General Discussion => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: KevinJB on April 28, 2006, 02:25:00 pm
Hey, it's me, Rezek. Maybe you know me, maybe you don't :D. Anyways, I'm staff at Revsoft ( I program in z80 Assembly, and do alot of XHTML Strict / CSS / PHP & MySQL development. I'm working on three things right now. All of them are secret. Well, two of them. But look for one of 'em soon :)
Hey welcome here, I hope you enjoy your stay ^^
Hey Rezek!!! Glad you joined our forums.
Well, I'm sure your projects ought to be quality work.
Hope you stay around more ;)
, I enjoy going to RS and I hope you enjoy coming here!
hi there, don't know you, hope to change that
hi there... hope u stay a while :)