• You've been great, folks! 5 1

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2013, 03:04:22 pm »
You're back? YAY!

Spoiler For stupidly devious:
Now dual-boot linux and set the root pass to something your dad doesn't know!

(not really, this is impossible for your dad to get past, but it could make him very, very upset.)
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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2013, 03:53:03 pm »
(I'm not quoting your posts since it's pretty big :P )
It makes me very happy to see you be so open and honest about this. I understand and agree with your entire post. :)
Sadly, most people here aren't Christian and will probably not understand exactly. Some probably will see little to no problem with the "stuff".

But all I think I have to say is to be not discouraged! Never, and everytime you fall continue for perfection instead of feeling miserable. ;)
No, I will not say I'm a good person. I too, am just like all OUR brothers and sisters a sinner(and always will be). But we have to strafe for perfection our entire life, and let God take care of us. :)
God bless you!

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2013, 04:00:30 pm »
Do not doubt my adept ability to hack. Doubt my ability to do what's right. Teach me to be better, not more devious. Give me God, not more foolishness. It's not a matter of how I get around it, it's whether or not I decide to. Anybody who WANTS to get around the love and care that parents put in place, is an idiot. I wouldn't want to know them. I think a parent who cares that much is already an above-average parent. The restrictions they put in place do not reflect the craziness or strictness of my parents, it reflects the person they restrict. So, the fact that they became this strict should reflect just how naughty I was being, not how mean they are. It's LOVE they are treating me with.

I had an experience pretty similar to yours, I think, and I agree with everything you said in that post. There is no age at which point a person magically becomes "mature". It is only through lessons and experience. The more you listen to your parent's wisdom the less you have to learn through hard experience.

It is really refreshing to read stefan bauwens' and Dapianokid's posts, I think it proves that faith and morals still exist. I don't feel that I am as isolated in my beliefs as I once thought.

To the rest of omnimaga, I am not angry, but I do have a request. Stop the swearing on OmnomIRC, and don't talk about sketchy things in posts. Even if most of omnimaga is "mature" enough to handle it, we shouldn't have it going on here. And I am not saying this because I don't want it blocked in schools or what not, I am saying it because I want to be able to browse omnimaga comfortably, without having to be afraid that I may see the F word in OmnomIRC, or immoral things mentioned in posts.

That may sound critical, but its just the way I see things right now. Let's straighten our act out. Are you with me?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 04:00:55 pm by flyingfisch »

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2013, 04:40:45 pm »
Sad for you, but I upvoted for "I'll be Bach, my Franz. Liszt yourself here if you are going to Greig (grieve) my abscence."

Hope you'll be Bach soon indeed.

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2013, 05:25:03 pm »
Do not doubt my adept ability to hack. Doubt my ability to do what's right. Teach me to be better, not more devious. Give me God, not more foolishness. It's not a matter of how I get around it, it's whether or not I decide to. Anybody who WANTS to get around the love and care that parents put in place, is an idiot. I wouldn't want to know them. I think a parent who cares that much is already an above-average parent. The restrictions they put in place do not reflect the craziness or strictness of my parents, it reflects the person they restrict. So, the fact that they became this strict should reflect just how naughty I was being, not how mean they are. It's LOVE they are treating me with.

I had an experience pretty similar to yours, I think, and I agree with everything you said in that post. There is no age at which point a person magically becomes "mature". It is only through lessons and experience. The more you listen to your parent's wisdom the less you have to learn through hard experience.

It is really refreshing to read stefan bauwens' and Dapianokid's posts, I think it proves that faith and morals still exist. I don't feel that I am as isolated in my beliefs as I once thought.

To the rest of omnimaga, I am not angry, but I do have a request. Stop the swearing on OmnomIRC, and don't talk about sketchy things in posts. Even if most of omnimaga is "mature" enough to handle it, we shouldn't have it going on here. And I am not saying this because I don't want it blocked in schools or what not, I am saying it because I want to be able to browse omnimaga comfortably, without having to be afraid that I may see the F word in OmnomIRC, or immoral things mentioned in posts.

