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"welcome to the world of computers, where everything seems to be based on random number generators"
Yo dawg I herd u coded code so I coded code in your code so you can code your code while you code your code
eval("eval(\"eval(\\\"echo \\\\\"Hello Eval!\\\\\"\\\")\")");
[05:23:17] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> You should really make your name shorter or (better idea) tell us a good nickname for you (a SHORT one!)[05:23:20] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> puzzle designing is painful XP[05:23:45] <+Iambian> Debugging something where just about everything is broken... is painful.[05:23:50] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> you are designing a puzzle??[05:23:59] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> for my zcontest entry XP[05:24:00] * +PatrickD ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 376 seconds)[05:24:00] <+Iambian> And I *mean* just about everything is broken.[05:24:11] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> ah[05:24:12] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> I'll probably be on in 4 hours too[05:24:21] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> oh... Not good, or?[05:24:40] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> @p2, then I wanna be called by my custom title, unabridged[05:24:40] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> last one @Iambian[05:24:59] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> ok[05:25:06] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> hi, bridge![05:25:13] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> XP[05:25:19] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> (that's a word I won't forget!)[05:25:26] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> no no u2[05:25:31] <+Iambian> I'm so not going to be sleeping well "tonight"[05:25:40] <+Iambian> 7:26AM and still going[05:25:46] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> unabridged means not abbriviated[05:26:28] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> oh yeah[05:27:05] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> so we will call you yeojicoo [05:27:13] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> ....[05:27:24] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> sounds like some japanese name XP[05:27:27] <+Iambian> I'm off to get me some Red Kool-Aid and then increase my blood sugar to dangerous heights in a very cheap manner.[05:27:39] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> have fun,[05:27:54] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> We just can call you y2[05:27:55] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> for me, it's "BRIDGE"[05:28:10] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> no[05:28:10] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> or should I change it to "UN-BRIDGED"??[05:28:20] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> unabridged isn't his nickname[05:28:33] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> [05:28:41] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> Then I'm for y2, too![05:28:47] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> go check my custom title, if you want to know what I want to be called by XP[05:29:06] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> Mega Bustin' Music Makin' BrainMezzer Just for You?[05:29:14] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> Mega Bustin' Music Makin' BrainMezzer[05:29:14] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> [05:29:20] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> BRIDGE![05:29:25] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> O.o[05:29:30] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> [05:29:37] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> =D[05:29:39] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> yeah, lets bother yeong forever with unabridged[05:29:42] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* yeongJIN_COOL worries that it might stick to his nick forever XP[05:29:55] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> =D =D[05:30:10] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> Hey Unabridged. Sup?[05:30:25] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> [05:30:29] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> no, not unAbridged!! it's BRIDGE or UN-BRIDGED!![05:30:42] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> i will decompress youuuuu[05:30:52] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> or maybe THE-BRIDGE[05:31:22] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> The-BRIDGE_GAME?[05:31:26] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> THE-BRIDGE-MONSTAR-THAT-WILL-EAT-YOU-ALL?? is that better??[05:31:30] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> http://thesaurus.com/browse/unabridged[05:31:33] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> YAY!![05:31:37] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> Bridge-game!![05:31:57] * +New post by Chockosta in [Lua] Make3D http://omniurl.tk/7968/193116[05:32:03] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> @Stefan I think he knows the meaning, but just want to mess with my nickname [05:32:03] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> Mega-unbridge-man[05:32:37] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> yeah i know. But you can look for synonyms on your new nickname [05:32:39] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* yeongJIN_COOL finished writing a essay in AP Calc class[05:32:41] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> THE BRIDGED ONE[05:32:50] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> yeah[05:32:55] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> [05:33:31] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> what sounds better? THE-BRIDGE or BRIDGE-GAME or THE-BRIDGED-ONE??[05:33:41] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> erm[05:33:46] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> [05:33:51] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> =D[05:33:55] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yeongJIN_COOL> I can't choose XP[05:33:55] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> Lets use a ll om 'em[05:34:05] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> all of*[05:34:05] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* yeongJIN_COOL noms Stefan[05:34:12] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> [05:34:40] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* p2 eats the unnamed guy whith his bridge[05:34:51] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> =D[05:35:05] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Stefan Bauwens> What sup bridged one?[05:35:38] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<p2> I'm too lazy to write the full name, but I'll try now!
Quote from: parser padwan on September 29, 2011, 11:42:38 pmQuote from: yunhua98 on September 29, 2011, 11:41:58 pmQuote from: parser padwan on September 29, 2011, 11:39:08 pmI think I'll poke butts next time I see him... it took me a while to understand that sentence. I guess it could be taken the wrong way... I got a good laugh out of this.
Quote from: yunhua98 on September 29, 2011, 11:41:58 pmQuote from: parser padwan on September 29, 2011, 11:39:08 pmI think I'll poke butts next time I see him... it took me a while to understand that sentence. I guess it could be taken the wrong way...
Quote from: parser padwan on September 29, 2011, 11:39:08 pmI think I'll poke butts next time I see him... it took me a while to understand that sentence.
I think I'll poke butts next time I see him...
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
<leafy> BBOY<Bboy> :D<leafy> i have a boner to pick you with<Netham45> D:* Bboy hides
Quote<leafy> BBOY<Bboy> <leafy> i have a boner to pick you with<Netham45> * Bboy hides
<leafy> BBOY<Bboy> <leafy> i have a boner to pick you with<Netham45> * Bboy hides
Quote from: Netham45 on October 07, 2011, 12:15:34 amQuote<leafy> BBOY<Bboy> <leafy> i have a boner to pick you with<Netham45> * Bboy hides>.<
Quote from: Eeems on October 07, 2011, 01:05:22 amQuote from: Netham45 on October 07, 2011, 12:15:34 amQuote<leafy> BBOY<Bboy> <leafy> i have a boner to pick you with<Netham45> * Bboy hides>.<I didn't know leafy played the trombone.