Author Topic: Wacky Fun Random Chrismas Song Parody (WFRCSP)  (Read 2223 times)

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Wacky Fun Random Chrismas Song Parody (WFRCSP)
« on: December 16, 2010, 08:42:49 pm »
I made this one up. I'm posting it because Christmas is near. Have fun and post urs if u have
@SirC. No this is not about chipmunks

Spoiler For Spoiler:

Christmas+Chemistry=Massive Chaos

Last Moment, I gave you my e (e as an electron)
But the very moment, You gave it back to me
This time, to save me energy
I'll give it to Chlorine instead

Last Moment, I gave you my e
But the very moment, You gave it back to me
This time, to save me energy
I'll give it to Chlorine instead

One 'lectron it's bugging me
I try to kick it but you still stick around
Tell me Neon, why don't you receive it?
Well you're noble, so it doesn't surprise me

(Please take it!) I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "Don't refuse" I meant it
Now I know how mean is Neon
Being a noble gas doesn't mean he is good man.

Last Moment, I gave you my e
But the very moment, You gave it back to me
This time, to save me energy
I'll give it to Chlorine instead

Last Moment, I gave you my e
But the very moment, You gave it back to me
This time, to save me energy
I'll give it to Chlorine instead

(Oooh. Oooh Baby)

A lone electron, shedding tear to me
I'm trying to help you, but you just won't budge
My God You little prick, why don't you get off me?
Me? I guess I was a atom to cry on

Hydrogen burns and oxygen supports it
But when they are combined, they form H2O
Oooh Oooh
Now I've found a new friend named Chlorine to help me with this.

Last Moment, I gave you my e
But the very moment, You gave it back to me
This time, to save me energy
I'll give it to Chlorine instead

Last Moment, I gave you my e
But the very moment, You gave it back to me
This time, to save me energy
I'll give it to Chlorine instead

Hydrogen burns and oxygen supports it
(Gave you my e)
But when they are combined, they form H2O

Next moment
I'll give it to Chlorine, I'll give it to Chlorine instead
I'll give it to Chlorine, I'll give it to Chlorine instead
No one will give me seven Es
I'll give it to Chlorine
hold my e and watch it glow
I'll give it to Chlorine, I'll give it to Chlorine instead
I've got you here to stay
Say hellow to Chlorine
I thought Neon was noble gas
gave you my e
I'll give it to  Chlorine, I'll give it to Chlorine
last moment I gave you my e
you sent it back to me
I'll give it to Chlorine, I'll give it to Clorine
Sig wipe!

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Re: Wacky Fun Random Chrismas Song Parody (WFRCSP)
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 09:01:47 pm »
Interesting. Is it to the tune of any well-known song?
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Spoiler For "PartesOS links":
I'll put it online when it does something.

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Re: Wacky Fun Random Chrismas Song Parody (WFRCSP)
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 11:48:40 pm »

We really should come up with one for the WFRNG, though :hyper: