Author Topic: Needed Routines  (Read 29550 times)

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Offline Xeda112358

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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2011, 03:39:20 pm »
Okay, no problem. The modified version was made just to draw to other buffers.


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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2011, 03:40:54 pm »
I guess that the ideal routine would accept a register as a pointer to a buffer, but that's probably too much ;)

Offline Xeda112358

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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2011, 03:43:50 pm »
Hmm, It uses temp RAM, too, which might be a problem (fixable) in Knight OS, but yes, I could add a snippet of code to let HL be a pointer to the buffer. HL would immediately be copied to temp RAM, but it would be much easier to work with, you're right.


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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2011, 03:45:57 pm »
How much temp RAM?  The structure of KnightOS makes it difficult to use RAM.  I might be willing to set aside a small amount just for this routine, though.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 03:46:19 pm by SirCmpwn »

Offline Xeda112358

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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2011, 03:54:10 pm »
Spoiler For Spoiler:
;HL is now the pointer to the buffer
;PatternRAM is 24 bytes of RAM used to draw the patterns used
;BufferPointer is 2 bytes to store the pointer for the buffer
;Both are obviously short term storage and can be reused immediately
ld (BufferPointer),hl
push af
push bc
ld b,0
push bc
push de
push de
ld hl,PatternRAM
ld (hl),0
ld de,PatternRAM+1
ld bc,24
pop de
ld a,e
and 15
ld h,0
ld l,a
ld a,e
and 7
push af
ld b,a
ld a,255
jr z,$04
srl a
djnz $FC
ld de,PatternRAM
add hl,de
ld (hl),a
pop af
and 7
inc a
ld b,a
pop af
sub b
bit 7,a
jr z,$0F
and 7
or a
jr z,$06
ld b,a
xor a
djnz $FC
and (hl)
ld (hl),a
jr $15
inc hl
cp 8
jr c, $06
ld (hl),255
sub 8
jr $F5
or a
jr z,$06
ld b,a
xor a
djnz $FC
ld (hl),a
pop hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
ld b,h
ld c,l
add hl,hl
add hl,bc
ld bc,(BufferPointer)
or (hl)
add a,h
add hl,bc
push hl
push de
ld hl,PatternRAM-1
ld de,PatternRAM+11
inc de
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,$FA
srl a
xor (hl)
ld (de),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
dec hl
or a
jr nz,$09
ld a,(hl)
srl a
add a,(hl)
and (hl)
ld (de),a
jr $11
inc de
inc hl
ld a,l
cp 248
jr z,$04
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr nz,$F5
dec de
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
add a,a
xor (hl)
ld (de),a
pop de
pop hl
pop bc
pop af
or a
jr nz,$11
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
djnz $F0
dec a
jr nz,$10
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
djnz $F1
dec a
jr nz,$10
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
djnz $F1
dec a
jr nz,$24
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
dec b
ret z
dec b
jr z,$0F
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+12
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
djnz $F1
inc b
jr $DC
dec a
jr nz,$26
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
dec b
ret z
dec b
jr z,$10
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+12
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
djnz $F0
inc b
jr $DA
dec a
jr nz,$24
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
dec b
ret z
dec b
jr z,$0F
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+12
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
djnz $F1
inc b
jr $DC
dec a
jr nz,$34
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
dec b
ret z
dec b
jr z,$1F
push hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
pop hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+12
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
djnz $E1
inc b
jr $CC
dec a
jr nz,$33
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
dec b
ret z
dec b
jr z,$1E
push hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
pop hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+12
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
djnz $E2
inc b
jr $CD
dec a
jr nz,$34
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
dec b
ret z
dec b
jr z,$1E
push hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
pop hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+12
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
djnz $E2
inc b
jr $CC
dec a
jr nz,$35
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
dec b
ret z
dec b
jr z,$1F
push hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F8
pop hl
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+12
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
djnz $E1
inc b
jr $CB
dec a
jr nz,$37
dec b
ret z
push hl
ld bc,12
pop hl
add hl,bc
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
push de
pop de
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
ld b,a
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
or b
inc de
inc hl
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$EF
djnz $E4
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
dec a
jr nz,$40
push bc
ld de,12
add hl,de
djnz $FD
dec hl
push hl
ld de,65524
pop hl
add hl,de
pop bc
dec b
ret z
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+11
push de
pop de
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
ld b,a
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
or b
dec de
dec hl
ld (hl),a
dec de
dec hl
dec c
jr nz,$EF
djnz $E4
ld c,12
ld de,PatternRAM+11
ld a,(de)
and (hl)
ld (hl),a
dec de
dec hl
dec c
jr nz,$F7
dec a
jr nz,$03

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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2011, 04:02:31 pm »
Sorry to hear about parents Sir. I'm glad you can still manage to get online though and that your projects are intact.


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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2011, 05:04:51 pm »
I think I can spare 26 bytes.
Sorry to hear about parents Sir. I'm glad you can still manage to get online though and that your projects are intact.
The projects are fine, but there will be several days between visits here.

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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2011, 01:45:35 pm »
Ok I see. I hope they won't get spaced by like a month or two eventually X.x


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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2011, 09:13:41 pm »
I've actually been quite lucky, three days in a row :D

Offline jnesselr

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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2011, 09:17:53 pm »
Can we put Xeda's code in a spoiler or something? It's long.

And I'm glad you can get some time to join us SirCmpwn.

Offline Xeda112358

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Re: Needed Routines
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2011, 09:20:10 pm »
Sure, I guess that is okay :P