3451: You set out to post 100 signs at once
3452: You plan on succeeding
3453: You write each sign in notepad
3454: You're scared of being ninja'd and getting your count messed up
3455: You have a certain methodology to completing this challange
3456: You resist the urge to ramble
3457: You fail to resist the urge
3458: You start posting random crap
3459: You try not to repeat any signs
3460: You still manage to repeat stuffs in here. A lot
3461: You're calculator is your best friend
3462: You've proposed to your calculator
3463: You appeal for laws that legalize calculator marriages.
3464: You are now pronounced Nerd and Calculator
3465: Your honeymoon is to TI or Casio HQ
3466: You try to put all jokes aside and be serious for once
3467: You fail utterly
3468: You start a family with your calculator
3469: Your calculator ends up "wearing the pants" in the family
3470: You wake up from some weird dream in which you married your calculator and somehow started a family
3471: You write signs to epic music (Pokemon Center Theme)
3472: Doo Doo DoDa Da DaDaDa
3473: You take on a Nuzlocke Challange
3474: You've already lost a pokemon
3475: You miss him...
3476: Requiescat in pace, Stingy (Weedle)
3477: You use the original Nuzlocke ruleset
3478: You change one rule to apply to the first seen pokemon in an area that you have not caught yet
3479: You change that rule because you ended up with >9001 Rattatas
3480: You are playing pokemon while reading/writing this
3481: You realize you should realyy be catching up on your Computer Science HW
3482: Meh, maybe later

3483: You love procrastination
3484: You hate procrastination
3485: You are lazy
3487: You actually make an original sign
3488: You immediately spam it to take away all trace of originality
3489: Originality must be destroyed
3490: Memes will conquer the Earth!
3491: The stress and hard work of thinking of an original sign caused your mind to snap
3492: The end result you can see up there ^
3493: You just realize you've been rambling all this time
3495: You don't care

3496: You want

to have its own emoticon
3497: You make an empticon exactly for this purpose
3498: You showcase the emoticon in your sig
3499: You check to make sure it's still there

3500: You are agast that we're halfway through
3501: You are a huge starcraft fan
3502: You watch starcraft games on twitch.tv
3503: You play starcraft while coding on your calc
3504: And while eating peanuts
3505: That are cherry flavoured
3506: That are of Rick Astley's The Game Brand
3507: Also while listening to DJ_O's music
3508: That you have modded Starcraft to play instead of the default music
3509: You also mod starcraft to change Zerg Drones into Blue Lobsters
3510: They destroy everything
3512: You don't play Starcraft, but you love the Total War seires
3513: You have Darthmod for your games to up the difficulty
3514: You still pwn everything
3515: You immediately get destroyed in multiplayer
3516: You start feeling down and unconfident
3517: You come to Omni to cheer yourself up
3518: You still get on IRC despite Omnom being down
3519: You post on omni every day
3520: You lurk on omni every day
3521: You start finding the pokemon center music a little repetative
3522: You leave and enter Viridian City
3523: You suddenly feel a little more sane
3524: You slap youself to make the feeling go away
3525: Bad sanity! Nobody wants you!
3526: You don't take any breaks writing this
3527: You realize it's probably bad for your sanity
3528: You keep at it, because who wants to be sane?

3529: You need help

3530: You snap beck to being serious
3531: It doesn't last long...
3532: You are a fan of Homestuck
3533: You've met Andrew Hussie
3534: You realize you've known Hussie for years (He used to play a game I adore called Singularity)
3535: You know exactly how the seires is made, and who helps make them
3536: You find it even more ironic you met them all through pesterchum
3537: You get the subtle irony I put in that last sign as well
3538: You realize Hayleia's Absol was looking at your signs the whole time, try to read them before everyone else
3539: You cover up the signs so Absol can't see them. No Absol, no peeking.
3540: You see the end in sight... 10 more signs...
3541: You down 5 pots of coffee to prep you for this final stretch
3542: You know it's going to torment your mind, laugh at you while you feebly try to come up with something new
3543: You consider posting random crap, but you know you've already done that
3544: You feel your mind start to slip away, more and more, as you rack your brain for ideas
3545: You develop a headache from the sustained effort
3546: You realize too late that willpower is a finite quality
3547: You feel like giving up... It can't be done
3548: You know you must continue on though
3549: Oh hey, I'm already at the end...
3550: You successfully complete this challenge