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di ld (OP2+2),sp ld a,$80 out ($10),a ld sp,appbackupscreen - plotSScreen ld e,(plotSScreen-appbackupscreen+12)&$ff ld c,-$0C ex af,af' ld a,%11011011 ld hl,flags+asm_flag2 inc (hl) jr z,__Disp4Lvlskip add a,a.org FFFF jp $-$+9D95 bcall(_PutS) bcall(_Mov9toOP1) bcall(_Dispgraph rr) xor ixl sub iyh add a,ixl or iyl bcall(_CreateAppv).db c7.dw ed54 ;yes NSPIRE users I just flicked you off there ld a,i push af ld b,(hl) inc b jr z,__Disp4Lvlskip rlca ldClrscrn ld bc,768 ld hl,plotSScreen ld de,appbackupscreen sub a__Clrscrnloop ld (hl),a ldi jp pe,__Clrscrnloop ret ld h,$00 ld d,h add hl,de GetCalc("appvPYYRIX",3600)->X Pt-on(X*8,Y*8,D*8+Pic1) Dispgraph End add hl,de +++++>++++[+++>++>--]++++,+++.---.+++>+++.+++, add hl,hl add hl,hl ;Find the Y displacement offset ld e,a and $07 ;Find the bit number ld c,a srl e bcall(_TheGame)
-You can write pretty much anything you want, because everyone (except DJ who reads every thread) will ignore it, so you might as well post pr0n of youself.
To be fair I think the negative votes on your newsletter migth have been because of the actual request to PM you before rating down, since it might be seen as trying to decide how people should use the respect system.That said, I recommended people to PM you and me what is offensive since there may be things I do not find as offensive but that I should check more carefully in the future if people find offensive, but sadly, out of Nemo and Qwerty.55, the two people who rated down the post, only the latter bothered to reply or warn you. I also noticed a recent increase in actual rude posts getting rated up lately, even if it was clear they were out of line.
And, sorry Qwerty.55, I feel like announcing you for doing exactly what I said to do in my disclaimer, and PM me first. Other people couldn't take the time of 30 seconds to leave a comment or even PM me.