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Today's Bug: Doing a numerical expression of the form (1)2 in the CAS results in an error. The CAS does not handle implicit multiplication well.
Today's Suggestion: I wish there was a | key in the Math palette, as I use that character in assumption statements a lot.
Now I'm absolutely disappointed about this HP-Prime (and its CAS), and I'll definitely stay with my good old TI-92+/Voyage 200 with its (modified) Derive CAS which is clearly better and more reliable than this 'hobby project' XCAS.
Quote from: sailerboy on September 27, 2013, 01:24:37 pmI've got another question that may seem simple. How does one do Polynomial division?For example, I entered (x^7+4x^3+8)/(x^2+2) in the cas mode, and it just rewrites it as a fraction. I tried using "simplify()", but that doesn't change it at all. To do division, I have to go to the on screen menu, select CAS, select Polynomial, Algebra, Quotient, and input the function, but even then, I get "Gen [int] Error: Bad Argument Type" It seem that XCAS has no function implemented that does what you want, i.e. 'divide out' 2 polynomials (or a ratio of 2 polynomials).Most other CAS have such a function (e.g. 'divout'), but you can define such a function yourself in the HP-Prime CAS:divout(p):=quo(numer(p),denom(p))+rem(numer(p),denom(p))/denom(p)Now if you enter divout((x^7+4x^3+8)/(x^2+2)) you get exactly what you want - an 'integer' part of the polynomial division and a 'remainder' part.Franz
I've got another question that may seem simple. How does one do Polynomial division?For example, I entered (x^7+4x^3+8)/(x^2+2) in the cas mode, and it just rewrites it as a fraction. I tried using "simplify()", but that doesn't change it at all. To do division, I have to go to the on screen menu, select CAS, select Polynomial, Algebra, Quotient, and input the function, but even then, I get "Gen [int] Error: Bad Argument Type"
...Better said: it WAS quite interesting, until I found out all these terrible issues and problems of the used XCAS! Now I'm absolutely disappointed about this HP-Prime (and its CAS), and I'll definitely stay with my good old TI-92+/Voyage 200 with its (modified) Derive CAS which is clearly better and more reliable than this 'hobby project' XCAS.
because of a very bad forum reaction on your great kArmTI emulator).
Judging from what many have said, there really have not been any improvements or capability enhancements since the derive time (nspire cas seems basically identical to the 89 machines).
And yeah, the DWIM principle (or at least, what looks like something along those lines) seem to produce many strange effects and racking up a few nerves on MoHPC and beyond.