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I died.
[00:09:59]< Rarity > Hey street[00:10:04]< Streetwalrus > hey[00:10:06]< Rarity > shouldn't you be sleeping [00:10:18]< Streetwalrus > I'm returning the question to you[00:10:25]< Rarity > I'm returning it back[00:10:29]< Streetwalrus > back[00:10:30]< Rarity > [00:10:32]< Princetonlion.tibd > Is it 3:00 there?[00:10:34]< Rarity > /)[00:10:41]< Streetwalrus > /)[00:10:49]< Rarity > Princeton: 2am[00:10:49]< Streetwalrus > no 2:10 am
#omnimaga, Street and me (rarity) were online kinda late:Quote[00:09:59]< Rarity > Hey street[00:10:04]< Streetwalrus > hey[00:10:06]< Rarity > shouldn't you be sleeping [00:10:18]< Streetwalrus > I'm returning the question to you[00:10:25]< Rarity > I'm returning it back[00:10:29]< Streetwalrus > back[00:10:30]< Rarity > [00:10:32]< Princetonlion.tibd > Is it 3:00 there?[00:10:34]< Rarity > /)[00:10:41]< Streetwalrus > /)[00:10:49]< Rarity > Princeton: 2am[00:10:49]< Streetwalrus > no 2:10 amidk, but somehow I find this funny
I don't remember somebody talking in all caps except for me on my own. And I don't really feel good by finding my own jokes funny.well I do but I dont tell anyone
[00:36:31]< Rarity > SLICE OF BREAD CHEESE HAM SLICE OF BREAK[00:36:33]< Rarity > dammit[00:36:35]< Princetonlion.tibd > I used google[00:36:35]< Rarity > BREAD[00:36:39]< DJ Omnimaga > Over here they're available mostly at the smoked meat restaurant in the local mall[00:36:49]< Princetonlion.tibd > QUICK:TIME CHECK for streetwalrus[00:36:55]< DJ Omnimaga > it's almost as popular as subway but most ppl buy club sandwidtchs[00:36:59]< Rarity > QUICK: WHATS THE SITUATION
Ah right, that was kinda funny indeed. big fail on the break instead of bread, tho. I used the wrong index finger so instead of D I hit K
[12:45:58]< aeTIos > imagine, lag on LAN on IRC[12:46:07]< aeTIos > how bad of a connection must you have for that[12:46:08]< Sorunome > o.o[12:46:44]< aeTIos > also did you see my post in xedas thread :p[12:46:46]*Princetonlion.tibd connects aeTIos to calcnet[12:46:55]< Princetonlion.tibd > yeah[12:47:22]< aeTIos > I'm not a calc, excuse me[12:47:35]< aeTIos > If anything besides human I'm a pony[12:47:38]*Princetonlion.tibd installs a calc into aeTIos[12:48:04]< Princetonlion.tibd > with solder, hotglue, and duct tape.[12:48:10]< aeTIos > You realize that[12:48:18]< aeTIos > 's gonna kill me, right?[12:48:23]< Princetonlion.tibd > oh[12:48:35]< aeTIos > *gasps*[12:48:42]< aeTIos > *fall on ground*[12:48:47]< Princetonlion.tibd > I only chose the most painful things that were least likely to kill[12:48:49]< aeTIos > *makes weird movements*[12:48:57]< Sorunome > crap, lost count[12:48:58]< Princetonlion.tibd > I almost said nails[12:49:17]< aeTIos > GET THE #$@% CALC OUT OF MY BODY[12:49:32]< Princetonlion.tibd > too late[12:49:37]< aeTIos > *dies*[12:49:56]< Princetonlion.tibd > it's wired to your brain (or the other way around?)[12:49:57]< aeTIos > congratulations, you just killed aeTIos. Are you proud now[12:50:24]< Princetonlion.tibd > you're like SchrC6dinger's cat now[12:50:29]< aeTIos > no[12:50:32]< aeTIos > you know my state[12:50:34]< aeTIos > I'm dead[12:51:18]< Princetonlion.tibd > but you're a calc, and cannot die (with infinite [electrical ] power, that is)[12:51:34]< harold > are you also 200% done?