Author Topic: Minecraft Recruiting  (Read 26349 times)

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2014, 02:53:52 pm »
On another note, nothing related to Minecraft should really fit in Omnimaga either. It's a distraction from programming calculators and most other activities, and some users can't control their playing.
Anything fits in any forum if there is an appropriate subforum.
Moreover, sorry for clichés, but coders are usually geeks and geeks are usually gamers so it is not surprising to have people here who play games and want to share their experiences with others.
True, but games take time from coding.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2014, 02:54:54 pm »
Unfortunately, Omnimaga is not very strictly devoted to calculators. In fact, it is less so than other sites. We do computer programming and music among other things. Primarily, we make and play games and those games have inspired a number of programs.

Offline blue_bear_94

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2014, 02:55:55 pm »
Unfortunately, Omnimaga is not very strictly devoted to calculators. In fact, it is less so than other sites. We do computer programming and music among other things. Primarily, we make and play games and those games have inspired a number of programs.

Yeah, so programming in general.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
If you want to implore me to come back, or otherwise contact me, I can be found on GitHub (bluebear94), Twitter (@melranosF_), Reddit (/u/Fluffy8x), or e-mail (if you know my address). As a last resort, send me a PM on Cemetech (bluebear94) or join Touhou Prono (don't be fooled by the name). I've also enabled notifications for PMs on Omnimaga, but I don't advise using that since I might be banned.
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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2014, 02:56:12 pm »
I see it that Omnimaga is a dynamic community, it just happens to be that the main focus currentley is on calculators, but that doesn't mean that anything else would be diss-allowed.

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Offline blue_bear_94

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2014, 02:57:00 pm »
I see it that Omnimaga is a dynamic community, it just happens to be that the main focus currentley is on calculators, but that doesn't mean that anything else would be diss-allowed.

Doesn't mean everything else would be allowed either.
But this detracts from the main focus.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
If you want to implore me to come back, or otherwise contact me, I can be found on GitHub (bluebear94), Twitter (@melranosF_), Reddit (/u/Fluffy8x), or e-mail (if you know my address). As a last resort, send me a PM on Cemetech (bluebear94) or join Touhou Prono (don't be fooled by the name). I've also enabled notifications for PMs on Omnimaga, but I don't advise using that since I might be banned.
Elvyna (Sunrise) 4 5%
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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2014, 02:59:53 pm »
I think what Sorunome is trying to say is that omnimaga isnt simply a coding community and that there is no "main focus". I dont see how minecraft is at all off topic here. If you think it is, maybe you havent noticed that probably close to 50% of the threads here are not coding related at all.

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2014, 03:00:01 pm »
I see it that Omnimaga is a dynamic community, it just happens to be that the main focus currentley is on calculators, but that doesn't mean that anything else would be diss-allowed.

Doesn't mean everything else would be allowed either.
But this detracts from the main focus.
Hey guess what. I'm an admin, and the admins have said that this is allowed. You've also been rude to people for quite long enough. Enjoy a temp ban.

Offline blue_bear_94

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2014, 03:00:20 pm »
I see it that Omnimaga is a dynamic community, it just happens to be that the main focus currentley is on calculators, but that doesn't mean that anything else would be diss-allowed.

Doesn't mean everything else would be allowed either.
But this detracts from the main focus.
Hey guess what. I'm an admin, and the admins have said that this is allowed. You've also been rude to people for quite long enough. Enjoy a temp ban.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
If you want to implore me to come back, or otherwise contact me, I can be found on GitHub (bluebear94), Twitter (@melranosF_), Reddit (/u/Fluffy8x), or e-mail (if you know my address). As a last resort, send me a PM on Cemetech (bluebear94) or join Touhou Prono (don't be fooled by the name). I've also enabled notifications for PMs on Omnimaga, but I don't advise using that since I might be banned.
Elvyna (Sunrise) 4 5%
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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2014, 03:01:44 pm »
I recall the days where there were just as many music posts as code posts. One of the reasons I loved Omnimaga was the community and its acceptance of people who all shared a common themes. Calculators, gaming, computers, music. Either way I would appreciate this topic to travel more in the direction of being relevant to its topic. If you have questions about the server, minecraft, or just want to say hello to me (I'd love to catch up with a few of you) then this is the spot to do so.

