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From Nelson Sousa: "ticalc.org's forum is almost near to useless" Uh....ticalc doesn't actually have a forum, and he didn't mention omnimaga, cemetech, or TIBD.
As soon as Ndless was published the first thing that appeared (and so farthe only one that is not a proof of concept or demo) was a Gameboy emulator,just a port from other gameboy emulators, and ported versions of gameboygames. Besides the skill required to hack Nspire OS and create Ndless andthe skill required (in a much lesser extent) to port the gameboy emulator,where's the skill in getting yet another gameboy game running on anemulator? And yet, that's all you see showing up out there from theprogrammer communities that keep saying "give us programming power and we'llchange the world": games. Games, games and more games. All differentplatform games ever invented, all shoot-em-up games ever invented.Unfortunately, you almost never see a really original game ever beingdeveloped or a really original tool that is not simply a port from somethingelse. And that's where the true skill is. Programming is much, much morethan knowing how to code and port.
just a few remarks (I don't want to start a flame war, just expressing mypoint of view, as biased as it may be; it's not my intention to convinceanybody I'm right):