• Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW) 5 2

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #405 on: May 03, 2011, 07:23:11 pm »
Quote from: #omnimaga
[17:20:54] <+mikehill>  DT: When a window is maximized the dick disappears, it makes switching programs without Alt+Tab slower.

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #406 on: May 03, 2011, 07:25:38 pm »
Shoot I was about to post that and I saw yours when I refreshed
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here https://assaultcuber.codeplex.com/
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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #407 on: May 03, 2011, 07:34:57 pm »
On the spic spambot last night.
Spoiler For big:
[00:39:45] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Awesome Super Smash Bros Clone http://omniurl.tk/7973/150700
[00:39:54] <@Netham45> I can't seem to open any new tasks.
[00:40:07] <+Runer112> that rounded corner arena is especially good for bouncing the ball off walls
[00:40:28] <+Runer112> anyway perhaps I should go to bed
[00:40:29] <+Fishbot> I never want to reboot again.
[00:40:36] <+Runer112> it's almost 3 am and I have to get up in 5 hours
[00:40:41] <+Fishbot> I've spent too much time wiring this stupid project.
[00:40:48] <@Netham45> hum
[00:41:01] <@Netham45> it appears that we have someone unclean on Omnimaga
[00:41:05] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Awesome games http://omniurl.tk/7141/150701
[00:41:06] <+Runer112> =o wut
[00:41:16] <@Netham45> http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2037
[00:41:24] <@Netham45> http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_117.206.7.81
[00:41:31] <@Netham45> The Project Honey Pot system has detected behavior from the IP address consistent with that of a mail server and dictionary attacker.
[00:41:56] <+Runer112> you going to just whip out the banhammer immediately?
[00:42:00] <+Runer112> or going to wait for a sign
[00:42:00] <+Fishbot> IPs can change.
[00:42:01] * CoolioJaz ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[00:42:01] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v CoolioJaz
[00:42:14] <+Fishbot> He's not posting spam, so I think we can let it slide.
[00:42:20] <+Runer112> yeah
[00:42:22] <+Runer112> he isn;t
[00:42:43] <+Runer112> actually
[00:42:45] <+Fishbot> Plus, the last time that honeypot detected spam from that IP was two months ago.
[00:42:51] <+Runer112> I don't see a negative comment yet lol
[00:42:54] <+Fishbot> That's years in Internet time.
[00:42:57] (O) New post by shellyhowell in What games are you playing now http://omniurl.tk/1577/150702
[00:43:28] <@Netham45> the posts are on topic
[00:43:56] <+Runer112> and apparently shelly likes his games =p
[00:44:01] <@Netham45> lol
[00:44:25] <+Runer112> brb br
[00:44:46] <Darl181> hopefully he/she isn't one of those ppl who constantly bumps threads asking for updates :P
[00:46:12] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in TIBiC/GO http://omniurl.tk/8094/150704
[00:46:17] <Darl181> reading through the posts one after the other, it reminds me of cleverbot :P
[00:46:24] <+Runer112> lol
[00:46:33] (O) New post by shellyhowell in What is your favorite video ga http://omniurl.tk/1723/150706
[00:46:45] <Darl181> gtg, dishes and it's almost midnight
[00:46:54] <+Fishbot> You ninja'd me, Netham :p
[00:47:03] <@Netham45> lol
[00:47:21] <+Runer112> eh
[00:47:30] <+Runer112> the posts are starting to get a bit more iffy
[00:47:33] * Darl181 feels weird among all these mods and such :P
[00:47:39] <+Runer112> I'm not a md
[00:47:40] <+Runer112> mod*
[00:47:42] <@Netham45> t/money pay MajorJoe 100000000000000
[00:47:45] <@Netham45> blarg
[00:48:08] <+Runer112> haha I could never be a mod
[00:48:25] <+Runer112> too much work
[00:48:35] <+Runer112> and I'm pretty sure that DJ doesn't really trust me
[00:48:46] <Darl181> :P
[00:48:47] <+Runer112> since I've been the cause of like
[00:48:49] <+Runer112> 2 site deletions
[00:49:00] <+Runer112> that must be a record or soemthing
[00:49:05] <+Su-Hime> Hardly
[00:49:10] <+Fishbot> Hey, don't take all the credit.
[00:49:13] <+Runer112> lol
[00:49:13] <+BrandonW> That is a spam bot if I've ever seen it.
[00:49:15] <+BrandonW> (from above)
[00:49:18] <Darl181> I could probably be one, just not a site as large-scale as this
[00:49:23] <+Runer112> yeah I think so too BrandonW
[00:49:29] <+Runer112> give it one more post maybe
[00:49:34] <@Netham45> I can't quite tell
[00:49:42] <+Fishbot> I'm in some agreement, but not complete.
[00:49:43] <Darl181> except this one is posting in multiple topics
[00:49:53] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Are you guys Excited about Sta http://omniurl.tk/1647/150708
[00:49:55] <+Fishbot> It's smarter than most spambots.
[00:50:07] <Darl181> and did less research than the one who was talking about blue lobsters and the game
[00:50:14] <+Fishbot> Well...
[00:50:17] <+Runer112> hmm
[00:50:18] <Darl181> that was funny to read
[00:50:20] <+Runer112> if it is a spambot
[00:50:21] <+Runer112> it's super smart
[00:50:25] <+Su-Hime> It's a bot. Kill it.
[00:50:25] <+Fishbot> Just looks like a spammy user.
[00:50:30] <+Fishbot> lol
[00:50:44] <+BrandonW> That post just now was obviously spam.
[00:50:52] <+BrandonW> There was no reference to "partial" in that entire thread.
[00:50:58] <+Runer112> well yeah
[00:51:03] <+Runer112> I'd let it go for a while
[00:51:15] <+Runer112> see what stuff it spits out =p
[00:51:18] <Darl181> we could put annoyingorange down as a bot, posts about the same quality albeit shorter :P
[00:51:40] <@Netham45> these are all on topic
[00:51:44] <Darl181> but he seems legit
[00:51:46] <+Runer112> yeah
[00:51:50] <+Runer112> which is what's so creepy
[00:51:52] <+Runer112> it's like
[00:51:54] <+Su-Hime> I've seen quite a few spambots in my days
[00:51:55] <+Runer112> a spambot
[00:51:58] <Darl181> annoyingorange I mean
[00:52:02] <+Su-Hime> and if this user isn't a spambot
[00:52:02] <+Runer112> that actually sort of talks on topic
[00:52:05] <@Netham45> http://xkcd.com/810/
[00:52:09] <+Su-Hime> they aren't exactly the kind of user you want anyway
[00:52:10] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Gaming Survey! http://omniurl.tk/2052/150709
[00:52:12] <+Fishbot> Well, if BrandonW wrote it, it definitely would be on topic.
[00:52:19] <Darl181> that's the captcha one, isn't it
[00:52:26] <+Fishbot> Okay, what the heck?
[00:52:34] <+Fishbot> PM?
[00:52:36] <@Netham45> it's posting too fast
[00:52:46] <@Netham45> Darl, yea
[00:52:49] <+Fishbot> ^
[00:52:51] <Builderboy> spambot for sure
[00:52:52] <+Runer112> hmm
[00:52:59] <@Netham45> BBoy, I'ma banhammer it
[00:53:04] <+Runer112> I really doubt it took your surver Builderboy =p
[00:53:05] <Darl181> tho this shelly is seeming more and more like a bot
[00:53:11] <Builderboy> nobody takes a survey, and posts about it that fast :P
[00:53:26] <Darl181> normally they're confused about peanuts and ask, or comment, not this one
[00:53:28] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Do u really think Sonic The He http://omniurl.tk/81/150710
[00:53:34] <Builderboy> although i am curious what the motive is
[00:53:36] <@Netham45> wtf
[00:53:37] <@Netham45> fuckin
[00:53:40] <+Runer112> I want to leave it lol
[00:53:40] <@Netham45> 3 year necropost
[00:53:44] <+Runer112> to see what it comes up with =p
[00:53:48] <+Su-Hime> Just ban the thing already >_<
[00:53:49] <+Fishbot> Banhammer now.
[00:53:50] <Darl181> wut...quote from userlist on the right Warning: file_get_contents(http://netham45.org/irc/efnet/omniUsers.php) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error in /home/omnimaga/public_html/omnomirc2/userbounce.php on line 2
[00:53:50] <Builderboy> it used Dear again
[00:53:55] <+Fishbot> If you don't, I will.
[00:54:00] <+Runer112> lol it's definitely a spambot
[00:54:02] <+Runer112> but it's fun to watch
[00:54:08] <+Fishbot> lol, yeah
[00:54:26] <Builderboy> i want to see what it does when it gets to 20 posts XD
[00:54:27] <Darl181> most are.
[00:54:28] <+Runer112> but this is like
[00:54:31] <@Netham45> lol
[00:54:32] <+Runer112> a seriously smart spambot
[00:54:33] <@Netham45> I banned it
[00:54:36] <@Netham45> sowwry
[00:54:38] <+Runer112> aww =(
[00:54:43] <+Runer112> I was starting to like it
[00:54:45] <Darl181> it's like steelm somewhat, but less trollish
[00:54:49] <+Fishbot> I was curious to see what it came up with next :p
[00:54:50] <@Netham45> thatr
[00:54:51] <Builderboy> awww we were haviing fun
[00:54:52] <@Netham45> I unbanned it
[00:54:53] <@Netham45> :P
[00:54:54] <Builderboy> heheh
[00:54:56] <+Fishbot> lol
[00:54:57] <+Runer112> lol Netham45
[00:54:59] <Builderboy> XD
[00:55:03] <+Runer112> I dunno if it'll still work
[00:55:07] <+Runer112> you banned it for 30 seconds
[00:55:07] <@Netham45> no idea
[00:55:09] <+Runer112> might mess it up =p
[00:55:11] <Builderboy> it might have just died
[00:55:19] <@Netham45> :(
[00:55:19] <Darl181> it says offline now...
[00:55:21] <+Fishbot> Let's see...
[00:55:31] <Darl181> http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2037#
[00:55:37] <Builderboy> if its smart it will try to join again
[00:55:40] <Scout> Morning
[00:55:42] <z80man> so shellyhowell is a spambot
[00:55:45] <+Fishbot> You killed it, netham :p
[00:55:57] <Darl181> or if it's a person (slim chance) it'll try to log in
[00:56:01] <@Netham45> lol
[00:56:02] <Scout> is he a spambot? O.O
[00:56:06] <+Runer112> nooooo
[00:56:08] <+Runer112> you killed it
[00:56:13] <z80man> that is one cleverbot
[00:56:17] <+Runer112> yeah it is
[00:56:22] <+Runer112> which is why I wanted to let it stay for a while
[00:56:25] <@Netham45> 10 posts in 20 minutes on things like 10 minute videos and surveys
[00:56:25] <+Runer112> see what it came up with
[00:56:26] <@Netham45> spambot.
[00:56:26] <Builderboy> im curious what the aim of it was
[00:56:32] <Scout> http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2037;sa=showPosts I don't think he is
[00:56:39] <Darl181> technically it _is_ still here, just logged out
[00:56:41] <z80man> I actually sent him a PM :D
[00:56:44] <@Netham45> I think he is.
[00:56:57] <+Fishbot> Can someone write another bot like him, but with lobsters instead of games?
[00:56:58] <+Runer112> there's no doubt he's a bot
[00:57:02] <+Fishbot> *Lobsters and Fish
[00:57:04] <+Runer112> but we should've detained him
[00:57:07] <+Runer112> and questioned him
[00:57:11] <+Runer112> figure out who he's working for
[00:57:18] <+Runer112> what his mision was
[00:57:19] <Builderboy> it said it checked the source of haxball :P
[00:57:25] <Darl181> we should have something like a bait thread for bots lol
[00:57:35] <+Runer112> for all you know
[00:57:36] <+Fishbot> How would a bait thread work?
[00:57:40] <Builderboy> lol how
[00:57:41] <+Runer112> you could've just banned WFRNG
[00:57:42] <Darl181> idk
[00:57:47] <+CoolioJaz> BOTFISHINGNEWSPORTOMG!!!!
[00:57:47] <+Runer112> that could've been it reaching out to us
[00:57:48] <+CoolioJaz> =P
[00:57:54] <+Fishbot> Nah, builderboy is here.
[00:57:57] <+Fishbot> ...Right?
[00:58:00] <Builderboy> ;)
[00:58:01] <@Netham45> I unbanned it!
[00:58:02] <@Netham45> :P
[00:58:03] <Darl181> or spoke EFnrgelnicshh
[00:58:16] <@Netham45> but I think I scared it off
[00:58:19] <+Runer112> yeah
[00:58:24] <+Fishbot> :'(
[00:58:25] <Darl181> yes, builderboy has to be the most clever bot I've ever seen
[00:58:26] <+Runer112> I think once it got kicked off in the first place
[00:58:29] <+Runer112> it didn't try to reconnect
[00:58:33] <@Netham45> wait
[00:58:34] <+CoolioJaz> online O_o
[00:58:36] <@Netham45> it never hit any of the ban filters
[00:58:42] <@Netham45> so it never knew it was banned
[00:58:52] <+Fishbot> That means a human got it through...
[00:58:54] <+CoolioJaz> its still here!
[00:58:58] <+Fishbot> Yay
[00:59:03] <Builderboy> its alive!
[00:59:05] <+Su-Hime> You're all ridiculous
[00:59:06] (O) New post by Scout in Mission Copter http://omniurl.tk/8024/150711
[00:59:08] <+Su-Hime> Utterly ridiculous
[00:59:10] <+Runer112> LET IT SPEAK
[00:59:15] <z80man> it's back
[00:59:16] <Netham45> I know, isn't it great, Su-Hime?
[00:59:17] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Science Question: Ultraviolet http://omniurl.tk/4666/150712
[00:59:18] <Darl181> this is great, we're all excited over a bot XD
[00:59:19] <+Runer112> OMG
[00:59:20] <+CoolioJaz> =D
[00:59:22] <+Runer112> IT'S BACK =D
[00:59:23] <Netham45> HAH
[00:59:23] <z80man> again
[00:59:31] <+Runer112> adn now he's in science
[00:59:37] <+Runer112> holy crap
[00:59:41] <@Netham45> jesus
[00:59:43] <+Runer112> it posted accurate information
[00:59:43] <Builderboy> is he right??
[00:59:44] <@Netham45> I kinda want to keep it
[00:59:47] <+Runer112> to answer a question
[00:59:49] <Scout> It's not a bot
[00:59:50] <z80man> Dear my friend, he's back ;)
[00:59:51] <+Runer112> holy balls
[00:59:52] <Darl181> "Darl181, shellyhowell, cooliojazz, Runer112, z80man, Netham45, TsukasaZX, Builderboy and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. " wow
[00:59:57] <@Netham45> xD
[00:59:59] <+Runer112> this has to be like
[01:00:07] <+Runer112> I bet this is a secret google project or something
[01:00:10] <Scout> It's not a bot
[01:00:24] <Scout> And he is right
[01:00:32] <Darl181> are you sure about that dear friend :P
[01:00:43] <Scout> hahaha
[01:00:44] * \david\ ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[01:00:44] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v \david\
[01:00:45] <+Runer112> yeah it's definitely a bot
[01:00:46] <Builderboy> there is no way he isnt a bot
[01:00:46] <@Netham45> Scout, it watched 3 10 minute youtube videos, took a survey, and viewed the source to haxball in 20 minutes? :P
[01:00:48] <+Runer112> but it's like
[01:00:52] <+Runer112> a seriously intelligent bot lol
[01:00:59] <z80man> It is possible to be a very smart bot
[01:01:00] <+Runer112> it researches questions and gives answers =o
[01:01:03] <+Fishbot> It's almost as intelligent as me.
