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[16:46:10] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* Freyaday chokes ACagliano [16:46:10] <+jimbauwen> Yay
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
Quoteleafiness0: i am turned onleafiness0: by bboy's presenceBuilderboy: Happybobjr: because i am naked?leafiness0: yeahleafiness0: exactlyDJ_O: leafiness0 wat
leafiness0: i am turned onleafiness0: by bboy's presenceBuilderboy: Happybobjr: because i am naked?leafiness0: yeahleafiness0: exactlyDJ_O: leafiness0 wat
[18:11:49] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Darl, do you like my music?[18:11:51] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> [18:12:02] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> ah, so you haven't forgotten how to do that [18:12:14] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> I was wondering what happened to all the rickrolls you used to post [18:12:40] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> I overused them in my opinion a couple of months ago, so I stopped doing it so much[18:13:09] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Darl, give me a minute...[18:13:35] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> new sign [18:14:00] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> 2202: You've made note of how ztrumpet's rate of imbedding rickrolls has decreased drastically as of late. yay big words[18:14:17] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> [18:14:19] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Um ,Darl, what's with the topic now?[18:14:23] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> wat[18:14:24] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> lol[18:15:01] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> classic music + rickroll = wat[18:15:12] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<annoyingorange> Where is that music coming from?[18:15:20] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> lols...[18:15:24] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> http://ourl.ca/12891/244359 = wut[18:16:00] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> ok how many rickrolls are where now[18:16:04] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> sounds like three[18:16:20] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> lol http://ourl.ca/7535[18:16:39] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> wait a sec[18:16:43] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* Darl181 stabs repeatedly[18:17:00] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* ztrumpet lols maniacally[18:17:08] * +Spyro543 takes Darl's knife and replaces it with a laser cannon[18:17:27] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* Darl181 rips out his bubble wrap and stuffs it in z's mouth[18:17:38] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* ztrumpet noms on teh bubbles[18:17:46] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Darl, have you figured it out yet?[18:18:01] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> did you modify the database or something?[18:18:04] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> nope[18:18:25] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> I'll wait for someone to figure it out, then I'll put it back to normal[18:19:24] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<annoyingorange> where is that music from?[18:19:33] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> That's the riddle[18:19:42] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> LEAVE MAH SIG ALONE[18:19:45] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Telling you the answer is cheating >.>[18:19:46] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> lol[18:19:50] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> [18:19:56] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Shall I fix it?[18:19:58] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> FIXED :p[18:20:01] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> [18:20:06] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* Darl181 turns off caps lock[18:20:08] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Darl found it[18:20:25] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> EVIL..[18:20:29] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> yup[18:20:33] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Did you like it?[18:20:35] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> wait how did caps lock get back on[18:20:39] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> LOL[18:21:50] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> that actually sounded pretty cool tho, with like 5 simultaneously[18:21:56] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> lol[18:22:16] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> Darl, how'd you figure it out?[18:22:52] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> made a connection[18:23:05] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> new posts page wasn't doing it, so it wasn't in omnom[18:23:16] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> print page didn't have any html[18:23:26] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Darl181> so I checked and sure enough [18:24:06] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet>
[09:19:52] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> sorry, frey, I dont have a gaming system period. [09:20:02] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> there there [09:20:07] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> besides my calc [09:20:08] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> wait, you have a calc! [09:20:15] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> oops, ninja'd [09:20:17] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> [09:20:18] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> ^^ninja'd [09:20:26] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> ninja'd again [09:20:29] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> I ninja your ninja! [09:20:39] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> 3xninja! [09:20:40] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<boot2490> i ninja your ninja's ninja! [09:20:41] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> ninja'd saying ninja'd, how bout that!
Could you put up an "EDITED" thingy so that we know, please?Like so:Quote from: IRC (edited)[09:19:52] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> sorry, frey, I dont have a gaming system period. [09:20:02] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> there there [09:20:07] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> besides my calc [09:20:08] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> wait, you have a calc! [09:20:15] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> oops, ninja'd [09:20:17] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> [09:20:18] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> ^^ninja'd [09:20:26] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> ninja'd again [09:20:29] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> I ninja your ninja! [09:20:39] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Freyaday> 3xninja! [09:20:40] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<boot2490> i ninja your ninja's ninja! [09:20:41] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<flyingfisch> ninja'd saying ninja'd, how bout that!
"welcome to the world of computers, where everything seems to be based on random number generators"
[19:36:13] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ralphdspam> @z80 clrscrnfull [19:36:14] <+Runer112> [Z80] ERROR \ Could not assemble: clrscrnfull [19:36:22] <+Runer112> @z80 B_CALL(_ClrScrnFull) [19:36:23] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ralphdspam> @z80 bcall(clrscrnfull) [19:36:24] <+Runer112> [Z80] ERROR \ Could not assemble: bcall(clrscrnfull) [19:36:24] <+Runer112> [Z80] Instruction \ Main: B_CALL(imm16) \ Instance: B_CALL(_ClrScrnFull) [EF4645] \ Bytes: 3 \ More info: http://wikiti.brandonw.net/index.php?title=83Plus:BCALLs:4546 [19:36:34] <+Runer112> underscore =p [19:36:36] <+Runer112> it's important [19:36:49] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ralphdspam> lol. [19:37:04] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> @z80 #define bcall(xxxx), b_call(xxxx) [19:37:05] <+Runer112> [Z80] ERROR \ Could not assemble: #define bcall(xxxx), b_call(xxxx) [19:37:09] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> [19:37:13] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> RUNER!!! [19:37:16] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> [19:37:21] * +Runer112 is not a real assembler =p [19:37:25] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> lol [19:37:34] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ralphdspam> it has nothing to assemble [19:37:44] <+Runer112> well [19:37:46] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<calc84maniac> @z80 assembler [19:37:47] <+Runer112> [Z80] ERROR \ Could not assemble: assembler [19:37:53] <+Runer112> assemblers have #define [19:37:55] <+Runer112> I don't
[21:02:34] <+Runer112> hmm [21:02:37] <+leafy> i exploited your menu scrolling code for other purposes [21:02:57] <+leafy> it's awesome cuz you can stick anything in L1 and it'll scroll it [21:03:16] <+Runer112> lol [21:03:54] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> lol [21:03:55] <+leafy> runer why so awesome [21:04:06] <+Runer112> I don't even know what code you're talking about [21:04:10] <+Runer112> oh [21:04:10] <+Runer112> you mean [21:04:11] <+leafy> yum! [21:04:16] <+leafy> yes [21:04:17] <+leafy> that [21:04:19] <+Runer112> the fancy graviter level select thingy [21:04:24] <+leafy> ninja'd [21:04:25] <+Runer112> how it slides in? [21:04:27] <+Runer112> and out? [21:04:30] <+leafy> yatr [21:04:31] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> yup [21:04:34] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet> lol [21:04:36] <+Runer112> nobody say it [21:04:40] <+Runer112> or I'll murder you [21:04:46] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* ztrumpet ninja'd without knowing if it were to be a yes or no [21:04:47] <+leafy> THAT"S [21:04:47] <+leafy> WHAT [21:04:50] <@Timothy> lol* [21:04:51] * +Runer112 murders leafy [21:04:59] <+leafy> [21:05:06] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<ztrumpet>
Quote[01:52] Juju: Yes no toaster the game
[01:52] Juju: Yes no toaster the game
Quote from: DJ_O on August 21, 2011, 01:53:03 amQuote[01:52] Juju: Yes no toaster the gamethe