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Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:27:10 am »
Hi everyone,
I haven't been active much on the forums in the past few days (in comparison with the past few months), but I have created a simple Lua program while experimenting on oclua. I have transferred the code into a Lua file on the computer and here it is!
Basically you start with a value of 0 and you can choose to Attack or Defend to try and increase your value. right now I am experimenting with the points system as Attack carries no more risk than Defence and both are as equally likely to win as to lose.

Here is also the source code. Feel free to look through it, comment on my program, how my coding is, any improvements on optimising it or making it easier for another programmer to read, and stuff. The more feedback I get the more I can use the feedback to broaden my understanding of Lua!
Code: [Select]
--[[Things to do:
Declare variables first within a function
Make things more fun and complex
Points System:
OLD: Atk -{1,2,3} +{4,5} Def +{1,2,3} -{4,5}
NEW: Atk -{4,5} +{4,5} Def +{1,2,3} -{1,2,3}
Any better ways? Maybe make Atk more risky, so it's less about luck]]--
function on.paint(gc)
gc:drawString("[A]tk or [D]ef?    [R]eset",10,10,"top")
if r2==1 then
gc:drawString("Attack was successful. +" .. r1,10,50,"top")
if r2==0 then
gc:drawString("Attack was unsuccessful. -" .. r1,10,50,"top")
if r4==1 then
gc:drawString("Defence was successful. +" .. r3,10,50,"top")
if r4==0 then
gc:drawString("Defence was unsuccessful. -" .. r3,10,50,"top")
gc:drawString("Turn " .. t,200,10,"top")
if v~=0 or t~=0 then
gc:drawString("Average " .. v/t,200,30,"top")
gc:drawString("Numstrat - Jason Ho",10,200,"top")
function on.charIn(ch)
if cha=="a" or cha=="d" then
if cha=="a" then
if r2==1 then
if r2==0 then
if cha=="d" then
if r4==1 then
if r4==0 then
if cha=="r" then

With my current knowledge, I think a Lua version of my TI-nspire Basic Game, Jason's TI-nspire Hold'em is achievable. I just need to get working on it, persistently ;)

Thanks everyone!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 02:45:51 am by Jonius7 »
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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 02:50:13 am »
looks good. I've tried it and it runs fine. But there are some things i would change:
- make the average value round (floor or ceil whatever, but it does not now so it dissapears partly from screen because it's too long)
- why do you do "cha = ch" ? since you could just be using the ch from your argument, couldn't you?
- i would make a on.create() which contains all the r1=0, r2=2 etc so that when you press "r" you can just call on.create() and you don't have to type it twice.
- maybe make a table with those value instead of 5 different variables. Like r1 = table[1] etc. but then you have to know what value is at what place

These are just thought, it's already great as is :)

edit: and why do you do "if cha=="a" or cha=="d" then if cha=="a" then.." ? that's just twice the same statement that follows, this only takes time and space :)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 02:51:43 am by Nick »

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 02:59:18 am »
Thanks Nick! That's a great summary of things to fix.
Most of that stuff I was partly aware of already, but just hadn't put in yet.
- So how about if I wanted to display the average up to 2 decimal places? i.e. Fix2?
- cha=ch probably because I changed it from a getchar program I got from jimbauwens and just left it there
- Yes on.create() was what I was looking for thanks
- For a table is that different to a matrix/array/list?
- "if cha=="a" or cha=="d" then if cha=="a" then.." I think I did that because there is t=t+1 at the end. But it would make more sense (and save more space), to put t=t+1 inside the if cha=="a" and if cha=="d" I think then.

Thanks for the help!
I used for some help.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 06:35:10 am by Jonius7 »
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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2012, 06:04:50 am »
to mak eit only display 2 decimals after the comma, you can do math.floor(average*10)/10. I don't know if there's another way to do this, but that's my way :) And i don't think there's an easy way to make it only have to decimals at all...

and i think it's faster to put twice t = t+1 than if since if is a statement, the other one just an addition, which is faster

a table is te same as a list in lua, you don't have two dimensional things. just do e.g.
Code: [Select]
function on.create()
     vars = {0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2}

--this must in the if ch=="a" thingie

if vars[3] = 0 then
     vars[1] = vars[1]+1

this might be a bit more timeconsuming to type, but it think it's more beautiful to see, rather than 5 vars :)

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2012, 06:37:07 am »
to mak eit only display 2 decimals after the comma, you can do math.floor(average*10)/10. I don't know if there's another way to do this, but that's my way :) And i don't think there's an easy way to make it only have to decimals at all...

and i think it's faster to put twice t = t+1 than if since if is a statement, the other one just an addition, which is faster

a table is te same as a list in lua, you don't have two dimensional things. just do e.g.
Code: [Select]
function on.create()
     vars = {0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2}

--this must in the if ch=="a" thingie

if vars[3] = 0 then
     vars[1] = vars[1]+1

this might be a bit more timeconsuming to type, but it think it's more beautiful to see, rather than 5 vars :)

