First, I apologize sincerly about the lack of progress on the project. But when I started it nearly a year ago, I think, I'd much more free time to spend on the project, but now this free time is very very narrow mainly because of school work (unfortunatly, but that's the french system... work, work and work ^^). And there is another point : I was recently gifted a Ti-nSpire CX CAS so it mainly replaced my Ti-84+ in many tasks (and alsi for gaming), and that's why I've even less time to code MCM.
Because of many OS instabilities on the 84+ due to my ASM/Axe experiment (I was very good at... crashing it ^^ at the beginning) some of my save packages where corrupted so I can't provide the very latest sources I made but I can provide to anyone who want to lead the project to the end the sources of the program !
What it remains to do :
- hatches opening/closing animation and collision depending on their status (opened/closed)
- samus running and walking animation
- finish the menu,
- map handler that use appVars to store the map and map editor to make it. some parts like bosses need to be hardcoded though
- ennemy moves IA depending on their types (flying, creeping, stuck around the walls)
- item list (weapons and missiles refills needs to be placed on map and some containers still havn't been coded yet),
- maybe some animations for some key events (boss awakening for instance)
that's it !
If no one can take the project, i'll continue to work (but very rarely) during the time school work and personnal stuff would leave to me, and maybe I will be able to find enough time to finish it, who knows ^^ Else I'll release the sources !
So, if someone likes metroid, and wants to work for this one, that's the moment !