Author Topic: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft  (Read 31851 times)

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2013, 01:03:19 pm »
I am excited for 0x10c!

Oh and btw, modding minecraft would be MUCH harder in C++. Either on the community or on the mojang devs. Right now, minecraft is broken up into a series of classes inside the jar. Because of this, you can simply swap some out with new ones. If it was in C++, it would be one big block of code, with no such ability. Modding it directly would be nearly impossible, so the mojang devs would have to build in a new system like the Elder Scrolls games use, where you have an external set of files it can load in and integrate with the game. VERY COMPLICATED.

Either that or they release the source, which they don't look like they plan on doing for a long, long time.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 01:06:15 pm by willrandship »

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #61 on: June 29, 2013, 01:34:23 am »
On the Cemetech server, Fluf8x (my brother) and I (Fluffy8x) built this stadium.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #62 on: June 29, 2013, 09:22:47 am »
That looks pretty awesome. :D

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #63 on: June 29, 2013, 09:26:46 am »
Look like the back of a ship >.<

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #64 on: June 29, 2013, 02:16:04 pm »
I am excited for 0x10c!

Oh and btw, modding minecraft would be MUCH harder in C++. Either on the community or on the mojang devs. Right now, minecraft is broken up into a series of classes inside the jar. Because of this, you can simply swap some out with new ones. If it was in C++, it would be one big block of code, with no such ability. Modding it directly would be nearly impossible, so the mojang devs would have to build in a new system like the Elder Scrolls games use, where you have an external set of files it can load in and integrate with the game. VERY COMPLICATED.

Either that or they release the source, which they don't look like they plan on doing for a long, long time.

Actually, in C++ you CAN actually organize the classes into separate files that can be switched in and out. You just have to set up your code to function with that properly :). They would have to change a lot of their code, but if they did what I just mentioned, they would keep the "classes having files" structure of the game. and would make modding the game almost as easy as Java. The game would not have to be "one big block of code" if they did this. But it isn't commonly done in C++, and would take a little extra time. Since Mojang seems to be very lazy (Most of the time), they probably "wouldn't find it feasible" and just stick with Java anyway. :/

Which kinda sucks because I think the game would be soooo much better in C++. :/

Oh, and I'm also excited for 0x10c :D, but I think I already said that...

On the Cemetech server, Fluf8x (my brother) and I (Fluffy8x) built this stadium.

I like it :D!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 02:18:45 pm by XiiR3CR34T10N »

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #65 on: June 29, 2013, 02:41:27 pm »
Plus in C++ modders would actually need to cross compile so that every player can use their stuff (unless Minecraft becomes Windoze only and UNIX users play with Wine). That's a bummer.

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #66 on: June 29, 2013, 04:09:39 pm »
I just built that with a friend. TNT is a fun building material. :P The hole in the middle actually goes down to bedrock.

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #67 on: June 29, 2013, 04:31:02 pm »
I am excited for 0x10c!

Oh and btw, modding minecraft would be MUCH harder in C++. Either on the community or on the mojang devs. Right now, minecraft is broken up into a series of classes inside the jar. Because of this, you can simply swap some out with new ones. If it was in C++, it would be one big block of code, with no such ability. Modding it directly would be nearly impossible, so the mojang devs would have to build in a new system like the Elder Scrolls games use, where you have an external set of files it can load in and integrate with the game. VERY COMPLICATED.

Either that or they release the source, which they don't look like they plan on doing for a long, long time.
I once heard that Notch was planning to release the source code of Minecraft as soon as the sales start to die out. But I don't know for sure if this is true, especially now that Notch isn't working on Minecraft anymore.

But the Minecraft devs are planning a modding api which should make modding easier, but it has been delayed a lot, so if it will once get completed, we would still have to wait a lot for it.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 04:32:24 pm by ben_g »
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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #68 on: June 29, 2013, 04:39:23 pm »
But the Minecraft devs are planning a modding api which should make modding easier, but it has been delayed a lot, so if it will once get completed, we would still have to wait a lot for it.
Forge is largely cutting it for now at least. :D

Offline willrandship

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #69 on: June 30, 2013, 06:38:57 pm »
I'm fairly sure they decided to just stick with the MCP and Bukkit. The devs of those projects get releases early, and they release simultaneously with minecraft updates.

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #70 on: June 30, 2013, 06:48:04 pm »
@Blue_Bear_94 that stadium looks nice :D

I just built that with a friend. TNT is a fun building material. :P The hole in the middle actually goes down to bedrock.
TNT is useful to melt down computers as well :P
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 06:48:39 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #71 on: June 30, 2013, 06:57:57 pm »
Thanks! By the way, the stone thing with the blue symbol on it is stone brick, the thing to the right made of the stone with an orange symbol (cobblestone) is an semi-automatic wheat, carrot, and potato farm, and the structure resembling a cauldron at a distance is my house.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
If you want to implore me to come back, or otherwise contact me, I can be found on GitHub (bluebear94), Twitter (@melranosF_), Reddit (/u/Fluffy8x), or e-mail (if you know my address). As a last resort, send me a PM on Cemetech (bluebear94) or join Touhou Prono (don't be fooled by the name). I've also enabled notifications for PMs on Omnimaga, but I don't advise using that since I might be banned.
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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #72 on: June 30, 2013, 07:00:36 pm »
the stone thing with the blue symbol on it is stone brick, the thing to the right made of the stone with an orange symbol (cobblestone)
I already thought it was diamond ore and iron ore
My projects
 - The Lost Survivors (Unreal Engine) ACTIVE [GameCommandoSquad main project]
 - Oxo, with single-calc multiplayer and AI (axe) RELEASED (screenshot) (topic)
 - An android version of oxo (java)  ACTIVE
 - A 3D collision detection library (axe) RELEASED! (topic)(screenshot)(more recent screenshot)(screenshot of it being used in a tilemapper)
Spoiler For inactive:
- A first person shooter with a polygon-based 3d engine. (z80, will probably be recoded in axe using GLib) ON HOLD (screenshot)
 - A java MORPG. (pc) DEEP COMA(read more)(screenshot)
 - a minecraft game in axe DEAD (source code available)
 - a 3D racing game (axe) ON HOLD (outdated screenshot of asm version)

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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #73 on: June 30, 2013, 07:05:30 pm »
I already thought it was diamond ore and iron ore
Diamond ore used a different symbol, and iron ore had a pink symbol.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
If you want to implore me to come back, or otherwise contact me, I can be found on GitHub (bluebear94), Twitter (@melranosF_), Reddit (/u/Fluffy8x), or e-mail (if you know my address). As a last resort, send me a PM on Cemetech (bluebear94) or join Touhou Prono (don't be fooled by the name). I've also enabled notifications for PMs on Omnimaga, but I don't advise using that since I might be banned.
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Re: Epic Things you Built in Minecraft
« Reply #74 on: July 01, 2013, 04:54:08 am »
Ha, that looks funny streetwalker, and yeah, i can imagine TNT being fun :)

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