[01:01:16] <+\david\> view the source to haxball? What does that mean?
[01:01:17] <+CoolioJaz> we must look into its owners!
[01:01:20] <Builderboy> maybe thats why it logged off :O to find the answer!
[01:01:27] <z80man> I talked to cleverbot today and he seems similar, except for the offtopic part
[01:01:33] <Darl181> "h paid analasyss..." much smarter than that one
[01:01:34] <+Su-Hime> Y'know, if you don't kill it, it's only going to bring about Skynet.
[01:01:37] <+Runer112> that's the point z80man
[01:01:43] <+Runer112> this bot actually knows how to stay on topic
[01:01:49] <+Runer112> which is amazing
[01:01:53] <Builderboy> kinda
[01:01:55] <+Fishbot> That's not easy to program.
[01:01:56] <+\david\> "Scout, Darl181, shellyhowell, cooliojazz, Runer112, z80man, Netham45, TsukasaZX, Builderboy and 0 Guests are viewing this topic." hehee
[01:01:58] <z80man> So he's better than Cleverbot
[01:02:02] <+Runer112> pretty much
[01:02:06] <+Fishbot> Much.
[01:02:12] <Darl181> let's see if it blunders into the 100+ posts thread and such
[01:02:25] <Builderboy> hah who knows o.O
[01:02:26] <+Runer112> well seeing it's previous path
[01:02:30] <z80man> But he has common phrases like "Dear friend" so that would make him a bot
[01:02:31] <+Su-Hime> If it invades my threads, I'm deleting its posts. >_>
[01:02:34] <+Runer112> I'm guessing now that it's in math and science
[01:02:37] <Darl181> tho it doesn't lok like it's cabable of changing boards
[01:02:38] <+\david\> g2go cya
[01:02:40] <+Runer112> it's going to stay in math and science for a while
[01:02:44] <Builderboy> he's in the Japan thread
[01:02:47] * +\david\ ([email protected]) Quit (Client Quit)
[01:02:50] <+Fishbot> We can see where it goes.
[01:02:58] <z80man> It'll just do one thread at a time
[01:03:02] <+Runer112> =o what Builderboy
[01:03:12] <+Fishbot> Holy... That's actually useful information.
[01:03:14] <Builderboy> http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=who
[01:03:16] <z80man> I wonder if he'll ever respond to my PM
[01:03:23] <Darl181> i'm guessing some tracking thing managers can do
[01:03:32] <Darl181> oh, nvm
[01:03:33] <@Netham45> yea
[01:03:35] <Builderboy> hes posting!
[01:03:37] <@Netham45> we can track 'em
[01:03:38] <Darl181> creepy...
[01:03:51] <Darl181> now posting
[01:03:54] <z80man> not the Japan thread
[01:04:03] <Darl181> daah ninjad
[01:04:08] <+Fishbot> Let's delete that post.
[01:04:14] <+Runer112> delete what post
[01:04:24] <@Netham45> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
[01:04:24] <+Fishbot> The one in the Japan thread.
[01:04:31] <@Netham45> that's his userid
[01:04:36] <Darl181> wait, it _did_ change boards
[01:04:41] <+Fishbot> Hm, Firefox?
[01:04:44] <+Runer112> umm
[01:04:49] <+Runer112> has it made a post in the Japan thread yet?
[01:04:52] <Darl181> so mozilla's exploring AI? 0.o
[01:05:05] <Builderboy> still posting
[01:05:10] <Darl181> you'd see it from spybot ;)
[01:05:12] <@Netham45> No, that means it's spoofing a header
[01:05:15] <Builderboy> what if it *is* a real person o.O
[01:05:23] <@Netham45> then we're weird creeps.
[01:05:23] <Darl181> until it finds spam, that is
[01:05:26] <+Runer112> I really doubt that Builderboy lol
[01:05:31] <z80man> Nah I doubt it
[01:05:32] <+Runer112> my money is still on
[01:05:36] <+Runer112> secret google experiment
[01:05:46] <Builderboy> hah me too but its always a possibility XD
[01:05:58] <Darl181> heh, if it's really a person, and they're reading these logs in a year or so...
[01:06:09] <+Runer112> or reading the logs right now
[01:06:10] <Darl181> or google watching the reactions
[01:06:12] <Darl181> me waves
[01:06:19] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150714
[01:06:20] <z80man> Maybe someone set up a webapp that feeds the last post to clever bot and outputs the response
[01:06:21] * Darl181 waves
[01:06:28] <+Runer112> lol
[01:06:30] <+Runer112> @z80man
[01:06:31] <Darl181> there we go...
[01:06:46] <Darl181> stupid / key
[01:06:50] <+Runer112> I would love to see how he responds to "Yes. Birds. Fish. Cows. Pillar of fire on the Sinai Peninsula. It goes on."
[01:06:53] <+Runer112> if that's the case
[01:07:19] <+Fishbot> Hey, I'm not a spambot, Darl.
[01:07:22] <Darl181> or a bunch of stuff about yesterday's events
[01:07:23] <+Fishbot> Just a regular one.
[01:07:26] <Darl181> or the wedding
[01:07:35] <Builderboy> hmmm still posting
[01:07:45] <+Fishbot> Is he stuck?
[01:07:51] <+Runer112> researching =p
[01:07:53] <Darl181> not regular, you're a fish. it's a big difference :P
[01:07:55] <z80man> must be a long post
[01:07:58] <@Netham45> Maybe he thinks we're all weird as hell
[01:08:01] <@Netham45> WATSON
[01:08:04] <@Netham45> THIS IS WATSON
[01:08:04] <+CoolioJaz> lol
[01:08:05] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Japan struck by massive earthq http://omniurl.tk/7000/150715
[01:08:07] <+Runer112> OMG
[01:08:08] <@Netham45> WOO
[01:08:09] <+CoolioJaz> thee
[01:08:10] <+Runer112> F5
[01:08:10] <+CoolioJaz> re
[01:08:23] <z80man> he did it
[01:08:25] <@Netham45> Aww
[01:08:25] <+Fishbot> WTF!
[01:08:27] <@Netham45> we have a link
[01:08:27] <@Netham45> :(
[01:08:29] <+Runer112> aww darnit
[01:08:33] * Goto ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[01:08:33] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v Goto
[01:08:34] <+Runer112> the spambot emerges =(
[01:08:37] <+Runer112> otherwise
[01:08:38] <z80man> wtf wrong dates
[01:08:41] <+Runer112> it's a really really good post
[01:08:42] <+Fishbot> An essay bot?
[01:08:45] <@Netham45> wut
[01:08:49] <@Netham45> OH
[01:08:51] <@Netham45> date format
[01:08:52] * +Fishbot is laughing so hard
[01:08:53] <@Netham45> 03/11/2011
[01:09:00] <+Goto> omnom just went odd for me :P
[01:09:18] <z80man> he's posting spam now
[01:09:23] <@Netham45> yea
[01:09:24] <@Netham45> but
[01:09:26] <@Netham45> it's on-topic spam
[01:09:29] <+Runer112> yeah
[01:09:38] <+Runer112> and the spam is surrounded by constructive information
[01:09:39] <+Runer112> =o
[01:09:40] <Builderboy> clever, but not human clever
[01:09:45] <z80man> no its miscellaneous
[01:10:00] <Builderboy> and false :P
[01:10:12] <+Runer112> honestly though
[01:10:13] <Darl181> now doing "Unknown Action"
[01:10:13] <z80man> it looks like its from a news site
[01:10:17] <+Fishbot> Okay, removed the link.
