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:.0:"Grammer Noyel !:If 5/3≠1:Then:ClrDraw:Text(0,0,"Please install Grammer:Text(7,0,"to run this program.:Return:End:AsmPrgmFDCB24DEC9:ClrDraw:Text(0,0,"loading...:DispGraph:π9872→Z:π9340→Y:Lbl "N","ZCH→a:Lbl "O","ZCH→b:Lbl "Y","ZCH→c:Lbl "E","ZCH→d:Lbl "L","ZCH→e:Send(6,"DNOYEL→M:Lbl "T1","ZCH→p:Lbl "T2","ZCH→q:Lbl "B","ZCH→r:Lbl "C","ZCH→s:Lbl "A","ZCH→w:Lbl "H1","ZCH→x:Lbl "H2","ZCH→y:Lbl "H3","ZCH→z:Lbl "F→F:.MENU:Disp 'Y:Disp °Z:ClrDrawZ:ClrDraw:Shade(27:Lbl "CH","ZCH→A:prgmA:solve(1,Y,Z,768:Fill(0:Line(31,35,19,33,0:For(C,1,5:If C=1:a→B:If C=2:b→B:If C=3:c→B:If C=4:d→B:If C=5:e→B:For(A,1,7:2*C -1→K:Pt-On(10,B,A,K,2,13,Z:DispGraph:If A≠7:Pt-On(10,B,A,K,2,13,Z:prgmF:End:End:Output(2:Disp Z:Text(56,10,"start / stats / quit:Disp Y:Disp °Z:0→K:r→C:Return→R:getKey→G:If K=0:Then:randInt(3,88→A:randInt(0,15→B:End:If K=0 or K=7:Pt-On(10,C,B,A,1,8,Z:If K=7:‾9→K:K+1→K:prgmF:If G=15 or G=50 or G=49:Goto Lbl "Q:If G=51:prgmLbl "STAT:If G=99:Goto Lbl "MENU:If G<52:Goto R:ClrDrawZ:Fill(0:p→C:q→D:0→K →J:M[0,0,0,0,0,0:2→V:Shade(30:Horizontal 56,0:::Return→R:getKey→G:K+1→K:If K=1 or K=5:Pt-On(10,C,2,3,5,16,Z:If K=6 or K=10:Pt-On(10,D,2,3,5,16,Z:If K=10:0→K :If J=0 and randInt(0,2:Then:0→H:randInt(1,5:If =1:x→H:If =2:y→H:If =3:z→H:If =4:Pt-On(10,w,40,11,,16:If H:Then:Pt-On(10,H,40,10,2,16:M+5 [1:End:End:DispGraph:Tangent(V,2:J+V→J:Vertical 95:Vertical 94:Horizontal 56,0:Pxl-Off(randInt(56,65),randInt(94,97:DispGraph:If J≥16:Then:solve(1,M+1,M,5:M+5 [0:0→J:End:If G=15:Goto Lbl "MENU:Goto R::.Q:ClrDraw:ClrDrawZ:DispGraph:ClrHome:Stop:.F:DispGraph:Fill(23,0,35,4,4,18:End:.STAT:Disp Y:ClrDraw:Text(0,0,"BC:DispGraph:!Pause If getKey=15:99→G:End
1) Is that possible to display text on a specified buffer ?
Disp 'pi9872 ;or whatever the buffer isText(0,0,"StuffDisp 'pi9340 ;Or whatever your main buffer is.
2) Is that possible to archive the data program, and run a subroutine inside while it is archived ?
Do you mind if I look for a way to speed up your grayscale, though?
I will point out that you can convert all the hex (sprites?) directly to data and store all the sprites in an appvar. This will save some memory and slightly speed up sprite display.
:.A:08081C3E1C7F3E7EFF7EFF7EFF3C1818 ;16 bytes (compressed):.C:004428FE92FE ;6 bytes (compressed):.N:08101C181E181D18391C391C389C389C18581878183808100000 ;26 bytes compressed
.0:Pause "Grammer Required":Return
Repeat A=51 ;[ZOOM] is pressed<<main code>>EndWhile getKey ;EndStop
Repeat A=51 ;[ZOOM] is pressed<<main code>>EndPause If getKeyStop
Looks interesting, and that fire animation at the start fits really well.
Xeda, your example could be great if the problem was just to exit the program, but it's more complex
Repeat <<stuff>> ;main loop<<don't change A>>Repeat A>0: and A≠BA→BgetKey→AEnd<<don't change A>>End
And, I am sorry, but this:Code: [Select].0:Pause "Grammer Required":Returndoesn't work. The program is Paused or crashes when Grammer is installed.