Thanks Nick, I shall update this if I have time.
From what I gather table is equivalent to list
and an array is equivalent to matrix
Hopefully this will just be the beginning of my Journey in Lua :D
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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2012, 07:21:01 am »
Lua doesn't have list, arrays or matrices.
The only thing similar are tables, and tables blow all of the other things away.
You can easily combine tables to get a matrix:

Code: [Select]
matrix= {

print(matrix[2][3]) -- prints 6

You can put any lua object in a table, and you can use any object as a key.
Lua tables can also be manipulated by metatables and metamethods, making them extremely cool. But that is a bit more advanced :)

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2012, 08:52:28 pm »
I redefined some variables, I think is more legible this way:

Code: [Select]
--[[Things to do:
Declare variables first within a function
Make things more fun and complex
Points System:
OLD: Atk -{1,2,3} +{4,5} Def +{1,2,3} -{4,5}
NEW: Atk -{4,5} +{4,5} Def +{1,2,3} -{1,2,3}
Any better ways? Maybe make Atk more risky, so it's less about luck]]--

chance = { [-1] = "",
            [0] = "unsuccessful . -",
            [1] = "successful . +" }

action = { nothing="", attack="Attack", defense="Defense"}

function initialize_variables()
    v = 0
    t = 0
    r1 = 0
    r2 = -1
    state = action.nothing

--function on.create()

function on.paint(gc)
    gc:drawString("[A]tk or [D]ef?    [R]eset",10,10,"top")

    if state == action.attack then
        gc:drawString("Attack was "  .. chance[r2] .. r1, 10, 50, "top")
    elseif state == action.defense then
        gc:drawString("Defense was " .. chance[r2] .. r1, 10, 50, "top")

    gc:drawString("Turn " .. t,200,10,"top")
    if v~=0 or t~=0 then
        gc:drawString("Average " .. round(v/t,2), 200, 30, "top")
    gc:drawString("Numstrat - Jason Ho",10,200,"top")

function on.charIn(ch)
    if ch=="a" then
        state = action.attack
        if r2==1 then
        else    --if r2==0 then

    elseif ch=="d" then
        state = action.defense
        if r2==1 then
        else    --if r2==0 then

    elseif ch=="r" then


function round(value, digits)
    return string.format("%." .. digits .. "f", value)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 02:22:41 pm by someone »

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2012, 07:34:18 pm »
Thanks someone, though I'm don't completely understand sections of it.
So in your version "state" plays an important part here. and I also see "chance" defined as a table?
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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2012, 02:20:22 pm »
"action" was used to classify which actions can be performed when you press a key. I'm not sure if you intend to add more command actions (like flee, heal, steal, etc.), but if you do, you can now easily add them on the table.

"state", behaves as a filter event. It keeps track of the action executed. Then you can control in your program what to do when something happened.

"chance" was created to reduce the amount of lines. Since attack & defense behave alike, you can group them. I added the blank one just in case you want to create something like a "miss" or so. This is an ordered table, so when the variable r2 = 1, chance[r2] is the same as "successful . +"

This link might be helpful for understanding more about how to use tables

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2012, 04:56:47 pm »
any easy way to rotate a table 90 degrees?

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2012, 05:58:45 pm »
any easy way to rotate a table 90 degrees?

What exactly do you mean by that?

You can transpose matrices I guess.

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2012, 06:03:29 pm »
From what I remember this was possible in TI-83+ BASIC, although it was rather slow and would only let you rotate the matrix in one direction (meanign rotating the opposite way took 3 times more time, as you had to use the transpose command 3 times), so I wouldn't be surprised if it was possible on the Nspire too.

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2012, 08:23:00 pm »
"action" was used to classify which actions can be performed when you press a key. I'm not sure if you intend to add more command actions (like flee, heal, steal, etc.), but if you do, you can now easily add them on the table.

"state", behaves as a filter event. It keeps track of the action executed. Then you can control in your program what to do when something happened.

"chance" was created to reduce the amount of lines. Since attack & defense behave alike, you can group them. I added the blank one just in case you want to create something like a "miss" or so. This is an ordered table, so when the variable r2 = 1, chance[r2] is the same as "successful . +"

This link might be helpful for understanding more about how to use tables

Thanks someone, it seems you know a great deal about Lua. Have you got or are planning any Lua projects yourself?

Also it would probably be possible to transpose matrices, you would somehow do a for .... do command to transpose x and y coordinates of each value in the matrix over to the new coordinates.
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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2012, 04:05:48 pm »
Well, I've been reading some documentation regarding LUA & Nspire LUA, so I know it more or less. I would say like at intermediate level...

As for projects, I recently remade a Nonogram program, that you can check on its topic:

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Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2012, 02:18:20 am »
I think he's talking about your own work. I know you've been doing some edits, optimizations, and remakes, but you could try making your own project.  ;)

As a suggestion, you could try making a Lua sudoku. It'd be easy enough and it'd be pretty nice.  :D