But you missed some... :P
There'squite a bita lot more than 18 methinks/me goes to peanuts topicGet your peanuts! Fresh and hot, straight from git-hub!
(http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee447/Kippy15/Random%20Stuff/PikaPeanutPNG-1.png)(http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4454.0;attach=3288;image) (Onlytwoone bag left)
Adding to those in the first post--37 peanut brands, a walrus brand, 1 loli brand, 1 bag of potatoes and a ram.
The first post is safe.
EDIT: Unless pictures of bags of peanuts would be in some way unsafe ???
Oh, there's nothing like that in the first post.
I hope you will not have problems but there are some smileys with flashing colors, and they are often present.
[offtopic]It's my topic!!! :D
@HOMER-16: You sould go to the "Powers of two posters only" as you have 256 posts (this is not my topic).
@HOMER-16: You sould go to the "Powers of two posters only" as you have 256 posts (this is not my topic).
(http://i45.servimg.com/u/f45/11/25/11/26/peanut10.png) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=90&u=11251126)I really like this one.
i'm not sure why this thread is suddenly up again, but i decided to make one to add to the collectionYou should have written "Raspberry Pi-nuts" :P
Wow epic compilation p2. :O Now for Yunhua98 to update the first post with the missing bags. :PDJ_O, I'm gonne post an update today or tomorrow! ;)
/me wonders if there's an option to select what pictures can be shown or ones you want to see.
Haha, that's a lot of different brands!
/me thinks that once he reaches a high number of posts (say 500 -1000) he'll photoshop his own brand. :P
Like who? :P I should make a userbar peanuts bag...I hope you will not have problems but there are some smileys with flashing colors, and they are often present.
it's ok I'm blocking images and signatures they just clutter up the forum anyway. man there are some large signatures.
Lets not derail this thread with image-editing... :angel:
Lol, epilleptic would be more the bag I posted once. (I forgot the link) :P
Epilepsy warning(i think)-Spoiler For Spoiler: