Author Topic: Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Atari 2600: Which one is better?  (Read 2592 times)

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Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Atari 2600: Which one is better?
« on: March 24, 2013, 05:14:16 pm »
Let's see which console between the Xbox 360, PS3 and Atari 2600 are better, from a different point of view:

Xbox 360 pros:

Xbox 360 cons:
-Breaks often (often after less than 5 year)
-The majority of games suck because they only focus on graphics or are too easy
-Most games aren't games but rather slow-paced movies (10 hours of cutscenes and 5 minutes of gameplay)
-Graphics are so detailled that they're make games too complex (can't distinguish items from landscape)
-Text is nearly impossible to read on 480p TVs
-Can't be emulated on a calculator
-Too heavy
-Too big

PS3 pros:
-Older models can be used to cook eggs after several hours of play
-Can be used for weight lifting at the gym.
-Free online multiplayer, without the screaming 10 years old kids seen on Xbox Live who absolutely want to show you that they have a mic.

PS3 cons:
-Same as Xbox 360, but doesn't break as often as it used to do
-If you jailbreak your console, you can go to jail

Atari 2600 Pros:
-After 30 years, your console still works great without repair!
-Aside from the original 6-switch model, the console isn't too heavy
-Much smaller than the 360, despite dating back in the '70s
-Has a game based on the E.T. movie
-Has adult games
-Sound is loud enough
-Looks good on most TVs rather than just HDTVs
-Not region-locked (except some games might not play on other region consoles)
-You can see how Xbox 360 games look like when you're high, but without having to purchase drugs, and if you play X-Man or E.T you can even feel the side effects!
-Could be emulated on a calculator if you poke Calc84maniac often enough

Atari 2600 Cons:

Conclusion: The greater the number (2600>360>3), the better the console. Discuss!

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Note: This is meant as a joke, not a serious comparison, although to be honest there are certain points that might be partially true :trollface:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 05:17:21 pm by DJ Omnimaga (Not Admin) »

Offline Keoni29

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Re: Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Atari 2600: Which one is better?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 05:24:44 pm »
- You can play atari2600 games on both the ps3 and the xbox 360, but you cannot play xbox 360 games on a ps3 or the other way around. Yet the atari2600 cannot play ps3 nor 360 games.
This means that sony thinks it's better to play atari2600 games rather than xbox 360 games
This means that microsoft thinks it's better to play atari2600 games rather than ps3 games,
This means that Atari thinks it's better to play atari2600 games rather than both ps3 or 360 games.
To sum it all up: Everyone thinks it's better to play atari2600 games.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 05:25:21 pm by Keoni29 »
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