Author Topic: Prime Linux  (Read 4830 times)

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Offline Hooloovoo

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Prime Linux
« on: August 30, 2017, 11:21:00 pm »
Linux is coming to the Prime.
It should have been there a long time; the chip it runs on, the S3C2416, has been supported for a long time. Recently gaining access to tools for jtag, I decided I would go and connect things up, not realizing that the newer revision of Prime didn't even have jatag pins broken out on the front of the board. I bought a prime, and started working.

Tonight, I got up and running with a shell. There's nothing else here but the shell, actually, and many things don't work. But I got the LCD and serial port working, which is easily enough to test with.

Here's a picture of the shell up and running on tty0:

The sources can be found on my github:
ripem build with loader
qemu for Prime
Since I don't have a good setup for the initramfs running right now, I'm going to figure out how to get buildroot up and running. As long as I'm not too busy with school, I'll figure out how to make a keyboard driver and get the rest of the theoretically working platform drivers (usb, touchscreen) working. If anyone wants to help, go ahead!

x-posting to Cemetech and CW
"My world is Black & White. But if I blink fast enough, I see it in Grayscale." -tr1p1ea
Spoiler For some of the calcs I own:

(actually I have quite a few more than this, but I don't feel like making bars for them all.)