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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2013, 08:40:41 pm »;msg=307018

I think most people who have an HP Prime are on HP Museum forums it seems. It's hard to attract HP fans on a TI forum when there is an established HP-only board around, same problem we had with Casio people. Certain people might see TI boards as the "enemy" or something.

The two problems, though, with HP Museum, is that

1) Their most active contributor hates TI-Planet, Critor and the rest of the team with a passion, and he's banned from both Omni and TI-Planet, two sites which are affiliated together. You know who I am talking about. If we try to lure HP Museum people here, I am unsure what his reaction (via public posts and private messenging) would be, and I already notice that some people such as CompSystems and Tim Wessman hardly ever post on Omni anymore for unknown reasons.

2) The HP Museum registration system is absolutely restrictive in the way that any common e-mail address such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc, are not allowed to register. Not everyone can get an obscure e-mail in less than 5 minutes, and most people don't want to spend more than 1 minute to register on a website anyway. Why not use Facebook connect or StopForumSpam if spam is such a problem?

As for hacking the calc itself, the issue is that on Omnimaga, there are hardly any ARM assembly programmers anymore, which is required to hack the calc, and most people who are interested in HP Prime programming wants it primarily for the BASIC language (since they find high level languages more user-friendly). There might also be some doubts about the popularity of the calc, since it just missed the school start sales by 2 months.

That said I am absolutely unsure about why the sudden drop in interest towards the HP Prime in the last month or two from the people who used to post in this thread and other ones in this section. Is it due to people being busy with school? Do they just prefer to wait until next August when the calc will meet back-to-school 2014, to ensure that the calc will be popular enough to warrant efforts to hack it? Has anything else have happened behind the scenes that could have caused our HP fanbase to migrate to HP Museum or something?

Also I notice lately that every single Youtube video that TI-Planet or Critor3000 posted got at least one downrating.

I may miss a major part of the whole picture here - the author of the single most useful piece of software created for the HP Prime got banned because of some drama that happened on a different forum?

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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2013, 08:58:09 pm »
Not for the quoted drama.
It happened yesterday.
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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2013, 11:51:24 pm »
His ban is not related with HP calcs, but on something entierely different. He got banned here on Omnimaga because the drama has been brought here, that's why.

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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2013, 07:34:26 am »
We're out of topic, but I thougt he was banned for being rude towards the admins (I can't be sure as there is no public annoucement). He's not the one who brought the drama here.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 07:34:46 am by critor »
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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2013, 07:57:11 am »
Then it seems I could figure out most of the drama. I'm surprised you (Critor) didn't get banned. Oh well at least here it's possible to find posts of the past, as opposed to the english-language alternative.

Here's the important part to get this back on topic:

Critor said:
Due to Lionel being now banned from Omnimaga, further comments about HPLP adressed to the author will have to be posted on TI-Planet in the matching topic:

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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2013, 10:23:51 am »
Did I do something which could have deserved a ban?

The last time I did get an unfair restriction of my account (not a ban) was on Yaronet in 2008-2009.
I did leave the site and did never post any work on it again.
Today, the site has totally disappeared from the active TI scene.

Edit: reply received by PM

Ok, so back on topic on TI-Planet or HP-Museum, until better times:
Quote from: critor
Due to Lionel being now banned from Omnimaga, further comments about HPLP adressed to the author will have to be posted on TI-Planet in the matching topic:
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 10:59:51 am by critor »
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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2013, 06:04:20 pm »
We're out of topic, but I thougt he was banned for being rude towards the admins (I can't be sure as there is no public annoucement). He's not the one who brought the drama here.
You're right. I didn't said he did brought the drama here, but he contributed towards the drama here. (DJ did, actually.) Lionel's been rude, that's all I can say.

Now back on that wonderful topic (although it might be kinda more boring as the principal interested is banned for the week...)

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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2013, 03:07:30 pm »
Did I do something which could have deserved a ban?

