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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2011, 02:34:58 pm »
Why do I feel attracted to you(as a friend)?
Maybe its because we have similar ideas: I like singing(but I don't know if I can), I like drawing, I like programming.
And when I'm busy on a project I start already thinking ideas for my next project.
I hope you will become a nice member on this forum. :)
ADHD? Isn't that just that you are kinda enthusiastic many things? I think that can be a positive point.

Well, once more. WELCOME!!!
p.s: Your post amount is 42

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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2011, 02:50:02 pm »
My fav word is cancrizans (moving backwards).
I also like widdershins (counter-clockwise), cattywompus (misaligned, askew, out of wack), antimacassar, illlit (poorly lit), cant (multiple meanings),  deleterious, and many others.
Edit: What Stefan Bauwens posted, too.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 02:53:43 pm by Freyaday »
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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2011, 03:11:38 pm »

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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2011, 03:42:43 pm »
Hi and welcome on the forums. :D I hope eventually we can motivate you enough to finish one of your projects. :D

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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2011, 03:47:59 am »
What part do you have Tourette's Syndrome in?
In order to be diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome, you have to have at least one motor tic, and at least one oral/vocal tic. For those who don't know, a tic is a (pseudo)involuntary movement or sound. That's a simple explanation, but it's more complex than that. Like...When you're lying down and about to fall asleep, then suddenly your leg spasms....that's not a tic. Sorry. You don't have a tic disorder because of that. :P

A majority of the time motor tics are facial tics, and a majority of THAT is eyes and eyebrows. The reason for that being that facial expressions are pseudo-involuntary actions. You CAN voluntarily move your facial muscles to make an expression, but every time something makes you upset, or happy, or surprised, small (and sometimes large) changes occur in your expression involuntarily. Therefore, pseudo-involuntary muscle movements are the easiest target, so to speak, for tic disorders. Another example of a pseudo-involuntary muscle is your diaphragm. Do you consciously breathe in and out every minute of every day? I hope not...Otherwise it sucks to be you. Diaphragm-related tics are qualified usually as vocal/oral tics, because they relate to passing of air and usually also involve making sounds.

My exact tics change all the time. They also fluctuate in severity depending on multiple factors, a lot of which is stress or stress-related.

What my tics generally consist of: Raising/furrowing eyebrows, closing my eyes tight for a second or so, blinking, wrinkling my nose, tensing a smile for a second or so, coughing (this one shows up the most often after I just get over a cold and have an actual cough, then the real cough goes away and is replaced by a tic), exhaling sharply, small inhaling and/or exhaling grunts, same as previous only higher pitched, clicking my tongue, stretching my neck (like when you see someone trying to crack their neck. This one ends up hurting like a BITCH after the first hour, but I can't stop. Tough life :P )

As I said, they change (maybe "cycle" is a better word?) all the time, so those are just examples of tics I've had.

WHAT MY TICS DO NOT CONSIST OF: Swearing, saying any words even at all, violent spastic movements.
Verbal tics (not the same as vocal) are part of what's know as Coprolalia. Only about 10% of people with Tourette's have Coprolalia. Sadly, around 85% of those people have swearing as their verbal tic(s). Why? Because swear words are the simplest words for your language processing center to use. Think about it: you smash your thumb accidentally while trying to hammer in a nail and often the first thing that comes to mind is a swear word of some kind. Swear words used in that sense (meaning used as exclamations) are effectively definition-less. They're basically a quick-access route through your language processing center for your brain to say "STRONG EMOTIONAL OR PHYSICAL DISCOMFORT!!!"

Sadly, these people are also the ones that you usually see on TV, because of their "freak show" factor. I hope reading this has made you more aware (if you were not already) of the REAL Tourette's Syndrome, and not just the Tourette's Syndrome shown to you by the media.

One last note on my Tourette's: I have taught myself to disguise almost all of my tics into my daily speech patterns and expressions. If I hadn't told you I had Tourette's, you would never have known.

My favorite word, just cause it is so long: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
That was originally my thread name, but I changed it so I wouldn't seem like one of those people who uses big words just to make people feel stupid...

Also, that was ALMOST correct. ~coniosis, not ~koniosis. Still a fantastic word! :D

Longest undisputed word is still antidisestablishmentarianism:

Begone, heathen. :P j/k.

Why do I feel attracted to you(as a friend)?
Maybe its because we have similar ideas: I like singing(but I don't know if I can), I like drawing, I like programming.
And when I'm busy on a project I start already thinking ideas for my next project.
I hope you will become a nice member on this forum. :)
ADHD? Isn't that just that you are kinda enthusiastic many things? I think that can be a positive point.