That may sound critical, but its just the way I see things right now. Let's straighten our act out. Are you with me?
I don't think this is much of a problem in general here, compared to before. Generally, only two or three people say the F word on a regular basis and they hardly ever post at all. The S word might come out a few more times but even then it's not that frequent, plus I even noticed some people censors themselves out of habit. Although I agree that swearing too much would be problematic for some people to browse the site, being afraid to post at all due to fear of being reprimanded every few time for saying a bad word by accident (that might offend 1 or 2 people on the site) is even worse. We have to give people some freedom so they're comfortable to post at all, else they'll just leave.

Also no one on this forum is gonna receive a special treatment based on his religion (or lack thereof). This is the Internet and using this forum is a privilege. It might suck for people who are religious, but if we start doing special favors to specific members just for that it is gonna get out of control.

Of course if swearing became abusive like on the other board and it got out of control, then word filters might be in order. I would recommend that if you find out a member swears too much that you report him to admins, though.

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2013, 05:29:24 pm »
DJ: I am not asking for "special treatment" and I have noticed things getting a bit better, thus my recent increase in activity here. I am not asking for all out censorship either, just for members to remember to be considerate. ;)

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2013, 05:30:56 pm »
Ah ok, it seemed like you were angry at us or something lol.

Now, I understand this all may be inconvenient for kids, but trust me, there is more to life than calculator forums, and which would you rather have, unlimited access to the internet during your teen years, or a clean life in the years to come? I, at least, would prefer the latter.

Yeah I know, but the issue is that some parents actually abuses those filters. Take JustCause and SirCmpwn for example: Their parents totally restricted access to every site those two people liked, one after another. If they found Sir visiting a site more and more, they blocked it, if he touched the BASIC editor on his calc, they took it away, and so on. His grades were quite good and he didn't neglect his life: In fact he was working for Microsoft! The problem is that his parents didn't like him at all, so they tried to make his life a living hell. On top of that they did not agree with him choosing programming as a carreer, so they tried to prevent him from doing any programming at all.

Filters are handy when used appropriately, but the problem is that some parents just abuse them, like in JustCause/SirCmpwn's case.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 05:31:51 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2013, 05:37:20 pm »
Ah ok, it seemed like you were angry at us or something lol.

Now, I understand this all may be inconvenient for kids, but trust me, there is more to life than calculator forums, and which would you rather have, unlimited access to the internet during your teen years, or a clean life in the years to come? I, at least, would prefer the latter.

Yeah I know, but the issue is that some parents actually abuses those filters. Take JustCause and SirCmpwn for example: Their parents totally restricted access to every site those two people liked, one after another. If they found Sir visiting a site more and more, they blocked it, if he touched the BASIC editor on his calc, they took it away, and so on. His grades were quite good and he didn't neglect his life: In fact he was working for Microsoft! The problem is that his parents didn't like him at all, so they tried to make his life a living hell. On top of that they did not agree with him choosing programming as a carreer, so they tried to prevent him from doing any programming at all.

Filters are handy when used appropriately, but the problem is that some parents just abuse them, like in JustCause/SirCmpwn's case.

Two things. First, you are just saying what you heard them say, you do not know what really happened. Secondly, that is their problem, and they have to live with it since it is their parents decision as long as they are still living in the same house.

To the rest of omnimaga, I am not angry

And lastly, maybe having a setting that censors bad words on omnimaga for those who don't want to see them would be good. ;)

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2013, 05:52:31 pm »
By the way guys, SHUT UP! Stop trying to tell others how to hack the restrictions on  internet! Look, if there are restrictions put in place, THEY ARE THERE FOR A VERY GOOD REASON. My parents know their sh*t. I trust them to do what's best for me. I'm not trying to undermine what they're doing. In fact, I'm sitting behind them helping them remove objectionable content from my home computer. I'm ashmed of what I'm doing.
I tend to be fundamentally opposed to restricting access to knowledge that is derived purely from our mental ability. (I add this odd language to distinguish knowledge gained through harm, such as knowledge of what it feels like to torture or murder.)

I think instead of telling them to stop teaching how to bypass restrictions, let them provide the methods without encouraging others to use these methods-- that is the real harm. If we are going to teach dangerous knowledge, be sure to teach that it is not to be put to ill use. It is like training in martial arts-- you gain skills that can be deadly, but you learn to use it only in the most extreme of circumstances.

There might be those who think that a child will never have sufficient reason to go against the wishes of their parents, but I can assure that there are such extreme circumstances.

