
Calculator Community => TI Calculators => Lua => Topic started by: hellninjas on June 08, 2012, 09:47:12 am

Title: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: hellninjas on June 08, 2012, 09:47:12 am
I started Lua :D and while going through a tutorial I ran into an error in my code..
Code: [Select]

    answer = "" --This is the error, i'm getting "unexpected symbol near 'char(226)" D:

    function on.charIn(char)

        answer = answer..char"line3",answer)

    -- Refresh the screen after each key is pressed.



    function on.backspaceKey()

        answer = answer:usub(0,-2)"line3",answer)


Also, how would I code in a menu that the user could select stuff by pushing the normal arrow keys?
EDIT: I am using ocLua right now, maybe I'll get notepad++ later :P
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: jwalker on June 08, 2012, 10:03:27 am
one quick question, what os version are you using?
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: hellninjas on June 08, 2012, 10:04:33 am
Already been solved, it was OS 3.1 CX, but the error was that i had (-) instead of a minus sign.
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: jwalker on June 08, 2012, 10:08:17 am
that would do it, i had just tried it and didnt get any errors
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: hellninjas on June 08, 2012, 10:09:18 am
Awesome, now for my other question, how would I code in a menu that the user could select stuff by pushing the normal arrow keys?
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: jwalker on June 08, 2012, 10:11:28 am
do you mean like create, one of the toolpallete menus that are in the calculator app, or create your own from scratch?
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: hellninjas on June 08, 2012, 10:12:31 am
My own hopefully, but the toolpallete would also be nice to learn :D
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: jwalker on June 08, 2012, 10:14:51 am
I could probably make a very simple example and post it, also go to for the toolpallete question, even though it has been updated for 3.2, not alot has changed when it comes to creating the toolpallete
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: Jim Bauwens on June 08, 2012, 10:14:56 am
The events [lua]on.arrowUp[/lua] and [lua]on.arrowDown[/lua] will be called when pressing up/down.
In this function you will need increment/decrement an variable that contains a number representing the menu item that is selected.
After setting this variable you need to run [lua]platform.window:invalidate()[/lua]. This will trigger the display to be invalidate, so [lua]on.paint[/lua] will run.
In on.paint you need to draw your menu stuff.

This sounds probably too complex for a beginner :P
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: hellninjas on June 08, 2012, 10:16:54 am
not completely Jim but im thinking I would make "function on.arrowUp" then the rest of the code and then some sort of while statement showing while the position equals a certain amount, it will display a square in that position.. or something like that :P
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: Nick on June 08, 2012, 11:38:55 am
just remember that when you want to update the screen you'l exit the while loop..

you also can't keep track of the arrowkeys while drawing.
you have to use a variable to remember the last item selected, and draw again when an arrow is pressed

(this is somehow the same as jim said, but i thought you didn't caught it well because of that while statement ;) )
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: imo_inx on June 08, 2012, 12:47:27 pm
Im currently learning LUA too! But for computers.
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: Nick on June 08, 2012, 01:03:42 pm
well, the nspire lua is quite a lot different than the pc lua, but it's nice :) you should come to our side too xp
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: jwalker on June 08, 2012, 01:58:40 pm
So here is a very very very basic type of menu. It has no sub-menus because I didnt have the time to do it today.
This should be written as a class, but since you probably dont know how to make classes, I didnt write it that way to make it less confusing.
Code: [Select]
menu = {{text = "small", selected = true, id = 1},
        {text = "larger", selected = false, id = 2},
        {text = "even larger",  selected = false, id = 3},
        {text = "sml", selected = false, id = 4}}--our menu
menuDrawn = false--menu flag

function on.paint(gc)
    gc:setFont("serif", "r",7)
    if menuDrawn then
        --dynamicly find the width
        local width = 0
        local strHld = 0
        for i = 1, table.maxn(menu) do
            strHld = gc:getStringWidth(menu[i].text)
            if strHld > width then
                width = strHld + 1
        strHld = gc:getStringHeight("Hh") --find the strings height
        local height = strHld * table.maxn(menu)--find the total height
        --fill grey rectangle
        gc:setColorRGB(175, 175, 175)
        gc:fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
        --draw black rectangle
        gc:setColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
        gc:drawRect(0, 0, width, height)
        --draw the strings
        local y = 5
        for i = 1, table.maxn(menu) do
            if menu[i].selected then --reverse video
                gc:fillRect(0, y - 6, width, strHld)
                gc:setColorRGB(255, 255, 255)
                gc:drawString(menu[i].text, 1, y, "middle")
                gc:setColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
                gc:drawString(menu[i].text, 1, y, "middle")
            gc:drawLine(0, y + 7, width, y + 7)
            y = y + strHld

function on.contextMenu() --pressed ctrl+menu
    menuDrawn = not(menuDrawn)
function on.arrowUp() --up arrow was pressed
    local fnd = findCurSelection()
    if menu[fnd].id ~= 1 then
        menu[fnd - 1].selected = true
        menu[table.maxn(menu)].selected = true
    menu[fnd].selected = false
function on.arrowDown() --down arrow was pressed
    local fnd = findCurSelection()
    if menu[fnd].id ~= table.maxn(menu) then
        menu[fnd + 1].selected = true
        menu[1].selected = true
    menu[fnd].selected = false
function on.enterKey() --enter key was pressed
    menu[findCurSelection()].text = "You pressed Enter"
function findCurSelection() --find the current selected item
    for i = 1, table.maxn(menu) do
        if menu[i].selected then
            return i

since this is a very basic outline, you could do alot with it.
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: Nick on June 08, 2012, 02:10:50 pm
that's nice jwalker, but i think it's a bit difficult, he just started...
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: jwalker on June 08, 2012, 02:16:04 pm
It is, but he can use it as a reference once he learns more about how to program.
Title: Re: Taking my hand at Lua
Post by: cyanophycean314 on June 08, 2012, 02:57:26 pm
This is basically the menu I used in my first few games. You can change it to to be more flexible, and use objects (I don't think you know that yet.)

Code: [Select]

function on.paint(gc)
if not init then
x = 25
y = 65
val = 1
gc:drawString("Option 1",40,60,"top")
gc:drawString("Option 2",40,75,"top")
gc:drawString("Option 3",40,90,"top")
gc:drawString("Option 4",40,105,"top")

function on.arrowKey(dir)
--Moves the cursor
if dir == "up" then
y = y - 15
val = val - 1
elseif dir == "down" then
y = y + 15
val = val + 1
--Wrap around
if val == 0 then
y = 110
val = 4
elseif val == 5 then
y = 65
val = 1

function on.enterKey()
if val == "whatever you want" then
elseif val == "this option" then