Well, once more. WELCOME!!!
p.s: Your post amount is 42

I'm glad I made friends quickly enough :D
And that is a very comforting post count. Very comforting. Also, I just realized I forgot my towel.

My fav word is cancrizans (moving backwards).
I also like widdershins (counter-clockwise), cattywompus (misaligned, askew, out of wack), antimacassar, illlit (poorly lit), cant (multiple meanings),  deleterious, and many others.
Edit: What Stefan Bauwens posted, too.

All great words :D I have a list of more than 600 words that I've just kind of written down. Just for fun. I'll add these :D I already have deleterious and illit, and I might have cattywompus, but I'll add the others for sure :D We should start a WORDS thread!!!! :O


5 consecutive vowels. Great word for Hangman. Kind of like Sequoia (which contains all 5 vowels) or Syzygy (I'm not even going to explain why this one's good for hangman).

Hi and welcome on the forums. :D I hope eventually we can motivate you enough to finish one of your projects. :D

Thanks! I hope so too! I've been working toward finishing things more lately, so I'm looking forward to that day! :P

Also, I'd like to add a general thanks for all your gracious gifts of peanuts. I shall be quite comfortable I dare say. :D
There's something about Tuesday...

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Offline Freyaday

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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2011, 10:49:03 am »
Actually, the best hangman word is fly. Only three letters, and none of them common.
I actually know what syzygy means, and doesn't it look awesome in print?
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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2011, 11:37:02 am »
Quote from: SirCmpwn on Yesterday at 13:38:16
My favorite word, just cause it is so long: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
That was originally my thread name, but I changed it so I wouldn't seem like one of those people who uses big words just to make people feel stupid...

Also, that was ALMOST correct. ~coniosis, not ~koniosis. Still a fantastic word!
I think it can be either c or k. Not sure on this one though, because I've seen it spelled both ways.
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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2011, 11:55:57 am »
My opinion of Tourette's Syndrome.

90% diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome actually have it.
9% of people Tourette's Syndrome actually had a spinal injury causing the same symptoms. (I fall into this category)
<1% found the episode of south park found it funny, though they pretend to have compulsive swearing

I had Raising/furrowing eyebrows and wrinkling my nose, closing my eyes tight for a second or so, blinking, grunts, bad twitches in my neck.
After several weeks with my chiropractor, most of the conditions are gone, and I am able to suppress the ones that aren't.

Have you ever been in an accident that involved your neck/ spine.  Such as a bike accident?
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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2011, 04:44:09 pm »
I have eye tics, so that's why I was wondering.

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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2011, 04:47:34 pm »
I remember I used to have eye tics too I think, but it's less bad when I'm not nervous/stressed. I sometimes tend to do some noises though.

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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2011, 04:52:13 pm »
I remember I used to have eye tics too I think, but it's less bad when I'm not nervous/stressed. I sometimes tend to do some noises though.
Yeah.  I can control them strangely now, but it still happens.

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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2011, 06:36:31 pm »
My fav word is cancrizans (moving backwards).
I also like widdershins (counter-clockwise), cattywompus (misaligned, askew, out of wack), antimacassar, illlit (poorly lit), cant (multiple meanings),  deleterious, and many others.
Edit: What Stefan Bauwens posted, too.
It.  A.  The.  Short and simple :P
One of my personal favorites is defenestration, the act of throwing something (esp. a person) out of a window
Another weird combo: take the 's' out of "slaughter" and you get "laughter" O.O
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 06:39:20 pm by Darl181 »
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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2011, 06:41:12 pm »
My fav word is cancrizans (moving backwards).
I also like widdershins (counter-clockwise), cattywompus (misaligned, askew, out of wack), antimacassar, illlit (poorly lit), cant (multiple meanings),  deleterious, and many others.
Edit: What Stefan Bauwens posted, too.
It.  A.  The.  Short and simple :P
One of my personal favorites is defenestration, the act of throwing something (esp. a person) out of a window

me too.  :P

I like how it comes from de, meaning down, and fenestrus, -i, meaning window.  :P

I mentioned this on IRC at one point when jimbauwens decided to throw someone out the window.  XD

Another weird combo: take the 's' out of "slaughter" and you get "laughter" O.O
Chuck Norris put that in there.  :P

« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 06:42:27 pm by yunhua98 »

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To paraphrase Oedipus, Hamlet, Lear, and all those guys, "I wish I had known this some time ago."
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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2011, 06:42:16 pm »
Yeah, I was going through the "fun facts" of whatever they're called on :P
That was also how I found the chemical name for Titin.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 06:42:25 pm by Darl181 »
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Re: This is me introducing myself, as directed by the name of this board.
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2011, 06:50:34 pm »