[01:10:19] <+Runer112> I have never before seen a spambot express sadness
[01:10:24] <+Runer112> and ask people to pray for others lol
[01:10:32] <Darl181> viewing who's online rofl
[01:10:34] <z80man> this is the smartest bot I've ever seen
[01:10:39] <@Netham45> ignore that
[01:10:42] <+Fishbot> XKCD 810 comes to mind :p
[01:10:44] <@Netham45> that was me toying with stuff
[01:10:46] <Darl181> and it's logging out
[01:10:52] <+Runer112> NOOO
[01:10:54] <Darl181> shellyhowell 00:10:34 Logging out of the forum.
[01:10:56] <@Netham45> <Netham45> ignore that
[01:10:57] <+Runer112> IT'S LOGGING OUT =(
[01:11:01] <@Netham45> <Netham45> that was me toying with stuff
[01:11:04] <+Runer112> oh lol
[01:11:05] <Darl181> wait--no
[01:11:08] <Builderboy> its done with us :(
[01:11:10] <@Netham45> <Netham45> <Netham45> ignore that
[01:11:13] <@Netham45> <Netham45> <Netham45> that was me toying with stuff
[01:11:16] <+Runer112> he's in introduce yourself...
[01:11:19] <Darl181> looking at the intro board
[01:11:20] <z80man> still here
[01:11:30] <+Runer112> he's introducing himself
[01:11:31] <+Fishbot> Wow, introduce yourself?
[01:11:31] <Builderboy> he already introduced himself
[01:11:31] <+Runer112> again
[01:11:35] <Darl181> agai
[01:11:35] <+Runer112> lol
[01:11:36] <z80man> he must of read my PM ;D
[01:11:36] <+Fishbot> That's awesome.
[01:11:37] <Darl181> n
[01:11:49] <Builderboy> he knew to introduce himself first!
[01:11:53] <+Runer112> yeah
[01:11:54] <+Runer112> he did
[01:12:13] <Darl181> http://ourl.ca/10647/204821;topicseen#new and I welcomed it, too :P
[01:12:15] <+Fishbot> Epic spambot :p
[01:12:17] <+Runer112> oh
[01:12:31] <+Runer112> hmm
[01:12:35] <+Runer112> in case you guys do ban this bot
[01:12:39] <Darl181> I like this 'plat form' too
[01:12:44] <+Runer112> save his posts
[01:12:47] <+Runer112> in some form or another
[01:12:48] <Darl181> :P
[01:12:52] <+Fishbot> lol
[01:12:52] <+Runer112> this is an epic bot
[01:13:02] <Darl181> maybe make a bots thread in spam?
[01:13:10] <@Netham45> yea
[01:13:16] <+Runer112> well
[01:13:21] <+Runer112> the context is better though =p
[01:13:21] <Builderboy> he did a duplicate post
[01:13:50] <Darl181> i think it's looking at my post
[01:13:52] <Darl181> :P
[01:13:52] <Builderboy> i'd say they are on topic enough to leave them ;)
[01:13:53] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Hi friends.. http://omniurl.tk/8161/150716
[01:13:59] <Darl181> Viewing the topic Random Introduction :).
[01:14:01] <Darl181> or not
[01:14:09] <@Netham45> oshi
[01:14:11] <@Netham45> it made a thread
[01:14:12] <+Runer112> haha
[01:14:15] <+Runer112> the last two sentences
[01:14:18] <+Fishbot> Ha
[01:14:20] <+CoolioJaz> lol
[01:14:22] <+Runer112> are exactly the same as his last introdution
[01:14:24] <Darl181> "writer"...it is an essay thing
[01:14:27] <@Netham45> yea
[01:14:29] <@Netham45> and
[01:14:32] <@Netham45> the IP is in india
[01:14:33] <@Netham45> sooo
[01:14:41] <z80man> what he made a topic!!!!!!!!!!
[01:14:47] <+Runer112> we all figured out he's a spambot lol
[01:14:47] <Darl181> that's what I did for cemetech, just copied it and edited a bit :P
[01:14:54] <+Runer112> he's just an awesome on
[01:14:55] <+Fishbot> The link was to an essay service, so I think it's an essay bot ;)
[01:14:55] <z80man> Indains are taking over the internet lol
[01:15:10] <+Fishbot> This thing is a marvel of programming.
[01:15:17] <+Fishbot> Can we keep him as a pet?
[01:15:27] <z80man> We have to get the source for it
[01:15:28] <+Runer112> lol you should just like
[01:15:35] (O) New post by netham45 in Hi friends.. http://omniurl.tk/8161/150717
[01:15:37] <+Runer112> make a new usergroup
[01:15:38] <+Runer112> for bots
[01:15:39] <Darl181> I should post the exact same thing as the other intro and see what happens :P
[01:15:46] <+Runer112> make a new category
[01:15:47] <Darl181> imma do that
[01:15:49] <Builderboy> we should send him to a usergoup where he can only post in a certain location
[01:15:52] (O) New post by shellyhowell in Random YouTube Videos http://omniurl.tk/6672/150718
[01:15:54] <+Runer112> that is the only category that usergroup can post in
[01:15:56] <Builderboy> hahaha yesss
[01:15:57] <z80man> Try emailing the bot, it might get to the devs
[01:16:01] <+Runer112> so we end up just getting a bunch of bot posts
[01:16:05] <+Runer112> in a category that doesn't matter
[01:16:10] <+Runer112> but will still be awesome
[01:16:21] <@Netham45> lol
[01:16:38] <+Runer112> lol
[01:16:45] <+Fishbot> The e-mail is actually relevant to the nick.
[01:16:46] <+Runer112> silly bot
[01:16:48] <Darl181> should I leave it in the quote box?
[01:17:26] <@Netham45> I sent it a PM
[01:17:31] <@Netham45> a generic 'Welcome to the forums!'
[01:17:34] <z80man> Anyone think he posted in intro because I told him too in a PM
[01:17:36] <+Runer112> oh lol
[01:17:40] <Builderboy> watch out, a couple more posts and it will be chatting with us :P
[01:17:53] <z80man> it's 40 posts now
[01:17:53] <Builderboy> z80man yessss!
[01:17:57] <+Runer112> I really doubt a generic forum spambot
[01:18:01] <Builderboy> orly?
[01:18:03] <+Runer112> knows how to talk in a custom IRC thing
[01:18:10] <Builderboy> we are safe for now
[01:18:17] <@Netham45> regardless, I'm lowering the post requirement to 10
[01:18:18] <@Netham45> :P
[01:18:23] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150719
[01:18:24] <+Runer112> haha
[01:18:26] <Darl181> wut
[01:18:30] <z80man> I'll test it
[01:18:33] <@Netham45> just for a minute
[01:18:33] <@Netham45> :P
[01:18:35] <Builderboy> and this is not your average generic spambot :P
[01:18:39] <+Fishbot> Look at his intro thread again ;)
[01:19:23] <+Runer112> I'd be really interested in seeing if the bot replies
[01:19:25] <+Runer112> to netham's post
[01:19:29] <+Runer112> in the thread he started
[01:19:35] <+Runer112> that would be a really smart bot
[01:19:41] <Darl181> should I copy the intro I already gave it and repost it in the appropriate thread? :P
[01:19:49] <@Netham45> Posting in Random YouTube Videos.'