Anyways, with that out of the way, I wish you luck and happiness! By the way, you posted in another topic that you wanted to know how to program hex-- your internet restriction is the first step :P I didn't have internet access (or computer access, actually) when I started programming.

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2013, 06:36:56 pm »
Do not doubt my adept ability to hack. Doubt my ability to do what's right. Teach me to be better, not more devious. Give me God, not more foolishness. It's not a matter of how I get around it, it's whether or not I decide to. Anybody who WANTS to get around the love and care that parents put in place, is an idiot. I wouldn't want to know them. I think a parent who cares that much is already an above-average parent. The restrictions they put in place do not reflect the craziness or strictness of my parents, it reflects the person they restrict. So, the fact that they became this strict should reflect just how naughty I was being, not how mean they are. It's LOVE they are treating me with.

I had an experience pretty similar to yours, I think, and I agree with everything you said in that post. There is no age at which point a person magically becomes "mature". It is only through lessons and experience. The more you listen to your parent's wisdom the less you have to learn through hard experience.

It is really refreshing to read stefan bauwens' and Dapianokid's posts, I think it proves that faith and morals still exist. I don't feel that I am as isolated in my beliefs as I once thought.

To the rest of omnimaga, I am not angry, but I do have a request. Stop the swearing on OmnomIRC, and don't talk about sketchy things in posts. Even if most of omnimaga is "mature" enough to handle it, we shouldn't have it going on here. And I am not saying this because I don't want it blocked in schools or what not, I am saying it because I want to be able to browse omnimaga comfortably, without having to be afraid that I may see the F word in OmnomIRC, or immoral things mentioned in posts.

That may sound critical, but its just the way I see things right now. Let's straighten our act out. Are you with me?
I don't think this is much of a problem in general here, compared to before. Generally, only two or three people say the F word on a regular basis and they hardly ever post at all. The S word might come out a few more times but even then it's not that frequent, plus I even noticed some people censors themselves out of habit. Although I agree that swearing too much would be problematic for some people to browse the site, being afraid to post at all due to fear of being reprimanded every few time for saying a bad word by accident (that might offend 1 or 2 people on the site) is even worse. We have to give people some freedom so they're comfortable to post at all, else they'll just leave.

Also no one on this forum is gonna receive a special treatment based on his religion (or lack thereof). This is the Internet and using this forum is a privilege. It might suck for people who are religious, but if we start doing special favors to specific members just for that it is gonna get out of control.

Of course if swearing became abusive like on the other board and it got out of control, then word filters might be in order. I would recommend that if you find out a member swears too much that you report him to admins, though.

Thank you for this statement. Puritanical word filtering is about the last thing this site needs. We can still be a warm and welcoming community without enforcing overly strict language policies. Let's face it: there will always be things that offend you or your values. Arguably, learning to deal with that fact is far better than avoiding reality by having a "no swearing rule" in place. Just my two cents.

EDIT: I guess the point of my post is "'It might offend people' is not a good reason to institute a policy".
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 06:43:29 pm by mapar007 »

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2013, 06:46:29 pm »
Just to clarify, I was not asking for  no swearing rule, I was just asking people to be considerate. If you don't want to be, then I understand.

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2013, 06:51:20 pm »
Just to clarify, I was not asking for  no swearing rule, I was just asking people to be considerate. If you don't want to be, then I understand.

I'm not much of a swearer online, rest assured. I just wanted you to know that you can't really expect people to automatically respect your values. I'm going to try to because I'm not a fan of drama, but "respect for ones beliefs" is not something you can just take for granted.

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2013, 07:05:57 pm »
Just to clarify, I was not asking for  no swearing rule, I was just asking people to be considerate. If you don't want to be, then I understand.

I'm not much of a swearer online, rest assured. I just wanted you to know that you can't really expect people to automatically respect your values. I'm going to try to because I'm not a fan of drama, but "respect for ones beliefs" is not something you can just take for granted.

Don't worry, I have been online long enough to know that. ;)

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2013, 07:10:58 pm »
Mhmm, i had something similar once, I got a bad grade in a latin class test and thus almost failed the class -> no knex or computer for 1 month.

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Re: You've been great, folks!
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2013, 07:20:15 pm »
Mhmm, i had something similar once, I got a bad grade in a latin class test and thus almost failed the class -> no knex or computer for 1 month.
Looks freaking familiar.
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