I know My problem hasn't really that much to do with the board's name, but I dod not knew where else to post it.
My problem has to do with a DVD I got from a firm, selling water.
There's a raffle on the DVD, too. (Together with some movies, telling us how WONDERFUL their water is)

But on that DVD is a protection: It should only be usable on one single computer!
Thatfore, I found a hidden file on the dvd (look at the attach)
I had some problems with copying it, so I saved the file as a .txt
It was stored as
desktop.iniThe weird thing is, that the hidden file is shown under
Files to be written to the diskEvery other files like the movie is shown under
Currently on the media filesAnd when checking the information about the file, I got known this:
Created: 06.7.2010
Last time changes at: 18.06.2012
And I watched the movie on that day - on juni 18th
But I never executed the .exe on the DVD which should have started through the autostart file.
My question is: How is it working???
It's no DVD+RW

Is it possible to identify a computer with its
Should I also upload the .executable file?