General Discussion => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: dysfunction on June 16, 2006, 06:10:00 am
Well, I've been rather removed from the calc world for a while, and haven't really been doing any coding at all. But now I'm starting a project- not a new project, but an old project on a new platform. That's right, Aura is coming to PC. Those who remember me certainly remember Aura, originally an Xlib game, then an assembly game in conjunction with Patrick Sidney (Patori). Well, Aura is now under way as a PC game- with GameMaker 6. It will feature much better, color graphics, faster, more action-packed battles (though still the same basic side-scrolling battle style), and a large degree of free-roaming ability and non-linear play not conceived of in now-cancelled 83+ version. Since it seems like this group is not exclusively for calc development, I'll post more about it here when I have more progress. So far the basic overworld engine is complete (GM makes that sort of thing fairly easy), and I'm beginning the battle system (which is much more difficult).
Anyways, hello to Kevin and all the other familiar faces around here, and hello to anybody who doesn't know me yet. I was a regular on Kevin's old Omnimaga forums; I'm also a regular at Maxcoderz, and a former admin and founder of the now-defunct Epic Programming Studios group, which many of you probably remember.
Awesome, glad you're still coding in some way.
Welcome back dysfunction!
Hey dysfunction nice to see you around again :)
I hope to see aura finished, I am glad you revived the project, even if not for calcs ;)
I'll prbly open a non calc project sub forum soon because there is more and more PC projects here now
EDIT done
Welcome back! btw I'm working on MLC 3.0 B)
- just thought I'd tell you since I think you were part of the Epic Programming Studios.
Uhm yeah about EPS forums dysfunction when you check those again you should disable posting for all member groups I think as well as guest posting so the forum is no longer polluted with porno and all sort of ads like it is right now :P
@bfr: That's really cool, unfortunately with working versions for only two models, the purpose is somewhat defeated. Would have been great, provided more people were willing to put effort into it.
@xlibman: I can't the whole thing is broken, I can't log in at all anymore- I just get mySQL errors. Do you by any chance know how to contact Jake (CrimsonCasio)? He might know how to resolve that.
well when deleting topics I got full of errors too, I dunno if crimson casio still post on, i havent seen him in months. I'll try to delete the porn when I have a minute tho
as for MLC I suggested a renaming to MLTIC because I doubt its gonna be cross compatible with casio anymore it will be compatible with a 68k compiled language someone is making atm and hopefully someone could port it to 83+