Author Topic: raspberry pi question  (Read 7876 times)

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: raspberry pi question
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2014, 11:28:13 pm »
dogecoin its not profitable, its making like 4.50 per month, there are other ways better, its not covering electricity consume

Bitcoin and Dogecoin were profitable when they started and had no value, but like many other things, like investing in potential retro video games, any attempt to make money with no effort is a risky move.

Here are ways I use to make money:

1) Make music people would buy, promote it on Youtube and your Facebook/Twitter without spamming, then hope people will buy some copies on Bandcamp, iTunes, Zune, eMusic, or at least stream it on Spotify, Rhapsody or whatever. If you ever do this you better start on Bandcamp, though, since it's free. If you get more followers and your music is dance music you can try iTunes, which can let you afford a few extra video games per year. (I once made $45 in one month from the happy hardcore album). It of course requires A LOT of inspiration, though, which is why I sometimes take 6 month breaks from music making.

2) Don't be lazy and get a job (even if stocker/bagger at Walmart or Target). Even if part time, if you live at your parents it gets the job done more than anything else.

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Re: raspberry pi question
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2014, 12:42:01 am »
2) Don't be lazy and get a job (even if stocker/bagger at Walmart or Target). Even if part time, if you live at your parents it gets the job done more than anything else.
Jobs are great for life.
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Re: raspberry pi question
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2014, 12:54:09 am »
It depends, though: If you get a job for a living later and you really hate it, you will not be happy. Better get a job that you might not like that much, but that you won't mind doing for a living. Of course, you have better chances with higher grade studies, though, and if you don't live in the middle of nowhere.

As teen, however, sometimes you kinda have no choice to get crappy jobs at first, because if your studies happen to fail for any reason (dropping out, market crash in your domain, etc) and you never worked before, if you are like 20-25 years old and are forced to go into retail, restaurant or factory jobs as last resort, then you will have much less chances to get hired than someone who worked part-time at McDonald's, Publi-Sac, Circle K or the school COOP through his studies or during summer. I even saw people pretty much get barred for life from any job they try to apply to because they waited too long before finally starting working. Of course it's not as bad if you major into something that isn't manual labor, such as video games, but it can still happen.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 01:09:49 am by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: raspberry pi question
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2014, 01:33:42 am »
dogecoin its not profitable, its making like 4.50 per month, there are other ways better, its not covering electricity consume

Bitcoin and Dogecoin were profitable when they started and had no value, but like many other things, like investing in potential retro video games, any attempt to make money with no effort is a risky move.

Here are ways I use to make money:

1) Make music people would buy, promote it on Youtube and your Facebook/Twitter without spamming, then hope people will buy some copies on Bandcamp, iTunes, Zune, eMusic, or at least stream it on Spotify, Rhapsody or whatever. If you ever do this you better start on Bandcamp, though, since it's free. If you get more followers and your music is dance music you can try iTunes, which can let you afford a few extra video games per year. (I once made $45 in one month from the happy hardcore album). It of course requires A LOT of inspiration, though, which is why I sometimes take 6 month breaks from music making.

2) Don't be lazy and get a job (even if stocker/bagger at Walmart or Target). Even if part time, if you live at your parents it gets the job done more than anything else.
That last statement is very true. If you live at your parents, they already provide all you need so you keep your money for other stuff, and you don't need a huge salary.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: raspberry pi question
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2014, 01:36:49 am »
True, although it's best that you help them a bit too if needed. If they have troubles meeting both ends and you keep all your money for luxury stuff, it might not be very respectful unless they absolutely don't want you to spend a dime on food/rent for any reason. Still a good way too make money, though, since you usually still have plenty for yourself even if you pay part of your food or rent.

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: raspberry pi question
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2014, 02:55:47 am »
Of course you owe help to your parents. ;)