Dear Omnimaga and especially former TIMGUL members,
I would just like to remind of some guidelines about music showcase on the Omnimaga website. Although this is not a problem for the average Omnimaga members and that the team is generally lax about the music section, TIMGUL had no actual written rules for uploading songs as long as they were uploaded in the right category.
1) On TIMGUL, the file upload limit was 8 MB. On Omnimaga it's 1, due to extreme disk space constraints and due to the large amount of files getting uploaded elsewhere on the site already. Youtube, Bandcamp, Mediafire and Soundcloud are recommended for hosting many songs.
2) On TIMGUL, you could upload remixes of copyrighted songs as you see fit. On Omnimaga, any remix, mashup or mix that contains copyrighted material, such as vocals or samples, must be uploaded externally (such as the 3 hosting sites mentionned above). This is to avoid DMCA, cease and desist letters and site takedowns, since the site has higher Google rankings and that stuff could be found easier by labels.
3) Also, on TIMGUL, most members ranged from 25 to 40 years old, so it was more lax regarding NSFW content. However, most Omnimaga users are under 18 and under strict (sometimes dictatorial at the limit of legality) supervision from their parents. Profanity is allowed outside topic titles, but we might want to avoid stuff like
this here.
4) To upload in the other Omnimaga music download section reserved for members, you need staff permission and I believe it's reserved for people who either has colored nicknames or have at least 1000 or 2000 posts. Other stuff goes in here.
Of course things are generally lax around here if people remain nice and constructive, but I'm just making sure no confusion happens

. Sorry if this causes any inconveniences by the way.