blue_bear_94: I apologize for any disturbance this topic causes for you as you code.
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Offline Eeems

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2014, 03:07:45 pm »
blue_bear_94: I apologize for any disturbance this topic causes for you as you code.
Don't apologize to him, he should be apologizing to you. He has been quite rude to everyone in this topic.
I recall the days where there were just as many music posts as code posts. One of the reasons I loved Omnimaga was the community and its acceptance of people who all shared a common themes. Calculators, gaming, computers, music. Either way I would appreciate this topic to travel more in the direction of being relevant to its topic. If you have questions about the server, minecraft, or just want to say hello to me (I'd love to catch up with a few of you) then this is the spot to do so.
Omnimaga is suppose to be a safe place for people to learn with each other. It doesn't have to be programming, it can be music or playing games. I'm going to have to update our mission statement when we do the 2.x upgrade to the forum.

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2014, 03:37:06 pm »
++Eeems, totally agree.

And no worries Saintrunner. You have been completely fine and it's wonderful to see old members returning. :D I've never played minecraft before, but I've heard quite a lot about it. Maybe this will be my chance to finally give it a try. :)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 03:37:19 pm by Art_of_camelot »

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2014, 04:25:16 pm »
++Eeems, totally agree.

And no worries Saintrunner. You have been completely fine and it's wonderful to see old members returning. :D I've never played minecraft before, but I've heard quite a lot about it. Maybe this will be my chance to finally give it a try. :)

Love to have you :)
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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2014, 05:44:57 pm »
I see it that Omnimaga is a dynamic community, it just happens to be that the main focus currentley is on calculators, but that doesn't mean that anything else would be diss-allowed.

Doesn't mean everything else would be allowed either.
But this detracts from the main focus.

The Minecraft sub-forum is here for a reason :P. Kinda like how Cemetech has plenty of hardware/computer stuff to keep the older users around for longer. It's not like the Omnimaga admins will delete the Minecraft sub-forums (and perhaps every other non-calc sub-forum just to please one person and anger many others)

I recall the days where there were just as many music posts as code posts.
Fun fact: during Summer 2008, Omnimaga almost became entirely a music creation website. That was until Netham and Necro started begging non-stop for a revival of the TI/Computer programming team.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 05:59:27 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2014, 06:14:30 pm »
It really has been AGES since I've been here...  saintrunner told me he posted here, and I was like "Hey!  I haven't been there in a long time!  Need to go check in!"

So here I am checking in and saying hello, to everyone.  Woot woot!   ;D

Yep.  I've funded the server for quite awhile, and saint just started helping me out a bit.  Since there is a small lack in people, I have just been expanding spawn...
and expanding spawn...
and expanding spawn...
Yup.  Good stuff!

Hope to see y'all there!


(BTW, you can code for Minecraft...  it's called modding.  :thumbsup:)
Look me up on iTunes!  =D

Offline dreamdragon

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Re: Minecraft Recruiting
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2014, 06:23:55 pm »
It really has been AGES since I've been here...  saintrunner told me he posted here, and I was like "Hey!  I haven't been there in a long time!  Need to go check in!"

So here I am checking in and saying hello, to everyone.  Woot woot!   ;D

Yep.  I've funded the server for quite awhile, and saint just started helping me out a bit.  Since there is a small lack in people, I have just been expanding spawn...
and expanding spawn...
and expanding spawn...
Yup.  Good stuff!

Hope to see y'all there!


(BTW, you can code for Minecraft...  it's called modding.  ;D)

thank you for coming back to us.
for your effort in finding your forgotten password (only get this if u did) i award thee: