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Syntax: FILLPOLY_P([G], {coordinates...} or [Coordinates], Color, [Alpha])Fills the polygon specified by the provided pixel coordinates using the color provided.If Alpha (0 to 255) is provided, the polygon is drawn with trensparency.Example: FILLPOLY_P([(20,20),(120,120),(150,20),(180,150),(50,100)], #FF, 128)
EXPORT POLYFADE()BEGINDIMGROB_P(G1,320,240);DIMGROB_P(G2,320,240);BLIT_P(G1,G0);WHILE 1 DOFOR Z FROM 0 TO 255 STEP 1 DOBLIT_P(G2,G1);FILLPOLY_P(G2,{{0,0},{320,0},{320,240},{0,240}}, #FF0000, Z);FILLPOLY_P(G2,{{Z,Z},{320,0},{320-Z,240-Z},{0,240}}, #00FFFF, Z);BLIT_P(G0,G2);WAIT(.25);END;END;END;
EDIT : no sarcasm intended =(