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depression_points = {LIFE, SHYNESS, LIFE_CHOICES, LAZINESS, etc...}; // too many to list them.while(has_projects_to()) { if(has_homework_to_do()) { if(has_important_project_to_do()) program_on_small_project(rand()%num_small_projects()); } else depressing_about_(depression_points, rand()%num_depression_points());}
while(it_wont_work()) { if(rand()&1) depress_about_it(); else try_to_desesperatly_fix_it();}
#define if(x) if(rand()%10 && (x))
Code: [Select]while(oreo) oreo--;
while(oreo) oreo--;
Code: [Select]while(pimath_is_on_computer) checkOmnimaga();
while(pimath_is_on_computer) checkOmnimaga();
public void onFacebookMessageReceive(Message m){ if(m.sender.getNickname().equals("pimathbraniac")) { double num = Math.random(); if(m.body.contains("omni")) { if(num < 0.8) checkOmnimaga(); } else if(num < 0.2) checkOmnimaga(); }}
True statement. Except I didn't even mention it today...
Quote from: Matrefeytontias on November 10, 2014, 02:30:36 pmCode: [Select]while(oreo) oreo--;Looking though this again, you could optimize:Code: [Select]while(oreo--);