Author Topic: Not a Number: Phoenix 2.0: Reincarnation  (Read 2093 times)

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Not a Number: Phoenix 2.0: Reincarnation
« on: February 23, 2013, 10:40:08 am »
Title:Phoenix 2.0: Reincarnation

I know what you're thinking: "Eleven minutes? aintnobodygottimeforthat.gif". Don't click that back button so quickly.
This track is a remake/remix/rearrangement of my 2009 song, "Phoenix", which was a 3-(or 5-)part song that tried to be Dream Theater/Helloween/dance music. As much as I still like the original, I had no idea how to properly mix back then, making the song far too loud in places. Of course, since Circle Mix β is a 130BPM-orientated album, this new version is much slower than the original (which was around 150-170BPM). But despite being slower, this is actually a little shorter than the original (which clocks in at almost 12 minutes).

And yes, for the second time ever, this is yet another attempt at making dubstep in Music 2000. It's pretty tricky finding the right samples (since Music 2000 doesn't have any actual synthesisers with LFOs), but I think the ones I chose do the job pretty well. I don't think I'll be making a full dubstep song in Music 2000 though; I just can't seem to get a dubstep song to last that long.

But enough natter; YouTube:

Download link:

Original "Phoenix" 2009:
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 11:18:42 am by Not a Number »