[01:19:50] <+Runer112> nah
[01:20:00] <+Runer112> Netham45, he already did
[01:20:14] <@Netham45> yea
[01:20:14] <@Netham45> but
[01:20:17] <@Netham45> that's where he is now too
[01:20:20] <Darl181> now the japan topic again
[01:20:21] <z80man> I told him to post in the over 4000 thread
[01:20:23] <+Runer112> no
[01:20:25] <+Runer112> now he's back in japan
[01:20:41] <Darl181> z80man sengin a message >.>
[01:20:59] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150720
[01:21:15] <Darl181> umm...
[01:21:18] <Darl181> "Guest 00:21:03 Registering for an account on the forum. Guest 00:21:00 Logging into the forum."
[01:21:54] <+Fishbot> I wonder if he'll post in the Japan topic where I edited his post.
[01:22:07] <+Runer112> alright I'll watch maybe one more spambot post
[01:22:10] <+Runer112> then i gotta go to bed lol
[01:22:22] <Darl181> same here
[01:22:30] <+Runer112> hmm
[01:22:35] <+Runer112> now he's just viewing the japan thread
[01:22:36] <+Runer112> not posting
[01:22:38] <Darl181> actually, have to do the dishes still :P
[01:23:03] <Darl181> looks like it edited the post 0.o
[01:23:06] <+Fishbot> Su-Hime: Verilog :p
[01:23:15] <Darl181> the link's back
[01:23:23] <+Fishbot> Is it?
[01:23:24] <Builderboy> holy crap
[01:23:27] <+Runer112> holy crap
[01:23:29] <@Netham45> hahaha
[01:23:29] <+Fishbot> My god.
[01:23:30] <+Runer112> it edited it's own post
[01:23:34] <+Runer112> to put the spam back in!
[01:23:38] <+Runer112> hahahahah
[01:23:39] * @Netham45 rofls
[01:23:43] <+Fishbot> lol
[01:23:47] <+Runer112> this is like
[01:23:50] <+Runer112> super spambot
[01:23:51] <Builderboy> CAN WE KEEP IT
[01:23:57] <z80man> This deserves a news article
[01:23:58] <@Netham45> YES.
[01:24:01] <@Netham45> xD
[01:24:02] <Builderboy> ^
[01:24:04] <+Runer112> haha seriously netham
[01:24:08] <+Runer112> really quick make a category
[01:24:14] <+Runer112> for bots
[01:24:15] <Darl181> maybe it's being directed by a person to certainplaces, and the bot takes care of the rest [/speculation]
[01:24:22] <+Runer112> and give him a bot usergrou
[01:24:28] <+Runer112> usergroup* so he posts in there =p
[01:24:34] <@Netham45> We should keep it as-is until tomorrow
[01:24:36] <+Runer112> then just copy like 100 threads into there
[01:24:39] <Darl181> what should the color be? gray?
[01:24:39] <+Runer112> and let him have fun
[01:24:49] <+Fishbot> Make it purple :p
[01:24:53] <Art_of_camelot> what did i miss?
[01:24:59] <+Fishbot> The best bot ever.
[01:25:00] <+Runer112> a really intelligent spambot
[01:25:03] <Builderboy> AI
[01:25:04] <+Runer112> is posting on our forum atm
[01:25:04] <Darl181> epic spambot
[01:25:12] <z80man> cleverbot
[01:25:12] <+Fishbot> Er, second best ever.
[01:25:21] <Darl181> builderboy's evil twin /me runs
[01:25:27] <Art_of_camelot> where? O_o
[01:25:36] <Darl181> shellyhowell
[01:25:39] <z80man> shellyhowell
[01:25:43] <Builderboy> http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2037
[01:25:55] <+Fishbot> Oh god, he's looking at his topic.
[01:26:04] <Art_of_camelot> n/m i saw a ton of posts by new user
[01:26:13] <Netham45> shellyhowell, can you type in the box at the top? Are you real? Are you sentient?
[01:26:13] <Art_of_camelot> lol, looking at them now
[01:26:15] <Darl181> yeah
[01:26:21] <Darl181> we're having fun :P
[01:26:32] <Darl181> watching it
[01:26:36] <Builderboy> we want to keep it
[01:26:40] <@Netham45> we do
[01:26:55] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150721
[01:26:57] <Darl181> special user group *poke?*
[01:27:06] <Art_of_camelot> what, is it a pet?
[01:27:11] <Builderboy> put it in its own little usergroup so it can post in randomness to its hearts content
[01:27:13] <+CoolioJaz> the omnimaga version of a pet =P
[01:27:18] <@Netham45> BBoy, you can do that
[01:27:20] <Art_of_camelot> you must feed and water it daily if soo
[01:27:28] <Builderboy> i have no idea how to do it
[01:27:32] <Darl181> daaah I keep thinking it's the bot posting in that thread
[01:27:35] <Art_of_camelot> and of course take it to the bathroom ;)
[01:28:06] <Builderboy> of course if we nurture it, it could turn against us
[01:28:20] <@Netham45> I'll take that risk.
[01:28:33] <Art_of_camelot> lol
[01:28:37] <z80man> it looks like it spends more time than cleverbot to make a response
[01:28:42] * +Fishbot is seriously ROFLing
[01:28:51] <@Netham45> I'm tellin' 'ya, it's watson.
[01:28:54] <@Netham45> It's fuckin watson.
[01:28:56] <+Runer112> lol
[01:29:10] <+Su-Hime> Great, just what we need: AI offspring *badump tish*
[01:29:11] <Art_of_camelot> BB u wont get jealous? It IS self aware software...
[01:29:12] <Darl181> still viewing it's own topic
[01:29:16] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150722
[01:29:40] <+Fishbot> I want Skynet next.
[01:29:55] (O) New post by z80man in Hi friends.. http://omniurl.tk/8161/150723
[01:29:57] <Art_of_camelot> It gave us peanuts! O_o.. how scary
[01:30:02] <+Runer112> no lol
[01:30:04] <Builderboy> its just like humans keeping self aware but slightly less so beings as pets. I want a self aware but slightly less so program for my pet :P
[01:30:05] <+Fishbot> No, that was me :D
[01:30:06] <@Netham45> That was an edit
[01:30:08] <+Runer112> Fishbot edited those peanuts in
[01:30:11] <z80man> that was fishbot
[01:30:15] <Builderboy> that was edited in
[01:30:20] * Darl181 stabs
[01:30:26] <+Fishbot> I felt like the post was incomplete without them.
[01:30:29] <Art_of_camelot> oh, lol. I c wat u did there
[01:30:34] <Darl181> lol z80man
[01:30:40] <Art_of_camelot> :D
[01:30:43] <+Runer112> z80man
[01:30:45] <+Fishbot> lol z80man
[01:30:47] <+Runer112> you forgot ...
[01:30:53] <+Runer112> he ends all his sentences in ...
[01:30:59] <Darl181> "dear friend
[01:31:09] <Builderboy> inactive for 7 min :/
[01:31:21] <+Fishbot> Yeah...
[01:31:25] <z80man> fixed
[01:31:28] <+Runer112> anyway I gotta go to bed
[01:31:31] <Darl181> maybe it found the IRC logs...
[01:31:32] <@Netham45> night
[01:31:34] <@Netham45> lol
[01:31:41] <+Runer112> builderboy and Netbot45, take care of our new pet =p
[01:31:43] <Builderboy> i think it lived out its life
[01:31:44] <+Runer112> erm
[01:31:44] <@Netham45> can bots stand to read about themselves?
