Author Topic: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.  (Read 9138 times)

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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2012, 10:15:05 am »
Spoiler For Da big Opening Post:

This reminds me slightly of

Well Critor's gonna become rich! XD
He would if he sold his calculators...
* turiqwalrus doesn't think this will happen any time in the near future

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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2012, 11:09:30 am »
Yeah I always found this sucked, because TI claimed most 82 programs were compatible with the 83 and 83+, while 83 programs ran on the 83+ (BASIC of course), but most large ones in fact don't run due to lack of RAM. The 82 has 28 KB, the 83 a bit less than 27K and the 83+ 24K. Kinda ironic too considering the newer the calc, the lower the RAM (the same thing happened with the Casio FX-cg10/20)

I don't think so....
I am pretty sure that the PRIZM and the 9860 have approx the same amount of RAM.

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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2012, 11:30:36 am »
No, the PRIZM (61 KB) has 3 KB less user RAM than the 9860 (64 KB).

Also I noticed the same problem when going from the FX 9850G (32 KB) to the newer 9750G (28 KB)

Or you can just use Flash Gordon.
...or TPROG.
Yeah true, although the point is that it would be cool if it was possible to run archived programs using prgmNAME (like the TI-89) rather than having to use a different syntax and external program. That way no code modification would be required.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 11:32:34 am by DJ_O »

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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2012, 04:04:47 pm »
or a small chunk of Asm in a helper program, that allows you to use TIOS's archive and unarchive commands.

There's lots of options

I used that in Sunrise 3, but it would wear down your flash quickly.
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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2012, 04:14:02 pm »
So... Everyone should buy calculators instead of obligations?
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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2012, 05:57:54 pm »
I believe that was what the OP meant.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2012, 03:18:06 pm »
or a small chunk of Asm in a helper program, that allows you to use TIOS's archive and unarchive commands.

There's lots of options

I used that in Sunrise 3, but it would wear down your flash quickly.
IIRC it won't happen in less than 20 years and that's if you rewrite your archive non-stop, like modding the calc to connect it to a power supply and have it run a forced garbage collect program that loops forever without ever stopping it.. It drains batteries very fast, though (see The Reign of Legends 1 and 2, for example). This is why it's great that one day there were new programs letting you copy archive content in RAM instead of un/archiving it constantly.

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Re: Calculators should be used as the world's reserve currency.
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2012, 04:59:00 pm »
Umm... I'm planning to use my calc for as long as I can. Maybe more than 20 years.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
If you want to implore me to come back, or otherwise contact me, I can be found on GitHub (bluebear94), Twitter (@melranosF_), Reddit (/u/Fluffy8x), or e-mail (if you know my address). As a last resort, send me a PM on Cemetech (bluebear94) or join Touhou Prono (don't be fooled by the name). I've also enabled notifications for PMs on Omnimaga, but I don't advise using that since I might be banned.
Elvyna (Sunrise) 4 5%
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