I don't think so. I think the reason why both me and Lionel were banned is because we received multiple warnings in the past for our respective actions (in my case, bringing up the whole issue in public on the forums, which I did before, out of anger, with the Axe vs ASM/Grammer argument, and in Lionel's case, threatening admins to force them to run Omnimaga the way he wants). I don't think you ever received multiple warnings before and even if you did, your posts in the language war topic didn't seem as rude, not to mention you apologised. However, since this is supposed to be solved by now and that the Language Wars topic was locked for a reason, maybe it would be better to continue that discussion with the admins if you have any concerns.

Anyway, back on topic, I finally got batteries for my 39gII, but that calc is so incredibly unstable that creating an USB dump will most likely be much harder than I thought. It took me 40 minutes this weekend to get the connectivity kit to detect it, unplugging/plugging the cable over and over, same with restarting the software. To make matters worse, half of the time you plug or unplug an USB cable into the calc, it freezes, requiring you to pull all 4 batteries. We also even get crashes and freezes when trying to reset the calc with ON+F1 or when deleting programs from time to time.

However, I am unsure if it would even be worth the effort to implement 39gII support in libhpcalcs, as it seems that even HP has given up on this model. The HP 39gII seemed more like a base for the HP Prime OS and the last firmware update was from September 2012 or so. Considering that the HP Prime firmware fixes most HP 39gII bugs (even though a lot still remains, but the 39gII OS is so unstable that it makes the unnoficial HP Prime emulator from May look bug-free), if HP really intended to continue the 39gII, they would have released a new firmware long ago. Also, since the HP Prime was announced, I hardly ever see any post mentionning the 39gII on HP Museum nor Youtube, so it's possible that poor sales might have played a role as well.

So I would say only implement 39gII support if it's not a major PITA to add it besides the existing HP Prime support, else it might be better to wait until there's more demand, if ever.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 07:20:06 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2013, 03:50:04 pm »
Thank you DJ_Omnimaga. Yes, we're currently discussing this kind of things in order to handle the situation better next time.
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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2013, 04:01:24 pm »
Just to clarify: as I mentionned in the TI-Planet thread, no matter someone's programming skills, his status in the TI community (for example, admin of an affiliated site) and how long/much he has contributed to the TI community, the Omnimaga rules and punishments remains the same. No one get special treatment when it comes to forum rules here (I was banned too, after all).

I agree that it would have been nice for people to know the true ban reasons, though (including mine). Heck, I'm not even sure if anyone was aware that I myself was banned either. ???

EDIT: I see you got a warning the day I was banned. This confirms my thought about the new ban system (it takes multiple offenses in order to get a ban).
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 06:38:26 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2013, 04:09:40 pm »
Just to clarify: as I mentionned in the TI-Planet thread, no matter someone's programming skills, his status in the TI community (for example, admin of an affiliated site) and how long/much he has contributed to the TI community, the Omnimaga rules and punishments remains the same. No one get special treatment when it comes to forum rules here (I was banned too, after all).
And this is quite problematic from my point of view. But this is not about getting special/better treatment at all - I've been totally misunderstood.
We'll go on discussing things and come back with a PM/email anyway if we don't get anything else before.

Whatever we do, it seems like we'll have to wait for Lionel before going back on topic... :P
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 04:23:16 pm by critor »
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Re: libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2013, 07:23:14 pm »
On a side note, regarding the HP 39gII connectivity, what makes matters worse is that the official HP Prime connectivity kit from August no longer detects the 39gII at all. They totally broke compatibility. While you can have both 39gII and Prime kits installed simultaneously, installing the Prime one causes the HP 39gII firmware updater to stop running altogether. Since the HP Prime connectivity kit doesn't detect the 39gII, this basically means that you can no longer update your HP 39gII firmware until you uninstall the HP Prime connectivity kit then re-install the 39gII one! (and even then, will it work again?)