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If we update to the next release of Lua, will we have to update the OS? I'm still running 3.0.1.
Will Ndless still be compatible if we have to update the OS? Even though I love programming Lua, I'm not willing to give up the chance for a GBC emulator, inter alia.
cmtable = {text= {"File", "Save", "Add"}, actions = {File, Save, Add}} frm1 = form(1, 1, 300, 200, false, "Title", color.white,color.Bdark, true, true, cmtable, true) button1 = button("button", 2, 12, ck, color.black, color.Bcontrol, false, frm1, false) dialog1 = dialog( 50, 50, "text", "title", color.black, color.white, true, frm1, true)