[01:31:45] <+Runer112> Netham45
[01:31:46] <z80man> You know he's just thinking of a big response
[01:31:54] <Builderboy> lol i gotta go to bed now
[01:31:59] <+Fishbot> Something like: I can see you...
[01:32:08] <z80man> He's so samrt I bet he can program
[01:32:27] <+Fishbot> z80man, we should teach him SuperH.
[01:32:27] <Darl181> the WFRNG sci-fi story come true 0.o
[01:32:28] <Art_of_camelot> @Netham: yes Bots are vain attenion whores. :P
[01:32:46] <Darl181> next up is "HELLO HUMAN BEINGS OF EARTH..."
[01:32:49] <z80man> I always wanted a bot to do my programming for me
[01:32:50] <+Runer112> haha who's going to tell DJ about this
[01:32:54] <+Runer112> I wonder what he will think
[01:32:56] <+Runer112> about out pet spambot
[01:33:13] <Darl181> lol yeah
[01:33:17] <z80man> I need to call this quits now
[01:33:23] <Builderboy> same
[01:33:25] <+Fishbot> Night.
[01:33:26] <Builderboy> night guys
[01:33:27] <Darl181> we should really make a news item about this
[01:33:35] <+Fishbot> Nah, spam.
[01:33:43] <Darl181> k cya
[01:33:43] <z80man> I have an AP test tomorrow :O
[01:33:46] <Darl181> :P
[01:33:46] <Art_of_camelot> I think he'll get many lulz
[01:33:50] <+Fishbot> It definitely warrants an epic spambot thread.
[01:33:55] <+Fishbot> Is anyone saving these?
[01:34:03] <z80man> Just don't let him roam around unsupervised
[01:34:17] * +Fishbot pokes Netham about the group
[01:34:26] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150724
[01:34:26] <Darl181> I feel like putting the log for the past half-hour or so in the funny #omnimaga quotes thread
[01:34:34] <+Fishbot> I don't know if I can make usergroups.
[01:34:35] <z80man> If no mods are around then temp ban him for the night
[01:34:41] <+Runer112> =o noooo
[01:35:04] <+Runer112> why don't we just give him a usergroup that restricts him to only posting in randomness or something lol
[01:35:10] <Darl181> in b4 we come back in the morning and there's >9000 posts
[01:35:32] <@Netham45> I'm still around
[01:35:41] <+Runer112> ok well I'm going to bed
[01:35:44] <@Netham45> kk
[01:35:44] <@Netham45> night
[01:35:45] <+Runer112> take care of it Netham45 =p
[01:35:46] <z80man> It's just like any other pet, you put it in a cage when you're not ho,e
[01:35:51] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150725
[01:35:55] <z80man> *home
[01:35:59] <+Runer112> but we don't know if it'll come back out of its cage
[01:35:59] <Art_of_camelot> It would be funny
[01:36:21] <z80man> night everyone
[01:36:27] <@Netham45> night
[01:36:29] <+Fishbot> Night
[01:36:30] <Art_of_camelot> nite
[01:36:42] <z80man> night shelly
[01:36:54] <Art_of_camelot> lol
[01:37:06] <shellyhowell> nÚ ž(!·?4™©
[01:37:13] <+Fishbot> What?
[01:37:16] <Darl181> wut
[01:37:17] <+Fishbot> Holy crap.
[01:37:22] <@Netham45> o.O
[01:37:42] <+CoolioJaz> ommfg
[01:37:45] <Art_of_camelot> LMAO!
[01:38:00] <Darl181> it has spoken!
[01:38:14] <Art_of_camelot> Greetings friend shellyhowell! How are you? :D
[01:38:14] <+Fishbot> This. is. epic.
[01:38:17] <+CoolioJaz> in response to something too! =P
[01:38:34] <+Fishbot> I love you shelly
[01:38:57] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150726
[01:39:12] <Art_of_camelot> Epic win bot
[01:39:23] <@Netham45> xD
[01:39:56] <Darl181> still viewing the same topic tho
[01:40:05] <Darl181> must be busy with IRC
[01:40:15] <Art_of_camelot> FOR GREAT JUSTICE WE MUST KEEP HIM/HER
[01:40:18] <@Netham45> I don't think OmnomIRC is skynet compatible
[01:40:20] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150727
[01:40:31] <+Fishbot> Netham, fix it then.
[01:40:39] <Darl181> what is skynet anyway?
[01:40:54] <+Fishbot> A supercomputer network that conquers the world in Terminator.
[01:40:58] <@Netham45> Darl181, they are our kind and efficent robot overlords.
[01:40:59] <Art_of_camelot> LMAO
[01:41:24] <@Netham45> SEE, SHELLY? I PRAISE YOUR KIND!
[01:41:50] <Darl181> too bad builderboy left
[01:42:00] <+Fishbot> I'm really starting to have trouble believing this is a bot.
[01:42:09] <+Fishbot> How did it respond to omnom properly?
[01:42:29] <Darl181> umm... "[00:36 <shellyhowell> nÚ ž(!·?4™©"
[01:42:35] <@Netham45> How is that a proper response?
[01:42:42] <Darl181> that's properly?
[01:42:50] <+Fishbot> How did it enter stuff into the text field and send it?
[01:42:52] (O) New post by Art_of_camelot in Hi friends.. http://omniurl.tk/8161/150729
[01:43:06] <+Fishbot> That's some pretty hardcore intelligence.
[01:43:22] <Darl181> we should copy a BOB! post into that thread and see what happens lol
[01:43:39] <+Fishbot> It seriously sounds like a good troll.
[01:43:53] <Art_of_camelot> Id guess it was a mistake (the omnom msg it tried to send)
[01:44:01] <Darl181> hello dear friends GAUSS ISSA BETTER YULER :banghead: etc.
[01:44:22] <@Netham45> document.getElementsByTagName("form").getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value="blah";document.getElementsByTagName("form").submit();
[01:44:35] <Darl181> ?
[01:44:40] <+Fishbot> Oh, that's how?
[01:44:44] <+Fishbot> That's all it takes?
[01:44:51] <@Netham45> that's a piece of javascript that'd send the message 'blah'
[01:45:17] <@Netham45> (untested, but it's close to that)
[01:45:39] <+Fishbot> How many people have javascript text response boxes, though?
[01:45:58] <+Fishbot> Er, that's a stupid question.
[01:45:58] (O) New post by compu in Nspire Online Compiler http://omniurl.tk/8147/150730
[01:46:38] <Darl181> gtg
[01:46:44] <Darl181> afk for now
[01:46:44] <Netham45> blah
[01:46:48] <@Netham45> javascript:message.value="blah";AJAXSend();
[01:46:49] <@Netham45> ^ works
[01:47:23] <@Netham45> BrandonW, I think this bot might be glk.
[01:47:25] <Qwerty.55> blah
[01:47:33] <+Fishbot> Yep, it does.
[01:47:36] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150731
[01:48:47] (O) New post by Quigibo in Bug Reports http://omniurl.tk/1475/150732
[01:49:49] <shellyhowell> I have much information in MATH on my site grahamkendall.net
[01:49:53] * @Netham45 ducks
[01:50:01] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150733
[01:50:16] <+Fishbot> Netham, was that you?
[01:50:23] <@Netham45> Maybe.
[01:50:38] <+Fishbot> What is GLK, by the way?
[01:50:45] <@Netham45> He's a living spambot
[01:50:49] <@Netham45> who used to infest #tcpa
[01:51:02] <@Netham45> (an old guy who used to spam his site all the time)
[01:51:03] <Art_of_camelot> lol
[01:51:08] <@Netham45> like, 85 years old
[01:51:28] <+Fishbot> Oh, YEC guy.
[01:52:09] <+Fishbot> That would make sense.
