Here are two programs I've made!
The first one is a simple counting program. You give it a number, it counts from 0 to the number and from that number to 0, then asks you if you want to run it again.
90 INPUT "Count to: ";M
100 FOR I=0 TO M
110 PRINT "Count:";I;"Remaining:";M-I
120 PAUSE 0.5
130 NEXT I
140 INPUT "Count again? (y/n)";C$
150 IF C$ = "y" OR C$ = "Y" THEN GOTO 90 ELSE STOP
This program is a stopwatch. Hold in the spacebar to count, release it to pause. Press X to clear the count.
100 T=0:S$="STOP"
110 PRINT T,S$
130 IF K=32 THEN PAUSE .1:T=T+.1:S$="RUN" ELSE S$="STOP"
140 IF K=120 THEN T=0
150 GOTO 110