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EXPORT nitackuanim()BEGINDIMGROB_P(G1,320,240);BLIT_P(G1,G0);FOR Z FROM 239 DOWNTO 0 DOBLIT_P(G0,0,Z,320,240,G1,0,Z,320,Z);WAIT(.125);END;END;
.A0 -> XFor(95)0 -> YFor(63)If rand^2Pxl-Change(X,YEndY++EndX++End63 -> AWhile ARect(0,A,95,64-A0 -> XFor(95)!If pxl-Test(X,A-1RectI(X,A,1,64-AEndX++EndDispGraphA--End
62->A+1While 1Copy(-1*12+L6,+12,63-A*12)DispGraphEnd!If A--+1
Quick try, non-tested (admits that you want to apply the effect to the current content of the screen) :Code: [Select]62->A+1While 1Copy(-1*12+L6,+12,63-A*12)DispGraphEnd!If A--+1
Show-off. It's a little too fast.EDIT: And it doesn't loop through the *whole* screen
My goal was to make it as fast as possible you can put a Pause right after the DispGraph.
0->r1L6+768-24For(63) Copy(,+12,r1+12->r1)-r1-12 Select(,DispGraph)End
L6+768-24For(63) Select(,sub(Sub))-12EndReturnLbl SubCopy(,+12,-(L6+768)*~1)DispGraphReturn
YOu should speed up the effect for the game DJ, it seems too long to be not annoying after ~15 times.