Author Topic: Where to start  (Read 3502 times)

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Offline aggie

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Where to start
« on: April 05, 2013, 04:48:30 pm »

This is my first post, and i'm finding out that I can't search for what I'm looking for and need to make 40 posts. I'm the chatting kind of guy, but i'll give it my best shot.

I'm an older student studying engineering. I bought a Ti-nspire cx CAS, i'm trying to find out how to make a program for physics questions. I'm finding there isn't much out there. So, with that said, I don't know where to start.

Can any of your point me to a post, or guide me where to begin? I know enough to re-format a hard drive and root my droid, other than that, i'm a newbie.

My purpose to try write codes for my hand held is due to how horrible my professor is. So I need to find a way to compensate.

Thanks and glad to be here!

« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 04:48:43 pm by aggie »

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Re: Where to start
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2013, 04:52:25 pm »
Hey there and welcome here!

If you want to search, well it's disabled and you should use Google (with and if you want to chat with us, you can always find us on EFNet #omnimaga (the thing that needs 40 posts is linked with it) ^_^

Also peanuts.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 04:53:04 pm by Juju »

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Re: Where to start
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 08:41:01 pm »
let's get first to serious buisness:
Ok, now let's talk about other stuff. So, you can also go on #omnimaga by cklicking the IRC button in the nav.
And the nspire has a built-in program editor in (crippled) basic and you can program it on lua (but you need to program it for that on the pc)

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Offline aeTIos

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Re: Where to start
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 10:25:07 am »
What do you exactly want to do? If you want to automate certain things, Nspire basic is the way to go.

*tutorial alert*

Basically you open up a new document and save it in the MyLib folder (only if you want to access the program/function from other places). Next up is opening your Program Editor; this is done by [menu][9][1][1]. Next up, type in the name of the program and set the type: Do you want it to be a function or a program?
A function is good for almost any long calculation you want to automate, e.g. calcualte the gravity at a certain distance above earth. It returns the last value that it got, a.k.a. the "Ans" variable. A function can be used from anywhere. A program is for your more sophisticated stuff where you need user input during your program.
Next up, library access. I always set this to public so it comes into the catalog. This is really useful when you want to use your programs in the Scratchpad or in other documents, so set it. (you can change it afterward though)
After this, the program editor pops up.
Now what? Well, you see 2 things: your usual calculator window, and the program editor. How surprising. In the program editor part, you can edit 2 parts: the arguments that are passed to the program, and the program itself. In the arguments part, place the names of the variables you want the user to pass to the program when he calls it (this is the only way of passing values to a function by the way).
Now, if you click at the part between func... endfunc and prgm...endprgm, you can edit it. If you press [menu], a nice menu pops up with categories for commands you can use. You can use this menu while programming, but I recommend just using the (however small) keyboard.
Math and stuff works the same as in the calculator so I won't explain that. And because math is the only thing you can do with Nspire basic, this is the end of the tutorial.
If you want to know stuff, Stefan (in the post under this one) linked to [tibd=nspire]this[/tibd] TI-Basic Developer page, which is really useful.
For other questions, we're happy to answer them!
also peanuts:
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 10:46:25 am by aeTIos »
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Re: Where to start
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 10:32:19 am »
Maybe this is a help?

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