Hey all,
I've been a long time lurker here on this forum, but I've never introduced myself.
I'm a mechanical engineer graduate from the University of South Carolina. In high school I took 2 years of computer science where I learned Java, and in my first semester of college I did a class on C++. So even though I'm a M.E. major, I've always had a desire to code. At the height of my programming skills I programmed minesweeper and snake in Java, and sudoku in C++...but those days are long passed! lol. I've done snake with TI-Basic, but that file's long gone too.
I've been wanting to get back into coding, and I found Axe on this site about 2 years ago. The forum's a great resource, and I've tried a number of times to get something of a game down. But I usually get stuck on a road block, and it ends. Maybe ya'll can help! Where should I go to start a thread and post updates or questions on a game I'm working on?