Hey! I posted a first post a few days ago, so I might as well introduce myself.
My name is Stuart. I'm in 10th grade. I started programming in late 3rd grade in Python. Since then, I've learned Java, PHP, JavaScript, Lua, Arduino, a little bit of C, and a few non-programming language codelike things such as HTML and MySQL. I like Linux and open source/free software!
I also like the BitTorrent protocol for... Saving the bandwidth of developers who want to distribute their free software. Yeah, that's it. 
I started programming on calculators when I first saw a graphing calculator, a few years ago, borrowing one from a teacher. It was a Casio FX-9750G Plus. The first thing I noticed on the calculator (Before I figured out how to do normal math

) was "PRGRM". I immediately started learning this new weird programming language whose name I did not know (Looking back, it's Casio BASIC right?) completely through trial and error. I loved the idea of running my own little programs outside of a computer. (This set the foundation for my interest in Arduino later.) A year later when my older brother got a TI-84 Plus, the second day he had it I hid it so that he wouldn't be able to take it to school, then brought it to school myself and programmed on it all day

this calculator was so much easier to program! Anyways, eventually, (e.g like 2 years have passed lol) now I obtained my own Ti-Nspire CAS and I was confused by its layout. Programming was... Different. I didn't like it as much, mostly because the GUI was different. Immediately I found ndless and saw how it allows me to overcome limitations I didn't like. (And also allowed me to play Pokemon

) I installed it right away and I'll probably start learning C soon. I hope things work out!
So that's my story!
I am allergic to peanuts irl, btw. Don't poison me!