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I'm trying to immediately show people how you can apply it to real life. I believe that is a wonderful way to show real life scenarios. If you want to look at it I will temporarily post a copy of my nearly completed first chapter. I am just working on examples and checking for errors. here and PM you the password to it. You will need Microsoft Office 2010 to open it though.
for x in range(-100000,100000): if 2x != 3x-x: print "ERROR"
>>> def proofTeory(): for x in range(-100000,100000): if 2*x != 3*x-x: print "ERROR" >>> proofTeory()>>> #Nothing Happened>>>
I need to be able to prove it for all numbers even if I prove it for the first trillion there are still an infinite more. Is there any way you could prove this in a different way?