[12:51:34]< Vijfhoek > bananas are yellow[12:51:34]< Princetonlion.tibd > plus you're still typing[12:51:41]< aeTIos > you didn't wire any batteries to me[12:51:50]< aeTIos > I'm typing from the afterlif[12:51:50]< aeTIos > e[12:51:51]< harold > can you even?[12:52:05]< Princetonlion.tibd > I did... please wait[12:52:14]< aeTIos > they have internet there, pretty cool[12:52:24]*Princetonlion.tibd takes out D size batterys and a chainsaw[12:52:25]< Sorunome > better[12:52:35]< Princetonlion.tibd > are you ready aeTIos?[12:52:57]< aeTIos > You can't reach me here unless you die first[12:53:00]< Princetonlion.tibd > I forgot solder[12:53:10]< Princetonlion.tibd > your body first [12:53:24]< aeTIos > this discussion is too weird, let's stop it >.<[12:53:30]< Vijfhoek > I don't belong here[12:53:31]< Princetonlion.tibd > lol
<YUKI_K> wat<OmnomIRC> (O)<TheCoder1998> wat?<Sorunome> wat!<OmnomIRC> (O)<harold> wat.<Sorunome> wat?<OmnomIRC> (O)<Hooloovoo> wat!?<Sorunome> wat;<YUKI_K> I say<Sorunome> I say?<Sorunome> I say!<OmnomIRC> (O)<TheCoder1998> WAT I SAY???<aeTIos> YOU SAY<YUKI_K> good show<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Ook?<aeTIos> YOU KNOW WHAT I SAY? SCREW YOU ALL<OmnomIRC> (O)<harold> I say wat wat* aeTIos (aeTIos@ has left #omnimaga (STFU)<Sorunome> wat wat wat wat wat<YUKI_K> in the butt<OmnomIRC> (O)<harold> <DerpyBot> [youtube] Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)"<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook~* aeTIos (aeTIos@ has joined #omnimaga* ` gives voice to aeTIos<YUKI_K> waaat.<YUKI_K> you missed some butts.<Sorunome> wut<aeTIos> fake ragequits are fun<YUKI_K> ALL PRAISE SUNBUTT AND MOONBUTT<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> You guys have too much spare time<YUKI_K> yes.<OmnomIRC> (O)<TheMachine02> okayyyyyy .....<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> And so do i<Sorunome> NEVAR!<YUKI_K> dat is true.<OmnomIRC> (O)<TheCoder1998> what the fuck did i just watch -_-<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> You know the rules<YUKI_K> and so do I<aeTIos> A full commitment what I'm* YUKI_K rolls a d20<Sorunome> thinking of<YUKI_K> 2.<YUKI_K> Screw this.<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> goog.le/QMET<YUKI_K> PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS<aeTIos> you wouldn't get this from<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> google.com/QMET<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> What was it again?<OmnomIRC> (O)* Hooloovoo rolls a http://goo,gl/QMET<Sorunome> goo.gl/QMET<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Oh that<OmnomIRC> (O)<Hooloovoo> dammit I need a plugin<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> http://goo,gl/QMET<YUKI_K> http://goo.gl/QMET<aeTIos> PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS<YUKI_K> y'all all fail<Sorunome> PFUDOR<OmnomIRC> (O)<TheCoder1998> quantuminfinity.net<Sorunome> randomness<OmnomIRC> (O)<TheCoder1998> http://quantuminfinity.net<aeTIos> please use one word to describe the texture of their magical fur<Sorunome> FLUFFY!<Sorunome> three headded dog<OmnomIRC> (O)<pimathbrainiac> ohai pplz<YUKI_K> fluffyyyy.<aeTIos> SMILES<YUKI_K> smiles.<Sorunome> missels<aeTIos> PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS<aeTIos> PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS<aeTIos> PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON DANCING ON RAINBOWS<YUKI_K> http://juju2143.ca/pfudor