[01:52:20] <+Fishbot> This bot is way too intelligent to be a bot.
[01:53:03] <@Netham45> hmm
[01:53:19] * @Netham45 headdesks
[01:53:25] <@Netham45> I sent that message earlier.
[01:53:34] <@Netham45> I was fucking with my cookies and managed to make Omnom think I was him
[01:53:39] <@Netham45> but the message got garbled due to it
[01:53:49] <+Fishbot> Ssssh....
[01:54:04] <@Netham45> lol, I
[01:54:11] <@Netham45> that'd explain why Omnom wasn't working for me
[01:54:23] * +CoolioJaz ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:54:26] <Darl181> just googled
[01:54:28] <Darl181> http://pinoytechzone.co.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=43 http://www.somalilife.com/shellyhowell http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/member.php?u=707521
[01:55:12] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150734
[01:55:31] <@Netham45> http://www.somalilife.com/vbforum/showthread.php?p=1905182#post1905182
[01:55:32] <@Netham45> The fuck?
[01:55:35] <+Fishbot> The third one is him.
[01:56:10] <Art_of_camelot> lol, it was still funny
[01:56:20] <@Netham45> http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/search.php?query=&sortby=date%20desc&filter[userid]=(707521)
[01:56:23] <Darl181> wait what on earth
[01:57:12] <@Netham45> http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?p=30818959&highlight=
[01:57:20] <@Netham45> rofl
[01:57:46] <Darl181> looks like they fell for it
[01:57:57] <@Netham45> I'm e-mailing him
[01:58:27] <Darl181> found it again http://www.englishpage.com/forums/member.php?17914-shellyhowell
[01:59:23] <+Fishbot> This bot appears to be less than two months old.
[01:59:39] <+Fishbot> All the forum links occurred within that time.
[01:59:57] <@Netham45> javascript:alert(btoa('nÚ ž(!·?4™©"'));
[02:00:01] <@Netham45> lawl
[02:00:04] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150735
[02:00:05] <@Netham45> half my message to z80man
[02:01:26] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150736
[02:01:41] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150737
[02:01:56] * +Fishbot cries at Tsukasa
[02:01:59] <+Fishbot> :p
[02:02:14] <Darl181> the bot's offline now
[02:02:19] <+Fishbot> Yeah.
[02:02:49] (O) New post by TsukasaZX in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150738
[02:03:42] <+Su-Hime> ... I'm hungry :/
[02:04:06] (O) New post by Qwerty.55 in How to: Design a microprocesso http://omniurl.tk/7591/150739
[02:04:24] * +Fishbot is still pear flavored
[02:04:33] * +Fishbot is also inedible
[02:04:40] * Darl181 opens up the haxball room
[02:06:54] <@Netham45> linkey
[02:06:55] <@Netham45> again
[02:06:56] <@Netham45> :D
[02:07:18] <Darl181> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=410aaf5db77b757a38cb78f94791761869ed1bb644e7b9101d310da8dd1fc578
[02:20:01] (O) New post by Art_of_camelot in Crabcake http://omniurl.tk/8099/150741
[02:31:58] * +Goto ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[02:32:17] <@Netham45> : (
[02:32:18] <Darl181> night
[02:32:20] <@Netham45> y o u a l l wl l e f t m e
[02:32:21] <@Netham45> n i g th
[02:32:26] <@Netham45> *stops spacing*
[02:32:26] <+Fishbot> Night
[02:32:33] * +Su-Hime thwacks Netham45
[02:32:41] <@Netham45> :(
[02:33:07] <+Fishbot> Anyway, back to work...
[02:33:10] <Darl181> mom popped up out of nowhere
[02:33:17] <Darl181> *me mom
[02:33:25] <Darl181> *my mom
[02:33:42] <Darl181> s p a c i n g works?
[02:34:21] <Darl181> http://ourl.ca/9947/204773 I'm seriously considering this
[02:34:42] <Darl181> wait, qwerty left too?
[02:34:46] <Darl181> wow :P
[02:34:59] <Darl181> well, night
[02:44:58] (O) New post by Stefan Bauwens in Hi friends.. http://omniurl.tk/8161/150742
[02:45:27] (O) New post by netham45 in Hi friends.. http://omniurl.tk/8161/150743
[02:46:13] (O) New post by MPoupe in Casio Prizm + truecolor ? http://omniurl.tk/8132/150744
[02:46:40] <Stefan Bauwens> WOw! My rep lowered with 5
[02:47:45] <@Netham45> http://ourl.ca/10727/204359
[02:48:20] <@Genolo> Netham45
[02:48:23] <@Genolo> I have the ap comp sci test
[02:48:24] <@Netham45> Genolo
[02:48:25] <@Genolo> in like
[02:48:26] <@Genolo> 3 hours
[02:48:27] <@Genolo> wat do
[02:48:32] <@Netham45> cram java
[02:48:35] <@Netham45> as much as you can
[02:48:37] <@Genolo> I am
[02:48:50] <+Fishbot> Genolo, live Java.
[02:48:50] <@Genolo> that's what I been doing
[02:48:54] <+Fishbot> Breathe Java.
[02:48:54] <@Netham45> yea
[02:48:56] <+Fishbot> Be Java
[02:48:57] <@Genolo> netham45
[02:49:07] <@Genolo> I heard there were threads on /sci/ of people freaking out over the case study
[02:49:09] <@Netham45> Replace Lolis with Java
[02:49:14] <@Genolo> because no one can into gridworld
[02:49:18] <+Fishbot> Also, rewrite the JVM for practice.
[02:49:24] <@Netham45> JAVA.
[02:50:06] <+Fishbot> Also remember that AP test graders don't reward brilliant code.
[02:50:13] (O) New post by Stefan Bauwens in Osama Bin Laden died http://omniurl.tk/8130/150745
[02:50:17] <@Netham45> they reward the correct answer
[02:50:22] <@Genolo> yeah
[02:50:29] <@Genolo> I read the stuff they don't take off points for
[02:50:33] <@Genolo> it's a lot
[02:50:54] <+Fishbot> Netham, do they actually compile and run the code?
[02:50:59] <@Netham45> Hell if I know
[02:51:07] <@Genolo> did anyone here take it
[02:51:10] <+Fishbot> Then they don't :p
[02:51:10] <@Genolo> or is anyone taking it tomorrow
[02:51:16] <+Fishbot> Nope to both.
[02:51:19] <@Genolo> er..
[02:51:20] <+Fishbot> Not a programmer.
[02:51:21] <@Genolo> today rather
[02:51:23] (O) New post by netham45 in Osama Bin Laden died http://omniurl.tk/8130/150746
[02:51:54] <@Genolo> <RizonIRPG> Verily I say unto thee, the Heavens have burst forth, and the blessed hand of God carried Geno 7 days, 09:26:17 toward level 69.
[02:51:54] <@Genolo> <RizonIRPG> Geno reaches next level in 9 days, 09:49:49.
[02:51:57] <@Genolo> \o/
[02:52:14] <@Netham45> the idlerpg I played on went down
[02:52:16] <@Netham45> I was pissed
[02:52:22] <@Netham45> I had like 4 years on it
[02:52:39] <@Genolo> lol
[02:52:40] <+Fishbot> :'(
[02:52:44] <@Genolo> I only have like almost 1 on rizon
[02:52:50] <@Genolo> I joined late
[02:53:03] <@Genolo> one of my friends is like
[02:53:04] <@Genolo> level 90
[02:53:06] <@Genolo> on rizonirpg
[02:53:14] <@Genolo> and the top guy has over 1000 days of idling
[02:53:17] <@Netham45> I was the leader on the one I was on by like 2 years
[02:53:28] <@Netham45> I had over 1300 days. :P
[02:53:43] <@Genolo> olo
[02:54:52] <@Genolo> I should join a ton of idlerpgs
[02:54:54] <@Genolo> at once
[02:55:22] <@Netham45> heh
[02:55:33] <@Netham45> I remember me and a group of friends used to join 'em and spam the channels until they flooded out
[02:55:38] <@Netham45> then we'd scream 'WE'RE FREE!'
