Author Topic: Pucrunch Decompressor Axiom features the Nommer of Fishies  (Read 2601 times)

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Offline Iambian

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Pucrunch Decompressor Axiom features the Nommer of Fishies
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:36:20 am »
Just so you know, I'm a fan of the movie How to Train Your Dragon, and I've played Persona III, so I figured how well it would be for the characters in that movie to have the sort of problems presented in that game. I haven't really fully thought out the idea so it rested on the backburners of my imagination. Now, keep in mind that I'm a Z80 ASM coder, not a storyteller. So with what little I had, I ... uh. Really didn't do much. That was...

Some odd night a few days ago, I was working on a pucrunch decompressor Axiom and I thought about something. Completely random. Very random. So I put it here in the randomness subforum. An exact copy is found in that project's "IgnoreME.txt" file, which is... well. An alternative to the "ReadME.txt" file (it exists too!).

I would post this mess on, but I'm not sure if it would be classified as a crossover. The content sure indicates that, but no characters are being used from PIII. Just didn't feel like it. So anyway, the copy from my file (make sure the screen's width is set to be able to display 80 columns).

Tell me what you think about my randomness.

EDIT: May contain a spoiler or two from both titles.
Code: [Select]
Credits are given where credits are due. Those are in the ReadME.
Though Hiccup had the power of the Wild Card, there wasn't a single Persona
he enjoyed using more than his Toothless. His Night Fury. His friend.
Despite being just a facet of his overactive imagination, this fragment
seemed to him to be the most real out of them all. This fragment of his own
personality... a fragment of his own? It seems to him to be a fragment of
someone else's personality. Something much older than he was. Ancient,
perhaps. Not his. No, it couldn't possibly be his, and yet it was. It was his
Persona. One that really didn't fit in. Like himself.

Every day, he waited. Waited for that dreaded Dark Hour. Not that there was
anything wrong with it, except that it was the hidden 25th hour of the day,
but it was then, all alone in his room, he could without any strange stares
from his teammates, summon his Persona. His personal friend. His Night Fury.
Every Dark Hour he wasn't shifting around in Tartarus, he would be there, in
his room, basking in the presence of his personal guardian. The one who saved
his life many times. It was like a heaven amidst an ever-present Green Death
that permeated that Hour. It is as it should be, with his friend.

Hiccup never really knew Orpheus. Toothless was his first, and he'll never
get rid of him like he did so many times with his other Personae. Pixie?
Toothless had that one for lunch many months ago. Inugami? Got rid of him
as soon as something else came up. Odin? Didn't get along well with Toothless
so he discarded him rather quickly. Helel? Tempting, but only his Night Fury
will hold that special place in his heart.

There was just one thing Hiccup never really understood. While all the other
Persona, and every other Shadow happened to be classified by Arcana, he could
never really figure out where the Night Fury fell in the scheme of things. He
couldn't possibly be without an Arcana, but it still wasn't identifiable.
Margaret and Igor were no help, the bunch of (then) slack-jawed ninnies.
That dragon was a complete enigma to everyone, but it mattered not.

His dragon. His Night Fury. His Toothless. Damned his other more "human"
teammates. Thinking back on his very first encounter, he could still hear
those words echo out under the first full moon of his year-long adventure:

"Thou art I and I am thou. From the sea of thy soul I cometh.
 I am Toothless, nommer of fishies!"

Together, both human and dragon as one, on this fateful day of January 31,
they face that which dareed to desecrate the world the two shared. On that
day, the two of them alone, rose among the stars to defend all life. To
ensure that humans, full of dreams, hopes, and desires, may continue to
dream, to hope, to desire. To ensure that all the fishies in the streams and
seas will continue to swim, to swim, and... uh. To swim? Ahem. Together,
they ensured that for all life, that there will be a February 1st.

And all the while, deep in the mind of Hiccup but unbeknownst to him,
Toothless was thinking the same thing. All of dragonkind will be safe. And
all of fishkind will be safe. For delicious nomming.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 10:37:20 am by Iambian »
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Re: Pucrunch Decompressor Axiom features the Nommer of Fishies
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 02:49:35 pm »
Lol nice. I wonder how people will react when they open the ignoreme file instead of the readme XD

Offline JustCause

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Re: Pucrunch Decompressor Axiom features the Nommer of Fishies
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2011, 11:54:18 am »
Dammit, I can't read this because Persona 3 is still on my to-play list. Grr. Must play Persona. (Mucho thanks for marking spoilers, though. Honestly, almost ruined Fire Emblem for me.)
See you, space cowboy...

Offline Iambian

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Re: Pucrunch Decompressor Axiom features the Nommer of Fishies
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 11:23:58 pm »
Dammit, I can't read this because Persona 3 is still on my to-play list. Grr. Must play Persona. (Mucho thanks for marking spoilers, though. Honestly, almost ruined Fire Emblem for me.)
I don't think there's too many spoilers about either works, unless you consider an indirect reference to an important event a spoiler.

EDIT: Finally got it published on :
I guess I ought to write more fanfiction or something. Feels decent. Else, I should work on more code. Also, the system seems to filter out "IgnoreME.txt" for some odd reason...
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 03:27:01 pm by Iambian »
A Cherry-Flavored Iambian draws near... what do you do? ...