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HoMM: [==--------] Project 'resumed': I'm suffering overwhelming new ideas being popped up in my dreams :PtiDE: [----------] Explored and understood the main part of the code: just started writing a Tokenizer.
1) Ability to interface with a variety of USB devices like cell phones, flash drives, and cameras, as well as the ability to explore, move, cut, copy, and paste files on a linked computer from the calc (to make transferring files faster and easier). Maybe support for third party drivers to interface with unsupported devices (like touch screens and mice)2) Ability to boot into the command line and maybe unload the current shell and go to the command line by using a key combo (such as ON+Clear)3) Support for multiple shells or "distributions" to be on the device, and a boot loader that starts on cold boot to select which one you want to use.4) Networking!!And for software:5) A text editor like Notepad that allows you to save into any file type, and open the saved files in their default programs.6) An integrated editor for a scripting language (such as a more fully featured version of TI Basic) and an Axe editor built in that allows you to debug and step through programs, and each different editor with its own CATALOG.7) Maybe an assembler? something simple like an assembler where programs are written in a text editor and assembled with a command line program and something like a Mimas port available for download8) Some kind of command line program.9) And (yes this one is far fetched) maybe a text based web browser like Links
1) USB support is planned, though maybe not for all the devices you mentioned. I'll look into the feasibility of exploring a computer's contents.2) Planned, and partially implemented.3) Planned and it is being coded to allow this to work4) KermM has offered to attempt porting CalcNet5) Planned6) Still on the fence about this, I think something like this may be best left up to 3rd party developers. Quigibo has expressed interest in porting Axe.7) I plan on porting Mosaic8 ) Planned, partially implemented9) If KermM ever sends me that link cable, I'm going to try to write a WiFi driver, and will port it to KnightOS if I'm successful.
What is signing keys?