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function on.checkLeft() for i=1,fallingblock[9] do for j=1,4 do for k=1,7 do if blocks[i+1+fallingblock[6]-fallingblock[9]+1*(fallingblock[9]-2)][j+fallingblock[5]-2]==k then stopleft = true end end end end if stopleft then return 0 else return 1 end stopleft = falseend
for k=1,7 do if blocks[i+1+fallingblock[6]-fallingblock[9]+1*(fallingblock[9]-2)][j+fallingblock[5]-2]==k then stopleft = true end end
they're really nice, like the keypad usage could be very useful Well, the dropdown button might need a bit of time, cause i don't know directly how to implement it, but i'll certainly have a look at it.untill now, you can speedup with + and -, it doesn't go atuomatically, but it can go to level 20 with a really nice speed, the block is totally down in about 3 seconds, so... and i've also implemented that it checks if the calc has a colorscreen, if not, it uses white and black as background colors, otherwise pink and grey