General Discussion => Technology and Development => Other => Topic started by: Eeems on May 23, 2013, 11:38:15 pm
Quad core 3.5GHz i7
HIS Radeon HD7870 IceQ graphics card with 2GB Dedicated memory.
2x 24 Inch LED Monitors.
Total cost: $1914.54 CAD
I've been asking for a new computer for years now. (Literally nothing else, i've been working hard for it but have yet to receive anything but clothes.)
But awesome Eeems!
I've been asking for a new computer for years now. (Literally nothing else, i've been working hard for it but have yet to receive anything but clothes.)
But awesome Eeems!
I bought my computer with my own hard earned tax returns. Err... Well I did work to make the money I payed for taxes in the first place :P
Is that one of those customizable gaming mice or something? It almost looks like it took a few falls or something and started to fall apart, tho iirc some are supposed to look like that :P
Whole setup looks spiffy anyways.
Quad core 3.5GHz i7
HIS Radeon HD7870 IceQ graphics card with 2GB Dedicated memory.
2x 24 Inch LED Monitors.
Total cost: $1914.54 CAD
If TI made a calculator with such specs, it would cost ten times more.
Also I hate doing taxes stuff because I always forget how I did it the year before, causing me to sometimes miss out on refunds I'm eligible to. >.< This year went better, though, since I used a software (which ended up being free due to me earning fewer than $20000 last year), which made sure I don't forget anything. Also only Quebec seems to double-check our stuff immediately, so I prefer to never take any Canada tax refund for granted (sometimes they send me tax refunds, only to ask them back 8-12 months later)
I'm not planning to upgrade my computer yet, though, even though your new computer specs makes me drool, lol, but I might do so in 2-3 years (assuming desktops are not phased out by then), since Starcraft keeps updating their engine with extra bugs and enhancements, which causes the game to run slower and slower as years go by <_<
=0 do want./me still doesn't even have a desktop :P saving money is difficult
That's a neat looking machine there :) I must say those cables look like you took them straight out of a Crysis Nanosuit :P
Quad core 3.5GHz i7
Wait, wait. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but doesn't i7 stand for 6 core, not 4... If it's quad core, shouldn't that be i5?
There are some with 6 cores iirc. But most have 4. (Like
I'm saving up money for a desktop too. I wonder if I can do better for $520. To be able to realize this I will be re-using parts from my old pc: The harddisk, psu, monitor and case.
My goodness Eeems! :O That's nice, but quite a lot to spend. I've been thinking about upgrading myself, but like Keoni, I'd be reusing a lot of the current parts. I'd mainly want to upgrade the graphics card. Other concerns would be cpu and ram. I already have a decent monitor and my 37" hd tv as a second monitor.
*edit* Might need a new power source too depending on what all I get. Haven't priced anything out at all.
Stock cooler? Why?
Here is how I think my budget will be spent:
Gfx: msi 1GB second hand €60
Ram: 8GB-16GB second hand €50
Motherboard: second hand €130
Cpu: i7 second hand €100
SSD: samsung 250GB new €140
Total: €480/ us$622
I expect to be able to negotiate over prices and even get it for far cheaper as always.
There are some with 6 cores iirc. But most have 4. (Like
I meant, i7 = 6 core, if it's Quad core, it should be i5. It's just how they are labeled. What I mean is it doesn't HAVE 6 cores it MEANS 6 cores.
Atleast I could have sworn that's what it stood for... Hmmm, doesn't matter, it's nice anyway ^_^.
No it doesn't, i7 Extreme's (often grouped with i7) have 6 cores. Regular i7's are quad cores.
At least, that has been the pattern so far.
Source: ( ( (
Hmm, the only i7's I have seen have been 6 core ???, coincidence maybe?
Is that one of those customizable gaming mice or something? It almost looks like it took a few falls or something and started to fall apart, tho iirc some are supposed to look like that :P
Whole setup looks spiffy anyways. My mouse. I quite like it.
