As far as I remember, I never made a topic to intruduce myself, just randomly started posting one day, or if I did, I'm sure it was very antiinformative. =D So, I figured now that hopefully I'll be able to actually do things in the community this semester, with all the newer people around since I used to post an average amount, I might as well take advantage of this opportunity to say "HAI!!!!!!!!!". (Wow, I am so cunfussing... How about, I'm an older member who's been inactive for a while and wanted to take the opportunity of being more active to say a lot more about himself. Yeah, that makes a bit more sense. =P)
So hi, I'm CoolioJazz, also CoolioJazzines or CoolioJazzSkills, because some sites don't like just "CoolioJazz". D= My name is Ricky Talbot, and live somewhere between Netham45 and SirCmpwn (Theoretically, it's right by TsukasaZX, but if anyone ever gets a definitive location on him... Well, I haven't =P) I came here around spring two years ago after seeing on that there was some sort of contest going on and I wanted to pit my skills (Hah! What a joke

) against people here. Yeah, let's just say after hovering a while, I decided I best wait this one out. But, the competition did it's job of recruiting, and I stuck around after the fact, seeing how nice the people were. I wasn't, of course, this being my first online sortie, but that was fixed after a couple day ban that summer. Mebe... =\ Anyways, I was made staff here sometime toward the end of summer, I think, and that lasted only till that Januray, I think. The spontaneity of my posting, and a couple other things, just didn't fit the bill. Oh well, what can you say, I'm an irresponsible teenager.

Most of the last year, though, the only places you can find me is idling on IRC. Wow, ok, I think this is getting longer than I intended... Umm... Moving on... Overall, I've always been one just to post around and not boast many projects. My main one I've ever had (TFE) never gained much attention, and for now is discontinued. (Tokens by now is much better anyways =D) I made a nice little tibasic Go program, which only an outdated version found itself onto ticalc. I should probably update that someday just for the heck of it. =PI did a couple random things of no importance, a simple axe shell, html viewer, and falldown type game, but all my larger projects have never completed. D= D= D= I would list them here... but some of them are things people actually might find interesting, and I wouldn't want to give out some false hopes. =( Yeah, for now, if you start seeing me around a bit more, I won't have anything new in towprobably. Ooh, languages!!! I know TI-Basic and Axe pretty well, I tried asm... yeah, I'm another one of "those" failures. Maybe someday...

I've known VB for a while, but I've recently picked up java, which is a lot of fun. C?... Umm, no. EOL. Period. Ok, let's see... Is there anything else...? Oh yes, it may be less known then Netham45 being a lobster or Iambian being a cherry-flavored dragon, but...
supposedly I'm apparently a squirrel. Though it beats me where people get these crazy ideas. =P Yeah, this was a lot longer than it needed to be... Oh well, I had fun writing it! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! I accidentally got myself addicted to
Minecraft because it is a really awesome game! And webcomics are awesome!! Especially Homestuck, it's really awesome! Did you know, there was once an incentive to start an Omnimaga webcomic? I keep trying to reive the topic, but it seems no one else wants to... Sigh... This is never going to end, is it? I'm just going to cut myself off I guess. I can always sneak more into replies later =D And I did NOT wrote this at 1:30 on the Sunday before school starts when I should be sleeping, you people are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, yeah, I'm definately stopping now. Maybe... No, I can't bring myself to do it! Come on, just move the mouse, there you go, closing in on that post button, and *Cli-
EDIT: I'm gonna write some sort of summary later. Because I've heard that walls of text can be intimidatating