Author Topic: Math Community Quiz/Game  (Read 2469 times)

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Math Community Quiz/Game
« on: April 13, 2012, 04:42:24 am »
I thought I might as well revive this thread as I know there are plenty of math people on here.

The Rules:

1) A asks a question, the rest will try to answer.
2) A must confirm which answer is correct.
3) Person (say B) with confirmed correct answer then asks the next question.
4) A can't win right after B
5) Repeat.
6) If person asking question doesn't login to confirm answers within 96 hrs of his question being posted, any one can ask a new question.
7) If no one can answer question within 96 hrs or can't get the right one, questioner can ask again.
8) Use personal knowledge to answer questions don't use the internet or teachers
9) If answer has been confirmed and the new questioner hasn't set a question in 96 hours, anyone can ask the new question.
10) You can ask questions on any aspect of mathematics
11)Calculators are allowed and encouraged :D

Lets start with an easy(kind of) one:
Show a proof that the NOR operator, variables, and parentheses can be used to construct any valid statement in sentential logic.
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