Quad core 3.5GHz i7
Wait, wait. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but doesn't i7 stand for 6 core, not 4... If it's quad core, shouldn't that be i5? 4 cores, 8 threads.
Stock cooler? Why?
There are 5 fans in the case and it currently staying at a static 29C. I don't need more cooling than there already is. (And before you ask, yes, it is quiet. Even with all the fans running at once. Super quiet. Almost like it's not even there.)
Hmm, the only i7's I have seen have been 6 core ???, coincidence maybe?
Probably. The only ones I've seen have 4 cores.
No it doesn't, i7 Extreme's (often grouped with i7) have 6 cores. Regular i7's are quad cores.
At least, that has been the pattern so far.
Source: ( ( (
Yeah the main difference between i5 and i7 is HyperThreading which is a nifty perf boost for multitasking. ;)
No it doesn't, i7 Extreme's (often grouped with i7) have 6 cores. Regular i7's are quad cores.
At least, that has been the pattern so far.
Source: ( ( (
Yeah the main difference between i5 and i7 is HyperThreading which is a nifty perf boost for multitasking. ;)
Yep, and for me that is a good thing. It's not quite as good for gaming (Most games run on ~2 threads). Luckily I can just disable hyperthreading if I notice too much of an issue. Even so 3.5GHz (That can go up to 3.9GHz) is more then enough to run all games at their max settings.
I've got to say its been awesome to be able to crank the graphics before I actually start the game. It's quite the liberating feeling.
Yeah I tend/love to have a lot of stuff open especially while playing. HT is the ultimate help for that.
Also 3.9GHz is when running on a single core I think. I know that there are people who overclock it at ~4.5GHz (with appropriate cooler though).
As for the GPU, I'm going to take the Sapphire one 'cause it's a beast for only €170. :P
It can get up to 3.9GHz with
From what I understand, it's not just one core.
Oh that's pretty neat !
that's pretty nice, have fun with it :D
You might be able to get more. My i5 (3570K) goes up to like 4.2Ghz or something.
No it doesn't, i7 Extreme's (often grouped with i7) have 6 cores. Regular i7's are quad cores.
At least, that has been the pattern so far.
Source: ( ( (
Yeah the main difference between i5 and i7 is HyperThreading which is a nifty perf boost for multitasking. ;)
Yep, and for me that is a good thing. It's not quite as good for gaming (Most games run on ~2 threads). Luckily I can just disable hyperthreading if I notice too much of an issue. Even so 3.5GHz (That can go up to 3.9GHz) is more then enough to run all games at their max settings.
I've got to say its been awesome to be able to crank the graphics before I actually start the game. It's quite the liberating feeling.
Ha, I know how you feel, I got my desktop a couple months ago and I have been able to run every game I have on max settings, except minecraft with shaders mod installed(Runs fine in windows, but not in full screen for some reason).
You might be able to get more. My i5 (3570K) goes up to like 4.2Ghz or something.
AFAICT you can't really get a lot more out of the current technology than 4GHz, the silicon used just can't have a higher transfer rate than that. That's why they started adding cores instead of increasing clock speed, just because they couldn't.
Also, there's dual core i7 too, it's not only quad and hexas (or even octa)cores.
The sillicon used for ic's is super pure. The next logic step would be opto electronics.
You might be able to get more. My i5 (3570K) goes up to like 4.2Ghz or something.
AFAICT you can't really get a lot more out of the current technology than 4GHz, the silicon used just can't have a higher transfer rate than that. That's why they started adding cores instead of increasing clock speed, just because they couldn't.
Also, there's dual core i7 too, it's not only quad and hexas (or even octa)cores.
Hmmm... The Pentium 4 was planned for 7-10 GHz IIRC.
