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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2010, 03:58:59 pm »
Welcome to Omnimaga!

Chapter 18 (I think, might be chapter 16 or 17) is all about the programming functions.

The Getting Started Guide I have doesn't even have chapters. I definitely must be missing the manual you are referring to. Do you have a Ti-83? Because it sounds like the Ti-84s did not get bundled with the manual. I guess I'll just have to use TIBD for command reference. It's a shame though, because I usually prefer reading physical material over digital for these types of things.

The TI-84+'s do not come with the full manual, though the section in the back that lists commands helps a little. The full manual is on the CD that comes with your calc and explains how to use most of the commands in BASIC

My recommendation is to play around with BASIC first just to get to know your calc. :)

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2010, 04:19:24 pm »
Heya and welcome here. I hope you have fun in your calculator programming experience. Feel free to ask questions in the help forums if you have any. :)

As for languages learning, I suggest trying to understand BASIC first, making sure to know the main commands before you switch to Axe. Later, you could try assembly, although that can be harder.

EDIT: Also when coding, do a lot of backups of your progress on a computer or in the calculator archive memory in case a crash occurs, so you don't lose everything.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 04:20:29 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2010, 05:51:26 pm »
Thanks everyone for the help. I've come up with another question. I spent some time looking through TIBD to get an idea of what to expect, and it all seems pretty understandable. The only thing that seems to confuse me is graphics. I looked at some Ti-BASIC games, and it seems it's possible to use some type of sprite in a game, but I don't see any direct commands to do so. Instead there are mentions about text sprites and hard code sprites, which I don't really understand. Can anyone explain to me how sprites are displayed, moved, etc. in Ti-Basic? You don't have to give me a full step-by-step tutorial or anything, just a general idea of how its done.

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2010, 06:12:43 pm »
Basic, sadly, doesn't come with built-in sprite support.  Therefore, to get sprites, people resort to tricks, like text-sprites.  I think they work by overlapping two or more characters on top of each other...
I never got the hang of sprites in Basic, either.
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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2010, 06:25:02 pm »
Would it be possible to at least use regular text characters as sprites? Like say I made a space shooter game, could I use a greater than sign as a ship and a period as a bullet?

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2010, 06:28:58 pm »
Text Sprites are actually offset graphscreen text that creates certain patterns. In a second I'll write what I really want to but just wanted to get that out real fast :)
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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2010, 06:51:03 pm »
Would it be possible to at least use regular text characters as sprites? Like say I made a space shooter game, could I use a greater than sign as a ship and a period as a bullet?
I recommend starting with Homescreen Games, like these:  Each one of those is between 200 and 500 bytes (small) and were programmed between 5 minutes and 6 hours (Falldown was Hard!).  Here you use the screen where you type math problems and such to display graphics with text.  Here's a nice program when dealing with symbols:
Homescreen games can be very fun and are the graphics are controled with Disp, Output(, and ClrHome.  Good luck. :)

Oh, welcome to Omni by the way. ;D

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2010, 06:53:05 pm »
First off, I would like to welcome you to Omnimaga. I really hope you enjoy your stay.

A lot of people have already covered a lot of stuff that you've asked but I'll add or something to it in someway :P

Firstly, it's fine that you're new to programming. We all were at some point so don't be afraid to ask questions when you are stuck or something. We would love to help you out. Also, as many people have said, TI-BASIC Developer is probably one of the best places to learn TI-BASIC. It has very thorough explanations of all the commands, how they are used, optimization tricks and everything :) But since some things can be confusing over there too just ask us if you need :D I would also like to point you to my thread here that contains a list of all the tutorials, to my knowledge, on Omnimaga (I have a few very nice TI-BASIC ones that you might be interested in checking out :)) as well as a few other places that are not just for programming.

As people have said, I would suggest you start out with Pure TI-BASIC first since you're pretty new to programming. However this isn't always the case for everyone. If you understand pointers and other things then Axe is a good language to learn since it has the speed of Assembly but a syntax that is similar to TI-BASIC. Assembly should (I say should because some people may already know other Assembly languages before hand or something) be the last language you learn since you are basically programming one step away from pure binary (which is what the calculator reads in the end), I believe. So it can be quite difficult to learn. But there are good references to learning Assembly too, like our very own Hot_Dog (one of our Admins) has taken the time to write a tutorial about getting started into Assembly, which can be found here. There is also a much older tutorial that is on that is called Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly in 28 Days, located here, but that has been notorious for being a little difficult to follow sometimes, depending on the person. So I suggest Hot_Dog's :)

The shell thing has basically been covered now though. But basically what they are is a way of running Assembly made programs, though you can run TI-BASIC games as well, though a little overkill (unless you're using DoorsCS library commands which need it to run). There are a few different shells that are around. The only one that is still in development is DoorsCS 7 over at Cemetech by KermMartian, though you can find links in the thread here on Omnimaga. (Note: Cemetech is another calculator community focused on TI calculators run by KermMartian.)

As has been mentioned, Pure TI-BASIC has no internal sprite support. So that leaves us to using tricks that we've learned to do them. I wrote a post about most of the different methods here so that might be something to check out too. There are also ways of achieving graphics with the use of Assembly libraries, which are basically Assembly routines that are used by TI-BASIC programmers to do things faster or make things look good. Probably the most well known Assembly library is xLib. When you introduce these into TI-BASIC programming it is called Hybrid TI-BASIC.

So, hopefully this has helped you some and, again, I hope you enjoy your stay here :)
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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2010, 07:05:29 pm »
Wow....a lot of posts in one day. :D
I also think you have the highest respect-to-post ratio. It's undefined. :P

So...yeah.  Welcome to Omnimaga!

Offline meishe91

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2010, 07:15:17 pm »
Wow....a lot of posts in one day. :D
I also think you have the highest respect-to-post ratio. It's undefined. :P

So...yeah.  Welcome to Omnimaga!

Who do you think has the highest respect-to-post ratio?
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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2010, 07:19:13 pm »
Oh, Reptic.  He has no posts (outside of intro/randomness), and he has 1 respect.

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2010, 07:30:05 pm »
Ah ok.
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For the 51st time, that is not my card! (Magic Joke)

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2010, 08:16:42 pm »
Lol yeah I noticed.
* DJ Omnimaga prods Reptic to post outsite Intro/randomness so he doesn't have 0 posts anymore. ;D (and can start editing his profile)

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2010, 08:34:15 pm »
@meishe91, thanks for all the advice. I have this thread bookmarked so I can come back to remember all the information you guys are giving me :D. I haven't posted outside this thread because I thought it might be more efficient to ask all my intro questions here, but I'll take your advice DJ Omnimaga and post in some other places so I can gain access to the basic features :P. I just have one more question that I might as well ask here, it's directed toward ztrumpet: I like your suggestion about the homescreen games using text sprites, however I can't figure out how you entered some of those symbols into the calculator. I suppose it might have something to do with the program you linked, which I downloaded, but I don't really know how to use it. Could you explain the process of entering a symbol, like the omega one you used for Falldown, into the calculator?

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2010, 08:41:20 pm »
Okay.  Meishe's program stores the characters to Str1, so in order to use those tokens you must first press [2nd] [Sto>] [Vars] [7] [1] [Enter].  Next find the character you want and delete all the others.  I normally do this by putting it on its own line and then pressing clear on the lines of useless tokens. :) It's pretty simple, but I whipped up a screenie anyway. ;D

Good luck. :D