenshot of it being used in a tilemapper)
Spoiler For inactive:
- A first person shooter with a polygon-based 3d engine. (z80, will probably be recoded in axe using GLib) ON HOLD (screenshot)
 - A java MORPG. (pc) DEEP COMA(read more)(screenshot)
 - a minecraft game in axe DEAD (source code available)
 - a 3D racing game (axe) ON HOLD (outdated screenshot of asm version)

This signature was last updated on 20/04/2015 and may be outdated

Offline Keoni29

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Girl at School(With a TI-83+): I want to make a program with my name as the title. How do I make a new program?
Me: *grabs calculator and makes program(takes less than 5 seconds)* *Hands calculator back*
Girl: Wow! That was fast! Thanks!

Not trying to make fun, but really?
It's also funny how most people I know that have a graphing calc have a program with as name their own name, with just some random stuff typed in it. They think that when it asks for a name, you have to fill in your own name instaed of the name you want to give to your program.
Even funnyer is that they often don't even know they made a program, and sometimes they don't even know the calc can run programs.
To them it's an organizer/phone book/calculator.
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Offline annoyingcalc

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My friend asked how do I go up a directory in his downloads folder
This used to contain a signature.

Offline squidgetx

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ya, they exist.
Same kinda thing happens on ebay.  They will turn 2 gig into '200' gigs and sell them :/
I remember when I was in China I got a 16g flash drive (this was 7 years ago). At first it worked, and I was copying over pictures from my cousin's camera into it. Suddenly it told me it was out of space...So I checked how big the picture folder was... (Windows XP)

You know how on old computers, if a file is very large the size will visibly increase for a few seconds before settling on the total number? Well it did that...And kept doing it...

It told me the pictures folder was 200GB before I closed the window... It wouldn't let me reformat or delete anything or copy or move anything on the drive XD

Moral: be careful buying electronics from China even though they are all 1/8 regular prices

« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 06:47:14 pm by squidgetx »