Author Topic: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni  (Read 903514 times)

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2355 on: April 08, 2012, 11:08:14 pm »
2649: You further justify it by telling yourself you chose speed over size.
2652: You further justify it because it takes the least amount of memory to operate as well, so it's all around the best bet.
2651 You can just glance at a hexadecimal code and tell what the sprite would look like.
2653: You visualize sprites as hex code.
2654: Heck, your idea of an image is a series of numbers and letters between A and F.
2654a: You work at Microsoft and it's actually a series of numbers and letters between A and H.
2655: Your mother is a lobster.
2656: Any time someone suggests flipping a coin/rock-paper-scissors/rolling a die/etc. you pull out your calculator.
2657: Any time someone suggests something you pull out your calculator.
2657a: You never pull out your calculator because you think it's an indecent act.
2658: Your brain is a graphing calculator emulator.
2658a: Your graphing calculator is a brain emulator.
2659: You don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend/etc. because you already mentally married your calculator and now you can't be satisfied with any human being.
2660: You subconsciously inserted the word "other" between "any" and "human" in #2659.
2661: You feel guilt from mentally cheating on your imaginary wife/husband with your other calculator.
2662: You know a palindrome before you see it.
2663: You know a prime number before you see it.
2664: Your calculator is in all your family photos.
2665: You sometimes aren't.
2666: At some point in your life you've tried incessantly to convince someone to stop using IFE.
2667: Your suggestion was Gossamer.
2626: You've banned more than 6 spambots in a day.
2668: You've banned more than a hundred. (Props to Xeda.)
2669: You have a live-stream to capture your calculator's everyday antics.
2670: You got your calculator pregnant.
2671: You can't remember the last time you used the 2nd button as anything but a weapon trigger/jump command.
2671a: You know exactly when it was, down to the second.
2672: Your calculator walked into a bar.
2673: You've spent enough money on graphing calculators to feed a small, malnourished country for a year.
2674: You never use words more than sixteen letters long.
2675: Your limits approach 1E100.
2676: You rinse your hands in holy water and cleanse them with a fire before operating your calculator.
2677: People you don't know think you have a gun and panic when they see you pulling a dark, blunt object out of your pocket.
2678: You did it on purpose.
2679: You can hear (and recognize) the sound of a calculator dropping to the ground from a mile away.
2680: You recoil in pain.
2611: You now worship a rubber duck and ask him all your questions.
2681: You gasp in abhorrence at this ghastly irreverence toward the Calculator.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 11:10:32 pm by Deep Thought »

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2356 on: April 08, 2012, 11:08:51 pm »
2687: You fix the number count when people use the a,b,c thing

2688: You think you should tell those people that we actually want to reach 9001 posts :P
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 11:10:19 pm by HOMER-16 »

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

Offline Deep Toaster

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2357 on: April 08, 2012, 11:11:28 pm »
For the record, I use ####a when I want to propose an alternate sign.

Offline Wretchedlout

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2358 on: April 09, 2012, 12:58:43 am »
2689. You not only know what the sprite looks like, but you dream about 1-F floating around in space creating different shapes.
2690. You dream in binary and when you have a nightmare you see the number "2".(Futurama reference)
2691. You have rick-rolled your entire class on your calculator.
2692. You polish your calculator everyday
2693. You are amused at the fact that prgm>for's shortcut is 4

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2359 on: April 09, 2012, 01:03:40 am »
2679: You can hear (and recognize) the sound of a calculator dropping to the ground from a mile away.
2694: You can tell what model of calc it was.
Vy'o'us pleorsdti thl'e gjaemue

Offline Wretchedlout

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2360 on: April 09, 2012, 01:15:50 am »
2679: You can hear (and recognize) the sound of a calculator dropping to the ground from a mile away.
2694: You can tell what model of calc it was.
You can tell what keys were pressed when it hit the ground.

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2361 on: April 09, 2012, 01:20:38 am »
2696: You saw this and the first thing you thought was "Calc clone."
(well the top-down mode anyway, sans rotation)

2697: You then wondered whether it would be a clone or a port...
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 01:21:49 am by Darl181 »
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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2362 on: May 07, 2012, 02:47:52 pm »

2698: You connected your calculator to some car keys via the usb port
2699: It worked and they started charging
2700: You crashed the calc about a dozen times trying to get USBTools to get descriptors etc
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 02:48:15 pm by Darl181 »
Vy'o'us pleorsdti thl'e gjaemue

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2363 on: May 07, 2012, 03:19:44 pm »
2701 you are surprised this thread hasn't reached 3000 yet O.O

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2364 on: May 07, 2012, 06:22:02 pm »
!2701: You're not surprised about it. People are getting out of ideas. D:
Sig wipe!

Offline Scipi

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2365 on: May 07, 2012, 06:34:57 pm »
2703: We repeat stuffs in here. A lot.

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
Spoiler For Things I find interesting:
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Spoiler For OldSig:

Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

Offline BalancedFury

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2366 on: May 07, 2012, 09:23:48 pm »
2704: Your favorite time is 1:37 p.m
2705: You always try to get in 2 miles in 13 minutes and 37 seconds.
Antonio Nam = DualBLDR = Tony Arthur... U choose!

[|:{P ------->

Yo dawg I herd u lost the game game so I coded the game game in your calc so you can lose the game game while you code your code about losing the game game.

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2367 on: May 07, 2012, 09:25:20 pm »
2706: You use the 24h format just to get 13:37 on the clock.

Remember the day the walrus started to fly...

I finally cleared my sig after 4 years you're happy now?
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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2368 on: May 07, 2012, 09:35:06 pm »
2707: You love the ponies in Juju's sig, but you hate him for slowing down your computer <_<
2708: You edited your post because you put the wrong number. (just happened to me :P)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 09:35:49 pm by parser padwan »

Offline BalancedFury

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Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« Reply #2369 on: May 07, 2012, 10:02:25 pm »
2709: Your avatar is still the same thing as the one you earned from Duck Duck Goose.
Antonio Nam = DualBLDR = Tony Arthur... U choose!

[|:{P ------->

Yo dawg I herd u lost the game game so I coded the game game in your calc so you can lose the game game while you code your code about losing the game game.