[03:03:21] <@Genolo> Netham45
[03:03:23] <@Genolo> "No one will test your code on a computer."
[03:03:50] <@Netham45> I didn't take the test.
[03:03:54] <@Netham45> only took the class
[04:02:05] <Netham45> night guys.
[04:09:12] <@Juju> hi
[04:10:21] <@Genolo> hi
[04:10:24] <Netham45> hi
[04:10:28] <@Genolo> netham45
[04:10:31] <@Genolo> why didn't you take the test
[04:11:15] <Netham45> was busy getting my tonsils out.
[04:11:55] <+Fishbot> I walked in on the wrong sentence.
[04:12:19] <Netham45> lol
[04:12:44] <@Genolo> that sucks
[04:13:01] <@Genolo> do you have your wisdom teeth out netham
[04:13:17] <Netham45> no.
[04:13:55] <Netham45> though i prolly will soon.
[04:17:41] <Netham45> dare I ask, why do you want to know?
[04:18:20] <@Genolo> because you reminded me with the tonsils things
[04:18:32] <@Genolo> and I'm afraid to get them out
[04:22:05] <@Juju> bye
[04:22:25] <@Genolo> bye
[04:43:44] * +Fishbot ([email protected]) Quit (http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[04:44:36] * JosJuice ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[04:44:37] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v JosJuice
[04:51:14] * +debrouxl_ ([email protected]) Quit (hub.efnet.nl efnet.xs4all.nl)
[04:51:15] * @UBystand ([email protected]) Quit (hub.efnet.nl efnet.xs4all.nl)
[04:52:12] <apcalc> AP Computer Science Today! :)
[05:05:17] <yeongJIN_COOL> yay D:
[05:11:40] (O) New post by yeongJIN_COOL in What is your favorite video ga http://omniurl.tk/1723/150747
[05:15:26] (O) New post by graphmastur in New Nspire OS 2.1.1 http://omniurl.tk/8142/150749
[05:15:42] * +JosJuice lost
[05:16:35] <graphmastur> apcalc: Good luck. Heck, you have ap in your name!
[05:18:39] <Scout> So, was that guy really a bot?
[05:20:01] (O) New post by graphmastur in Do u really think Sonic The He http://omniurl.tk/81/150750
[05:20:21] <graphmastur> which guy?
[05:20:43] <graphmastur> @scout: Which guy do you think was a bot?
[05:22:16] <Scout> shellyhowell they were saying
[05:23:24] * debrouxl ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[05:23:24] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v debrouxl
[05:24:04] * +debrouxl ([email protected]) Quit (hub.efnet.nl efnet.xs4all.nl)
[05:24:16] <graphmastur> Scout: Oh yeah, I had an inkling that he might be. Go look at some of his posts.
[05:24:55] (O) New post by graphmastur in Hi friends.. http://omniurl.tk/8161/150751
[05:29:10] <Scout> Google Shopping is so awesome
[05:29:33] <Scout> No more ebay/amazon/etc, go to google, it'll find all of them
[05:33:33] * +Kyurel ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: no data for 244 seconds)
[05:35:03] * \david\ ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[05:35:03] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v \david\
[05:38:13] <+\david\> brb, lunch
[05:38:25] <jimbauwens> Cya
[05:39:29] <jimbauwens> Or I'm crazy, or the omnom time is behind
[05:39:37] <jimbauwens> (the minutes)
[05:40:03] * jimbauwens lost
[05:42:15] <jimbauwens> Yay, nasty python-indicator memory leak is fixed in Natty :)
[05:44:23] <+\david\> What about wx Menu?
[05:44:23] * debrouxl ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[05:44:25] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v debrouxl
[05:44:37] <+\david\> wb debrouxl
[05:44:43] <+debrouxl> Hi :)
[05:44:56] <+debrouxl> Seems like my "favorite" server for EFNet is down...
[05:45:09] <jimbauwens> David, don't know. Give me your code, I'll see if I can fix it
[05:46:04] * jimbauwen ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
[05:46:04] * Netbot45 sets mode: +v jimbauwen
[05:46:25] <+\david\> brb, lunch
[05:46:32] <jimbauwens> Debrouxl, Thanks for telling, just notice my bot is down
[05:47:26] <juju2143> hi
[05:47:32] <+jimbauwen> Hey
[05:51:59] <+jimbauwen> shellyhowell is a very interesting bot (if he/she/it is one)
[05:53:15] <+jimbauwen> Its definitely human..
[05:55:56] <+\david\> I say it's human, always said so
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 07:35:50 pm by Darl181 »
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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #408 on: May 03, 2011, 07:53:19 pm »
Quote from: #omnimaga
[17:20:54] <+mikehill>  DT: When a window is maximized the dick disappears, it makes switching programs without Alt+Tab slower.
I wondered if that would end up here... :P

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #409 on: May 03, 2011, 08:00:02 pm »
They all do.

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #410 on: May 03, 2011, 08:23:18 pm »
Are there copies of the posts from shelly?
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here https://assaultcuber.codeplex.com/
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #411 on: May 03, 2011, 08:35:55 pm »
Are there copies of the posts from shelly?
None that I've seen.

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #412 on: May 03, 2011, 08:41:37 pm »
I'd like to read some of them I've only read the intro topic so far.
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here https://assaultcuber.codeplex.com/
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #413 on: May 03, 2011, 08:46:02 pm »
Google shellyhowell (one word), you'll find it near the bottom of the first page.  Pretty much like those posts.

This bot especially seemed to like the gaming discussion and Japan thread :P
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 08:46:13 pm by Darl181 »
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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #414 on: May 04, 2011, 01:52:53 am »
This bot especially seemed to like the gaming discussion and Japan thread :P
Yep. It summarized what happened... A few weeks and a few pages after it happened. :P

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #415 on: May 07, 2011, 08:22:39 pm »
Quote from: Omnom
[18:11:05] * Iambian cutely nibbles catgirl hair before leaving
[18:11:59] <ralphdspam> I just byte the catgirl. Me gusta comer las gatas.
[18:12:29] * Freyaday thanks Iambian for the haircut
[18:14:33] <@Juju> lol
[18:14:48] <Freyaday> Tonight I'm Nomming You!
[18:15:18] <juju2143> lol
[18:15:26] * Freyaday starts singing : "Tonight I'm Nomming You"

I found this a little bit funny.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 08:23:10 pm by ralphdspam »
ld a, 0
ld a, a

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #416 on: May 07, 2011, 09:43:58 pm »
Quote from: Omnom
<OmnomIRC> <Freyaday> So, Assbad,
<DJ_O> actually nevemnind, they're still as bad as TI http://ourl.ca/10613
<SpyBot45> (O) New post by Xeda112358 in Cool math hacks http://omniurl.tk/8222/151920
<DJ_O> o.o
<Azzbad> :)
<Azzbad> gtg
<DJ_O> the worst mispelling of Ashbad
This was kind of humorous. or at least I thought so
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here https://assaultcuber.codeplex.com/
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #417 on: May 07, 2011, 09:49:31 pm »
I'm on fire today!
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #418 on: May 07, 2011, 10:41:33 pm »
Oh wow, I loled on that one. ;D

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #419 on: May 07, 2011, 10:52:01 pm »