I believe the bug when you resize the window is now squashed.
Here is the new versions of the file,
the .lua one is for 3.1, and the .tns is for 3.2.
This does not require the libs.
Also, does everyone think that the size of the text needs to be bigger, if so tell me.
The only reason I havent made it larger yet is because of space problems that I think exist.
Also if you do run the script there is a little utillity that tells you how much memory is being used by lua.
window = --dont need
form = x, y, width, height, fullscreen, title, titlecolor, bordercolor, isdrawn, contextmenu, cmtable, hassb, hasicon, iconimg, draggable
dialog = x, y, text, title, backcolor, titlecolor, bodytextcolor, isdrawn
button = text, x, y, action, txtcolor, bgcolor, parent
lable = x, y, text, txtsize, color, parent
textbox = x, y, width, text, textcolor, tbcolor, parent, selected
radioButton = text, x, y, marked, backcolor, markcolor, txtcolor, parent
contextm = --dont need
checkbox = x, y, text, checked, backcolor, checkcolor, textcolor, parent
pb = x, y, width, height, labeltbl, picturetable, txtcolor, index, lablename, parent, selected
NumericUD = x, y, num, linecolor, maxnum, minnumber, textcolor, pmbcolor, parent, selected
tabcontrol = x, y, width, height, tabtable, parent
listbox = x, y, tabval, selected, scrollbars, parent
toggle = x, y, state, parent
inputDialog = x, y, text, title, backcolor, titlecolor, bodytextcolor, isdrawn, btnAction
cant use: scrollbar, progressbar, statusbar
If there are any questions, please ask!