View full version: TI-Nspire
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  1. Chalex's MC2D Mod
  2. Chess for Ti-Nspire CX
  3. nSMM - Super Mario Maker for TI-nSpire
  4. Snake + editor Nspire Basic
  5. Please delete this
  6. nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire
  7. TI Nspire serial adapter design files
  8. Fluid Mechanics Python Library
  9. Minecraft 2D for TI-Nspire
  10. micropython - Python for Nspire calculators
  11. kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
  12. micropython Ti Nspire touch
  13. running basic dos programs on ti-Nspire Cx
  14. Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
  15. Is this forum dead?
  16. Calling all Linux Kernel developers!
  17. Jens' Script Editor - An on-calc lua editor
  18. nGL - a fast (enough) 3D engine for the nspire
  19. n-flashcards: study from csv files
  20. Snow
  21. DLiterature for NSpire: Chinese text reader (ndless required)
  22. You know...
  23. Static3D
  24. Electric Circuit Calculation
  25. TI NSpire CX Linux Adventures (Arch Linux with X11, internet, audio)
  26. SDL ports for Nspire
  27. More Emulators!
  28. nFlags for NSpire
  29. Running GNU Emacs on the TI Nspire
  30. nTwoDigits for NSpire
  31. Protect your TI-Nspire files: nProtect and nHide
  32. nspire-z80: open source ti-84 emulator for the nspire cx
  33. nTxt - Nspire Text Editor
  34. nAssembler - Nspire on-calc assembler
  35. [contest] Pacman
  36. nKenKen for NSpire
  37. nFalldown for NSpire
  38. TI-nspire cx CAS
  39. MOVED: What is the best version for the Ti-Nspire Cx Cas?
  40. Hiding the files
  41. New TI NSpire downgrade?
  42. Portal Nspire
  43. nspire linux gui
  44. New TI-Nspire emulator: Firebird Emu
  45. HIDn - USB HID drivers for the TI-Nspire
  46. ti-nspire chemistry formula and equation solver
  47. nCrossSet
  48. 4.x CAS on Non-CAS model
  49. pyWrite - python script editor
  50. gpSP-Nspire (GBA Emulator)