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I think FILLPOLY might work too, but I don't know if it can produce circles this smooth.
FILLCIRCLE_P(cx, cy, r, color);EXPORT circles()BEGIN RECT(); WHILE GETKEY() == -1 DO FILLCIRCLE_P(RANDINT(320), RANDINT(240), RANDINT(100), RANDINT(#FFFFFF)); END;END;// quick, dirty and not optimal filled circles function// (yeah, MAKELIST is better :p )EXPORT FILLCIRCLE_P(cx, cy, r, color)BEGIN LOCAL s, cl := {}, angle := HAngle; HAngle := 1; FOR s FROM 0 TO 359 STEP 10 DO LOCAL cp := {}; cp := append(cp, EVAL(r * COS(s) + cx)); cp := append(cp, EVAL(r * SIN(s) + cy)); cl := append(cl, cp); END; HAngle := angle; FILLPOLY_P(cl, color);END;