=0 do want./me still doesn't even have a desktop :P saving money is difficult
after a bit of waiting, i finally got and put together one of my own =)
Haswell i7-4770 at 3.4GHz
16GB RAM at 1600MHz
128GB OCV Vertex-4 /* supposedly 560 MB/s read X_X */ for / and a salvaged disk for /home /* until i can save up enough for a couple of decent drives to stick in RAID 1 */
Gigabyte GTX-760
HHKB Professional 2 /* this keyboard alone accounts for ~$300. it's worth it, though =D */
total: 1389.13 USD
Looks pretty nice :)
This looks nice, but the keyboard looks very dated for the price. :P (the color, that is. I thought they stopped making white keyboards 10 years ago)
Also if you run Windows, don't you just need 3 keys? :P
hehe, for unix-like systems it would be more like this:
ctrl-z as well :)
you also need a seperate semicolon button :P
Hmm this keyboard looks nice but it looks like it lacks a couple modifiers and a numpad. Also I guess it's mechanical ?
you also need a seperate semicolon button :P
Don't forget to include the C, V, and X buttons;
Wait. Which keyboard are we talking about? The small one or the big one;
How about that google tab thingy where you only need two buttons? :D
... or that apple tab thingy where you need no buttons at all cause you can just throw it out of the window *ducks*
Btw, a real keyboard looks like this, of course:
Hmm this keyboard looks nice but it looks like it lacks a couple modifiers and a numpad. Also I guess it's mechanical ?
there's nothing on a full sized keyboard (apart from pause/play/forward/backwards media buttons, i guess) that this one can't do. having the F# keys be secondary functions of the # keys is a little annoying sometimes, but all the other combinations (fn+[, /, ;, ' for up, down, left, and right, for example) are actually a lot easier. the switches are topres; they're capacitive, and use a combination of a higher quality rubber dome and a conical spring to avoid the "mushiness" of standard rubber dome keyboards and the "clickiness" of mechanicals.
... or that apple tab thingy where you need no buttons at all cause you can just throw it out of the window *ducks*
Btw, a real keyboard looks like this, of course:
that's a pretty cool one! Where is it originally from?
That's a ZX81 keyboard. Looks exactly like this, unfortunately - there are no real keys or anything ;) Believe me, it sucks, even though the idea of having the BASIC tokens on-keyboard was pretty neat. Sinclair got it right with the next machine though - the rubber 48K keyboard is awesome.
So here's mine, I had it for over three months now. :) I like to call it Jean-Fred ( full name is Jean-Frédérique II).
Specs :
-i7 3770k
-16GB GSkill sniper pc3-14900 cas 9 RAM
-2TB Seagate Barracuda
-Asus P8Z77-V pro mother board
-Sapphire HD7970 OC with boost GPU
-Akasa Cobra 750W
-Zalman Z11 plus case
-Some random no-name DVD burner I've not used yet
-CPU cooler is Cooler Master hyper 612s
Also as you can see, the cables are kinda messy at the bottom. I can't' do much about it but they're not very dense so not much of an issue.
It runs Arch Linux and Win7 and games just blast me away. I have a 1680x1050 20" display with matt surface. I use a Logitech wireless multimedia keyboard. Also for sound I have a pair of Loewe speakers and a Waterfall HF1 subwoofer hooked up to a Sonos connect:amp, this setup is awesome for both games and music. Also a Logitech G230 headset.
Pretty much it. :P
So I know this is a huge necropost... but Batman has died :(
Looks like the graphics card gave out. I've got a friend coming over with some canned air, we are going to clean out the dust, re-seat everything and see if that fixes anything. If not, I'm going to go out and get a new graphics card. Something I definitely didn't budget for, and I really should have got a new graphics card sooner. You know, before the prices skyrocketed.
Currently looking at potentially replacing it with this:
If your not 100% attached to AMD I know that nvidea is selling at MSRP on their site.
I needed something today. Grabbed an Radeon RX 560 4gb. Should be better than the last card.